I’ve been part of two different drug trials. One of them, I am still currently part of.This is something I often hear missed. I’m not a fan of “big pharma” per se. However to be realistic we must factor in their costs for development, which involves a rather large amount of risk.
First, let me say, I’m not making a ton of money doing this. In fact, it costs more in gas than they are willing to pay me.
We are currently testing a drug that is in Phase 2. It will be years before this drug is brought to market, and during those years, the drug company will spend billions. Yes, with a “B.”
Why, because people like me, and others that you probably know, suffer with diseases that are quite devastating. Many of these diseases we were born with. And some, yes, some were brought on by how the person was living.
And the risk? For a drug in the second phase, we are the first “sick” people to take this drug. They may have educated thoughts on outcomes, but let us be serious. This drug could kill me. I know for a fact that it makes me open to infection. And it reduces my body’s ability to fight infection.
I’m sure that if this drug makes it to market, it will be quite expensive. Remember, Billions spent.
Oh, and just an FYI, the other drug was in phase 3, and it didn’t come to market. So all of that money was wasted in that they didn’t get a drug that they could sell.