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Thanks ! Does anyone need a web designer ? im looking for a job as a webdesigner or webmaster. Check out my website below to see my work. Thank you.Absolutely beautiful! I just showed my boss, who also designs web sites as his second job. He was thoroughly impressed.
**Hi there Webdezyn
Lovely website. Well done! And no I am not designing any webpages at present. Lead a very hectic life!!!
This you can always offer this up in your prayer time to give it a redemptive value for your own growth in holiness and the redemption of those whom you feel have treated you unjustly.One Catholic forum is enough for me–I find all kinds of posts on this one ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, the ultraconservative to the liberal, and so on. The large majority seem to be very conservative; I consider myself more liberal than approximately 90% of those who post on this forum. So far I have been condemned to hell a couple of times but since those posters are not my Judge I don’t worry about it. In fact, I probably would be condemned to Hell if all my sins were laid out for everybody to see, but then again the souls in Hell bear witness to God’s justice. Perhaps you could say that I am the manure which allows the holy people to blossom, so I play a part in their salvation, if not my own.
I always wanted to, but didn’t know where to start. I have site with Freesavers but I don’t know anything about building a web page.Anybody making their own catholic website ?
Do you know a better website which has the Liturgy of the hours ?Really nice – one stop shopping. But I would put a little caution on the link to the Divine Office by Universalis. They don’t use the LIturgy of the Hours translation and none of the responsories or psalm prayers or antiphons are on that site. So for someone who is supposed to say the Liturgy of the Hours, it’s not quite up to speed. (I used it for a year before I broke loose the nearly $200 for the LoH).
Joanne …i made my first web site using HTMLI always wanted to, but didn’t know where to start. I have site with Freesavers but I don’t know anything about building a web page.
I would like to dedicate one to our priests and of course the holy family. Any ideas would be appreciated.