Hey, Seniors and Elders, when did taking the Lord’s name in vain become popular?

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When did taking the lords name in vain get popular in pop culture and in general day to day life.
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Right around the time being rude and disrespectful to seniors and elders came about!😉

That’s the programme I remember hearing ‘Oh My G…’ all the time
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I think the OP means that seniors would know the origin because they go back further in time regarding pop culture. At least that’s my take.

To the OP: I do NOT know. However, I believe taking G-d’s name in vain is more serious than just saying “Oh, my G-d!” Rather, it is using the name of G-d when committing unjust or immoral acts, such as murder.
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God went to the trouble of telling Moses about it, I imagine by the time the Israelites got to the promised land all of the commandments, including that one had been broken, and I believe that is the true answer, all jokes aside.

I imagine anyone alive right now would say they heard when they were small. I guess, there are pockets of people who will not tolerate it, and I will say this, thanks to TV especially HBO and Netflix movies, the youth have gotten the idea that taking the Lords name in vain is part of normal vernacular.
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I am definitely NOT senior, so I’m not sure I’m qualified to comment… but I remember back in college reading plays from the Golden Age of Spain (1500’s?) and I seem to remember they were constantly taking our Lady’s name in vain. I imagine it’s been around for a long time. It would be interesting to know when it was normalized in the USA, though. With this country’s Puritan roots I expect it took awhile to catch on…
When did taking the lords name in vain get popular in pop culture and in general day to day life.
You’re asking two questions in one. In everyday life – that is, in private conversation – it’s never been away. But in pop culture – on the stage, in Hollywood movies, in the lyrics of pop songs, in the entertainment industry as a whole – I’d say in was in the sixties and seventies.

The Broadway production of Oh Calcutta! was seen as a turning point in the relaxation of the rules against obscenity, and in parallel with that, the rules against blasphemy began to be seen as outdated at around the same time.

Oh! Calcutta! - Wikipedia!
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My guess is that it’s been a continuing problem back to the Old Testament era, or we wouldn’t have a commandment about it.

In the US, Mark Twain had it in his books published in the 1880s, although just sparingly as he edited most of it out. His stories were set 40 years in the past so presumably people took the Lord’s name in vain in the 1840s too.

Betty MacDonald’s bestseller “The Egg and I” published in 1945 (later made into a hit movie though greatly toned down from the book) has a major character who constantly takes the Lord’s name in vain through the whole book. The character is based on one of her real neighbors in the Pacific Northwest in the 1920s.

It’s nothing new.
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popular in pop culture
In the early eighties. Out of California. Valley speak, “Valley Girl”.

Is it like, because I, like, say like, ‘like’, so much?

Like, yeah totally, OMG, like don’t you know?
I agree with one of the replies (above) especially that this problem goes way back to Moses’ time.

The m /re subtle problem is sinning this way in our thoughts – inasmuch as we can sin with our thoughts, too

I have heard much more profane utterences using the name of Jesus.

The related problem has to do with profane use of symbols like the crucifix.
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I’m not a senior citizen, but it’s creeping into children’s programming.

The tween/teen characters in iCarly on Nickelodeon used to do it all the time and that was in the early 2010s.
Shakespeare, which was popular culture in the 16th/17th centuries, used words and phrases such as “by the rood”, “by the Mass”, “zounds”, “'slight”, “'sblood”.
I could be wrong, but i get the feeling it’s Anglo culture that is so sensitive to this. Using God’s name in vain is definitely a sin… but what constitutes it? I was raised evangelical protestant. I was taught that even saying “oh my gosh” was sinful.

My Latina wife absolutely, completely disagrees that “Dios Mio!”, as an expression, is using God’s name in vain. It’s something you hear about once every 30 seconds in Latin American culture.
My Latina wife absolutely, completely disagrees that “Dios Mio!”, as an expression, is using God’s name in vain. It’s something you hear about once every 30 seconds in Latin American culture.
We hear “Oh my God” or “Jesus” or “Oh, God” about every 30 seconds in US “Anglo” culture too. (I didn’t grow up in an evangelical area.) Hearing it constantly doesn’t make it okay.

Your wife may see the use of the term as a prayer or invocation if she is devout. I can definitely see it as an invocation if motivated by something major - for instance you see some disaster approaching or you see someone have a bad accident right in front of you and you say “Oh my God”. I’m pretty sure I said “Oh my God” a few weeks ago when I was parked at a stop light and a three-car pileup suddenly happened directly in front of me. I meant it as a prayer because I was just shocked.

Alternatively she may just want to excuse the behavior of all her friends and family throwing the Lord’s name around.
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I’m not a senior, but many middle aged people use the phrase, and I’m pretty sure that in some books like Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, exclamations like “Oh, L*rd” are quite common, even though it is based on the author’s own experiences of growing up in deeply Protestant 1930s Alabama.

When did taking the lords name in vain get popular in pop culture and in general day to day life.
You’re asking two questions in one. In everyday life – that is, in private conversation – it’s never been away. But in pop culture – on the stage, in Hollywood movies, in the lyrics of pop songs, in the entertainment industry as a whole – I’d say in was in the sixties and seventies.

The Broadway production of Oh Calcutta! was seen as a turning point in the relaxation of the rules against obscenity, and in parallel with that, the rules against blasphemy began to be seen as outdated at around the same time.

Oh! Calcutta! - Wikipedia!
You might not realise it but the title is itself a play on a crudity: Oh, quel cul t’as! (Oh, what a **** you have).
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Also Chaucer, I think, though it’s been a long time … The Miller’s Tale might be the place to start looking.
My Latina wife absolutely, completely disagrees that “Dios Mio!”, as an expression, is using God’s name in vain. It’s something you hear about once every 30 seconds in Latin American culture.
In Brazil, sometimes said to be the world’s largest Catholic country, if you watch a movie with Portuguese subtitles, the standard translation for any exclamation of surprise is “Nossa!” (literally “Our!”), a shortened form of “Nossa Senhora!” (“Our Lady!”).
I can tell you how it was in my home when I was growing up in the 1960s and '70s. My dad was in construction, and cursing and swearing was common on the job, as it was when he was in the army after WWII. Mom forbid that kind of language in the house, and dad respected that for the most part, only occasionally swearing in anger. Then when cable TV came in the 1980s, with the relaxed FCC restrictions, my mom seemed to get desensitized, hearing it all the time. She still would never take the Lord’s name in vain, but it doesn’t seem to bother her like it used to when she hears it now.
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Taking the name of God, in one form or another, in vain goes back to biblical days. However, “As goes the Catholic Church, so goes the world,” is true in many aspects of society.

When the Catholic powers that be decided to no longer require females to wear a head-covering, and that neither a banned books list, nor a banned movies list, was to be maintained, niceties that were marks of class and polite society gradually fell by the wayside, no longer important.

Book publishers and movie producers no longer felt the need to self monitor their products. Standards were initially lowered, but, for all practical purposes, they’ve now disappeared.

In the 40s and 50s, even the most scurrilous characters who let loose with a string of obscenities immediately apologized with, “Excuse my language.” People now appear to be oblivious to the fact that obscenities exist. Whereas the blasphemist was once the odd man out, after the Church omitted standards, the scales tipped and now the person uncomfortable with obscenities is not just odd man out, but cramping the style of the blasphemers.

After Mass, or Protestant church services, head-coverings were worn out to dinner and most ladies (wearing a hat seemed to make one a lady) continued wearing their hats to exposing themselves to embarrassing hathead scrutiny. Large department stores catered to the hat and gloves crowd with charming tea rooms and decadent pastries, thereby creating a market for hat shops and clothing boutiques that extended across the female spectrum, whether church-going ladies or not.

Before television forever altered family profiles, visiting with friends and family was a part of life. Now? Sharing meals with a pitch-in dinner or with revolving hostesses so that the economic cost of socializing was equally shouldered was a weekly event. Now? There were card clubs (Canasta, Pinochle, Bridge, Poker), Bingo parties, Bunco parties, quilting clubs, candy-making sessions for the holidays, and progressive dinners. Now?

When opportunities decrease to the point of only rare special occasions for dressing “up”—for putting on our best clothes and manners—there is no line of standard between what is polite society and what is “let it all hang out.” With no standards, people have no compunction against saying whatever flits through their heads, so long as they’re able to express what they want to say, and to heck with others!

Yes, definitely! “As goes the Catholic Church, so goes the world!”
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