Hey, Seniors and Elders, when did taking the Lord’s name in vain become popular?

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When did taking the lords name in vain get popular in pop culture and in general day to day life.
You are absolutely correct that what was once largely taboo has now become the norm.

When I was a child in the 60’s nobody on television said “God” or “Jesus” disrespectfully, nor did they in everyday life, except among the minority of people who did so quite deliberately and consciously. It was a mark of one’s objection to religion. (such can be said for some of the references in this thread to earlier serious literature, such as Twain and Chaucer).

I heard “God” from a few kids at school, in the same way one can pick up other bad habits from school. I used it at home (~1971) and was firmly told off.

I started to come into Australian TV in 1970s, but only in the mouth of “colourful” characters. It was almost like they were testing the water. It went down well, so became more common place. Now it’s ubiquitious on TV. I would put 1990-2000 as the period where it became common to take the Lord’s name “in vain”, and post 1910 that it became common to use it blasphemously. I once argued with an Anglican pastor who accepted blasphemous use from others in his threads. He rejected my point that this language should simply be banned in Christian conversation.

That’s the programme I remember hearing ‘Oh My G…’ all the time
I remember that very well. I think that was a turning point, when everyone decided “Oh, my G…” was a cool way to express oneself.
You’re asking two questions in one. In everyday life – that is, in private conversation – it’s never been away. But in pop culture – on the stage, in Hollywood movies, in the lyrics of pop songs, in the entertainment industry as a whole – I’d say in was in the sixties and seventies.
Good points, but I don’t recall it at all in TV on 60’s, so I’d say it was that was 70’s. Certainly the 60’s saw the exploston of the sexual revolution, and the emergence of sexual obscenities as everyday words (with a hint of “look at me”). Probably fringe culture was adopting O_G as well, but I don’t recall it creeping into everyday life.

You may be right though - and it goes back to the 1960’s, in everyday life, and movies. TV took a while to catch up.
[In the early eighties. Out of California. Valley speak, “Valley Girl”.

Is it like, because I, like, say like, ‘like’, so much?

Like, yeah totally, OMG, like don’t you know?
A good citation for the 80’s, for TV
Then when cable TV came in the 1980s, with the relaxed FCC restrictions, my mom seemed to get desensitized, hearing it all the time.
Another one for the 80’s.

So it seems it was commonplace in the 80’s, to be ratcheted up in Friends, 1990s. The important thing about Friends is that it was hugely popular and youth took the show as particularly worthy of imitation.
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it’s creeping into children’s programming. The tween/teen characters in iCarly on Nickelodeon used to do it all the time and that was in the early 2010s.
Oh, dear. So that’s my timeline for 2010’s as when it became ubiquitious in pop culture and everyday life, and also the start of blasphemous use as acceptable.

Surely the internet and web forums (post 2005 for kids), were a big factor, as people grabbed for cheap and easy way’s to express themselves and be “amusing”.
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the scales tipped and now the person uncomfortable with obscenities is not just odd man out, but cramping the style of the blasphemers.
Thank you Minks

I have asked colleagues to not say o m G…

I get looks and exclamation of astonishment.

There are however some unexpected conversations. One colleague said, but oh well there are lots of gods.
There is only one God, I said.
In your world, she said.
There is only one God, I said.
She had no more reply. We parted amicably.

It made me feel better about the cowardly days I have had
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It seems to be part of the hate speech, disrespect, and anger that is part of the culture we live in today.
The Lord’s name is holy and should never be used in a profane way.
May we all try to work for peace and to pray for deliverance.
There were plenty of popular songs on the radio in the 60s and 70s that contained the words “Lord”, “God” and “Jesus” taken in vain.

In the musical “1776” there is a running joke about a character who takes Jesus’ name in vain through the whole musical. The TV version of this contained the “Jesus” lines and ran on network TV in 1976 and has been in reruns forever.
We can blame much of that on social media and addiction to electronic machines which keep us away from personal, one-on-one contact and interaction with people in the flesh, including, regrettably, our loved ones. It’s more convenient just to text someone in an impersonal way than pick up the phone and call them directly, or set a time to go visit them in person. We’ve gotten away from the niceties of real live social interactions, and it’s making for much loneliness in a very profane world.
I’m in my thirties, but even when I was younger I don’t remember people saying that as much as they do now. I do think saying OMG is serious, I’m not sure why people don’t consider that using the Lord’s name in vain, because it is (at least according to Patrick Madrid). I know some people do it out of habit, but you have to learn the habit somewhere
You are correct, 2148 of the catechism, however it also includes using Gods name casually from a Catholic viewpoint, 2143-2150 go into more detail.

Personally I’ve never said any of them. I get a physical pang in my stomach every time I hear the usual two common ones. Oh my God or My God aren’t those to which I’m referring.

However to throw thought (kindling) into the fire. Is Gods name God or something else? Really directed at everyone else to ponder.

Peace and God Bless
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Probably more the 70’s onward in pop culture. Probably the 80’s on tv and movies. I don’t remember really hearing it a lot in the 60’s.

Peace and God Bless
Just an additional thought there is one that the internet is inherently to blame and responsible for, used every day and pretty sure everyone knows to what I’m referring. Young people use like they don’t have an original thought; it annoys me no end.

Peace and God Bless
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Probably more the 70’s onward in pop culture. Probably the 80’s on tv and movies. I don’t remember really hearing it a lot in the 60’s.
In a nutshell, that’s what I was also my recollection (post #21), especially wrt the 60’s. I think it came in movies earlier than TV, particularly the more adult oriented ones. Movies seem to accommodate a much broader range of values than TV, but when TV buckles, you know the cause is lost.
Just an additional thought there is one that the internet is inherently to blame and responsible for, used every day and pretty sure everyone knows to what I’m referring. Young people use like they don’t have an original thought; it annoys me no end.
I noted the same (post #22), and timed that to the widespread use of the internet, “chat” and forums by kids, approx 2005.
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I went to a swing dance event this weekend, and on the last song (performed live by a band) before I had to leave to make the hour and a half drive home, the word G----- d*mn was used a couple of times. 😦
the youth have gotten the idea that taking the Lords name in vain is part of normal vernacular.
The young people I know don’t say it. They don’t say cuss words very often either. However, they get very embarrassed when the adults in their lives do curse and cuss in public (especially at teachers, school staff, sales clerks, cashiers, paramedics, doctors, nurses, etc.)

Saying eff about Trump or the police is about the only time youth in my circles deem bad language acceptable. Oh, and Mitch O’Connell (the one called “Turtle”) and lousy drivers. Hilary gets called the “c” word at times, too.

Oh, the times they are a-changin’
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