Well, I see a lot of the same sort of replies, which are good. All of which are good. I just feel that I can help out a little in this area to help you understand that… you live in the world. And in the world, there is evil and corruption. This doesn’t mean that high school is bad, or anything in this world is bad, but things are used in ways that they weren’t meant to be used. This is when it becomes evil. Something that I think will help you tremendously would be to focus more on yourself. Don’t take me the wrong way, because I know that I felt exactly the same as you many times, and still do many times. I don’t mean that your a bad person, on the contrary, I think your a good person, otherwise all those things wouldn’t affect you as much.
What I mean is, you can’t do anything to change people. In general, the devout, faith-living people in this world are a small percentage, so no matter where you are from Catholic school to ghetto schools there will be good people and there will be people who do bad things. If you magnify all the horrible things you hear and see from others than your going to be miserable. This is a way the devil uses to get to us if he can’t get to us straight through evil deeds. Be careful not to get caught up in all the negatives about your school, friends, and people in general. See the good in people, look for the good, hope for the good, give them the benefit of the doubt. Learn that there are times when we need to step in, and times when we need to let people live their lives and learn on God’s time. God wants all men to be saved, as well as the Church, but if the Church went out and criticized every institution, organization or persons (and believe me all of those can easily be criticized for one reason or another), it would be very hard to bring them into the Church. Now when the government is trying to make killing babies legal, there is the Church taking a hard stance. This is how we can best be a light to the world, love the people and hate the sin. Pick and choose your battles and keep your attitude in a positive light. See the good aspects in people and in the world and it will be easier to love them. Jesus loved and loves all sinners, even though we all do horrible things at times. So my advice, from much personal experience, is to try and let go of all the things that contradict your beliefs (that others do). Don’t dawn on them so much that it upsets you, and certainly don’t point out every time someone is wrong or doing wrong somewhere. You don’t have to participate, but be patient with people and you will earn their love and respect. If they are getting into a car so drunk that they don’t remember how to steer the wheel left or up (which you can’t do by the way, thats a clear sign if they ask you how to steer up) then you step in and take a stance against them driving intoxicated, but if they’re cussing up a storm you can be the light by just letting them and speaking politely and purely at all times. They will notice and will at times become ashamed of their dirty language and will probably mention it to you or apologize (this happens to me all the time). The best and last advice I can give is, when you see people doing something bad, speaking sinfully, or what have you, first pray for them. Pray for them as soon as you hear them say something, or do something, and then pray for yourself, for guidance, patience and for God and your guardian angel to help you understand what to do in the situation. Good luck buddy, I’ll pray for you! God Bless