Hey~~ You Women Unequally Yoked---Please Respond~~

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He is so logical and loves history, I know if he ever studied the Catholic faith his eyes and heart would be opened.
My hubby is the same! Everything I’ve ever showed him to read–he always says Wow right on–yet he would never seek it out on his own. Maybe we’re placed in their life to lead them~ what do you think? We can just attempt to share little bits and pieces here and there–things to read–shows to watch on EWTN and pray the Lord and The Holy Spirit --will ultimately lead them.

God Bless~~
I am in the same situation as you. My husband sounds just like your husband!! I pray for him and I have others pray for him. Never underestimate the power of prayer!! Another good way of helping your husband is to act in a Christ-like manner at all times. This is not an easy task, but is more effective than preaching to him. He will see by your actions and example how happy and fulfilling it is to be Christian. I also listen to Catholic radio in the kitchen when I am making dinner. I’ve found that sometimes my husband will pick up on what is being said on the radio and sometimes respond to it in a positive manner. Leave Catholic literature in the bathroom. I know this sounds weird, but if your husband is a bathroom reader, he may glance at these books from time to time. These are some indirect ways of incorporating the faith to your family without preaching (people hate being preached at!!). Ask your husband if he would like to participate in church functions. He will probably say no, but let him know the invitation is always open. Hope this helps!!
I have an unbelieveing husband. Thankfully, he is not a swearing, drinking, cussing, womanizing type. He is a work-aholic, and work is his religion.

I am converting him through jealousy.
He knows that I love the Church, and I love Jesus. Although I do not neglect my husband in anyway - but he knows that Jesus is first in my life and is the reason that I am still his wife after all these years. In this way - my husband is grateful to God and the Church, and he is exposed to Christianity through my life.
I often think that my husband is jealous (in a good way) of my love for Jesus. So I know Christ is working on him.

It is difficult sometimes. But I have found God to be richly generous in his graces to me to be in a mix-marraige. It can work, you must trust God and ask for all the graces to carry out this marraige - AND for the graces **to co-operate with the graces ** He gives you.

Be realistic about the ammount of support and understanding your husband can give you spiritually. He isn’t in the same orbit as you that way. In many ways, you have to toughen up, {in a most virtuous way} and offer your sufferings to Christ crucified.

Don’t ever nag him about Church, religion, morality, etc. Just be a bright bright light. 🙂

It is sometimes hard, because sometimes I would rather just put a boot to my husbands butt than love him - but you have to do it for the long run.
Hang in there.

Know what you mean here----I sometimes wonder though why God would have ME marry a non-believer–instead of all those nice fellas who were in my Dad’s church(pastors–seminarians) --guess I just thought they were too dull for me at the time and booorrring-----had a few proposals–knew they would be great husbands, loved the Lord–but ya know? they just didn’t do it for me–didn’t drive me wild and crazy and knock my socks completely off like hubby does–even still after MANY years----guess I might hold too much weight on chemistry—and now I know that’s not really what marriage is all about–although I didn’t know at the time–and still I picture myself with a minister,-- boring geek --and I think whaaat? Would I really have been happier? Dunno–

I know perhaps God gave me the man he did–cuz HE has a plan----here as all your marriages are a plan too–I really believe this~~ Just want to badly now to know HOW to reach them-----people can so casually throw out “oh just pray for them”, “live Christ”…etc…“be a Christian example, etc.”…O.K., this is a given–I like the person who said casually leave things in the bathroom–now this is practical advice----this is what I’m looking for----there’s really so much more all of us can do than just “PRAY”…oh yes-------I think perhaps some folks just say “PRAY” because they can’t do anything else–they’ve given up–they’re hopeless, their cup has run out–they are futile—I think here real people need REAL ideas-------what REAL things we can do…anyway thanks for the “bathroom idea”—this is a great one.
I know perhaps God gave me the man he did–cuz HE has a plan----here as all your marriages are a plan too–I really believe this~~ Just want to badly now to know HOW to reach them-----people can so casually throw out “oh just pray for them”, “live Christ”…etc…“be a Christian example, etc.”…O.K., this is a given–I like the person who said casually leave things in the bathroom–now this is practical advice----this is what I’m looking for----there’s really so much more all of us can do than just “PRAY”…oh yes-------I think perhaps some folks just say “PRAY” because they can’t do anything else–they’ve given up–they’re hopeless, their cup has run out–they are futile—I think here real people need REAL ideas-------what REAL things we can do…anyway thanks for the “bathroom idea”—this is a great one.
I wouldn’t ever say that prayer is a last resort, or not “REAL”, or an exercise in futility. Prayer is amazing. Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane and He sweated blood because He prayed so hard. Our Lady prays for conversions, and you have seen some of the results in this thread. Our priests pray over simple bread and wine, and they become the actual Body and Blood of our Lord. Doesn’t get much more miraculous than that.

That said, I do agree that there are things we can physically do. My husband is what I would call an “unchurched Protestant”. He was raised in the Congregational church where his grandfather was the minister, and I’ve gotten the impression that it was more of a family obligation than anything else- none of them actually go to that church or any other church now that their grandfather has passed on.

Sometimes it’s frustrating- I imagine what it would be like to have a Catholic spouse. But then I look at all the problems my friend is having in her new marriage to a nominally Catholic man, and how few problems my husband and I have had, and I am grateful. I’ve chosen to look at our situation as a sacramental marriage (which it is) where the spouses need to help each other get to heaven. Right now I have the greater part. Later on that might change.

From the get-go, my husband knew that my faith was a non-negotiable. Getting married in my Catholic parish was a non-negotiable, as was raising any children we might have in the Church. And in return, I agreed not to force my faith on him, but promised him that I would sponsor him through RCIA should he decide to try it. He doesn’t often attend Mass with me, but is supportive of me, reminds me “Don’t you need to get up for Mass?”, asks questions, etc. He readily agreed to hang up my crucifix right in our living room, and has reminded me on occasion to say grace. When he borrows my car he gets to drive around with a rosary right in front of him. 😉 He has also fully supported my decision to stop using contraception and learn NFP (which is simply not done in his family or by any of his friends). I’ve got a calendar in our kitchen that has all the saints’ feasts and the liturgical year on it, I’ll mention something from that, he’ll ask what that means, discussion follows.

I figure if I keep immersing him in Catholic stuff, it’ll “take” someday 😉 . Most of it is foreign to him, and I try to understand that. He wasn’t raised with sacraments, or saints, or liturgy, or even a church hierarchy (he admires the Pope as a person, but the Pope’s authority is a big stumbling block for him). He knows that when we have children, it will be more important for him to attend Mass. The act of parenting is holy in itself, and can be saint-making; perhaps as he’s helping me to educate our children, he will become interested in converting. God willing.
OK, I got a green scapular. Now what? Can I use it right away or will the prayers only be effective if it’s blessed? When/how often do I say the prayer?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
OK, I got a green scapular. Now what? Can I use it right away or will the prayers only be effective if it’s blessed? When/how often do I say the prayer?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
AWESOME! It needs to be blessed - but why not start using it immediately until you get a chance to get it blessed. The prayer needs to be said daily - ask Our Lady to help you remember to say it. Ask your Gaurdain angel too for help in remembering to say the very simple prayer. “Immactulate Heart of Mary. Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

Way to go Nancy!:clapping:
May your husband’s heart be changed.
It is sometimes hard, because sometimes I would rather just put a boot to my husbands butt than love him - but you have to do it for the long run.
Hang in there.
Hey ridesawhitehors, go get yourself a green scapular! Can you tell I’m on a green scapular kick? It is better than a kcik in his butt!😉
and you too seekerjen. Go get yourself a green scapular - or two. Hide one under the mattress and one under his car seat. 😃
Our Lady wants to help us all.
I bought the green scapular today and had it blessed by Fr. Jan at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish. Not even two hours later my wife asked me, “what mysteries of the Rosary do you pray on Tuesdays?” Thanks be to God. Thank you Blessed Mother. Thank you jrabs and everyone else here who is praying. When my wife asked me this, joy filled my heart. However, the Holy Spirit encouraged me to listen more carefully to what Our Lady was telling me in this question my wife asked. Our Lady told me very clearly, do not worry… leave it in my hands… ALL OF IT. you have tried to do everything, up until now you have relied mostly on your strength and that is not enough… TRUST IN ME! Everyday I will pray adn trust,

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death!
Go Irish:
I bought the green scapular today and had it blessed by Fr. Jan at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish. Not even two hours later my wife asked me, “what mysteries of the Rosary do you pray on Tuesdays?” Thanks be to God. Thank you Blessed Mother. Thank you jrabs and everyone else here who is praying. When my wife asked me this, joy filled my heart. However, the Holy Spirit encouraged me to listen more carefully to what Our Lady was telling me in this question my wife asked. Our Lady told me very clearly, do not worry… leave it in my hands… ALL OF IT. you have tried to do everything, up until now you have relied mostly on your strength and that is not enough… TRUST IN ME! Everyday I will pray adn trust,

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death!
Irish! Hail Mary, indeed! I am telling you it is mighty powerful, and very under-rated as a weapon. I am very happy for you.

And the Holy Spirit has been urging me the same - to give up ALL worry and to let Him work. Best to listen when spoken to - however not worrying and agonizing over it is difficult.
It’s called TRUST and is soooo hard.

All I can say for you is YIPPEE!

Actually - I think I am gonna add the power of the Green Scapular on to my signature. Go Green!
WOW all of you Friends-----How awesome!!!

We must never stop praying for our spouses --never~~~~ I think there just might be something to this green scapular thing!!! But I don’t think it’s Mary here --it’s the power of the Lord almighty!!!Maybe Mary intercedes though~~


Your hubby sounds just like mine–raised in a nominally Protestant home –

Let’s all be praying over the Green Scapulars we all have tucked away on their side of the bed–and then see what the Lord will do!!!
Dear Friends,

I’ve just joined the forums. This is the first thread I’ve followed. I am going through a very hard time with my husband who “loves me” but thinks he should never have gotten married. He says we have different desires and needs, etc. I am trying so hard to be what he needs and praying constantly. He is very depressed and angry and says he doesn’t blame me, but deep down I think he believes that the children and I have kept him from finding fulfillment in his career. (He is a choral director in a public school but wishes to be in higher education or at the professional level–he is very gifted.) He has contemplated leaving the family, but our financial situation is not good…that and he doesn’t want to hurt the children.

For some reason he doesn’t want to trust in God’s will. He is going through a very dark time in his spiritual life. He won’t even consider confession anymore and has told me not to talk about God or religion with him. (He takes the children to Mass, though.)

Having been reminded by the other posts about the Green Scapular, I am going to move mine from the mirror in the bedroom into his wallet, If I can, or under his side of the mattress.

If I may ask, will you all tuck a short prayer for my husband and me into your day? I am so saddened and I’m becoming very discouraged. I’m finding it hard to concentrate on schooling the children and maintaining the household (which falls entirely to me these days because of my husband’s job). I’m sorry to have gone on so long–the truth is, I could go on all day! But I’m sure I’ve made the point by now.

Thank you and God bless you.

hon is 8 inches taller and 20 lbs lighter than me, is that what you mean?
WOW all of you Friends-----How awesome!!!

We must never stop praying for our spouses --never~~~~ I think there just might be something to this green scapular thing!!! But I don’t think it’s Mary here --it’s the power of the Lord almighty!!!Maybe Mary intercedes though~~
Mary on her own does not have the power to work miracles or change hearts. But she is one of the most effective Christians to ask if you need prayers said for you or for a loved one, because Jesus always listens to His mother!
Mary on her own does not have the power to work miracles or change hearts. But she is one of the most effective Christians to ask if you need prayers said for you or for a loved one, because Jesus always listens to His mother!
OK-----great----as a new Catholic (in RCIA) I’ll believe this-----and frankly I think it’s so neat we can have “all the company of angels and saints” in heaven and on earth on our side. This is one of the neatest things about being Catholic I think!!! THX Jen~~~~~


Will say a special prayer today for you friendAll of us spouses need to daily pray and “green scapular” prayer and pray for our spouses and our marriagesAMEN~~~
Sparkle –

Long story.

When we married, he was not even a Christian. I was not Catholic. He was baptized about a year after our marriage, in a non-denom Church. Over the next few years, he rarely attended church. Good dad, good person, but – what I’d call a non-practicing Christian. About this time, we separated. During the separation, we remained friends, and he began attending a non-denom congregation with a friend from work. Had a very emotional experience and began speaking in tongues, etc. We reconciled, and I began seriously investigating the Catholic Church. He fell away from the non-denom church again, was neutral about my conversion process. When I went through RCIA, and our son was baptized, he was supportive but not involved. He would attend Mass a couple of times each year, when weather was bad he would drive us to Mass and pick us up after.

Every Mass for years and years, both my son and I prayed for his dad’s conversion. Each fall, I’d ask if he was interested in RCIA, he’d say a polite no, and I’d not bring it up again that year. Each Mass, I’d pray.

In the late summer of 2002, my husband moved out abruptly. We stayed in touch, my son and I kept praying. In December of that same year, he came back in tears. He shared that had been so depressed and in a box of items he’d brought from home, he came across a scapular. He said that he prayed the most earnest prayer of his life, and began to wear that scapular, not knowing what it was, just that it was a religious item. He found a doctor to treat his depression, and within a few weeks – came and asked if he could please come home. He began attending Mass every week, went to a few RCIA classes that spring, then officially enrolled in RCIA in the fall last year. This year, my son was able to serve as Altar Server at the Easter Vigil when his dad received Confirmation and First Communion!

The last Mass before Easter, when in the prayers Father paused for our private intentions, the tears ran down my face. For years, that was my time to pray for my husband’s conversion. What would I pray for now? They were tears of joy.

It may take years, but as Padre Pio said, Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry. I’d add, love.

The last Mass before Easter, when in the prayers Father paused for our private intentions, the tears ran down my face. For years, that was my time to pray for my husband’s conversion. What would I pray for now? They were tears of joy.

It may take years, but as Padre Pio said, Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry. I’d add, love.

Kage - powerful story. Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine the intense pain you and your son were in during all this.

We all have to remain hopeful that our loved ones hearts and souls are opened to listen and absorb.
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