So, leaders from other religions are DIScouraged from speaking to Catholics? I thought that Jesus taught about compassion, and loving our brothers. Would Jesus bar entry to this man?
Please understand that Jesus is one of my very favorite teachers. This type of discussion is difficult to understand from what I have read in the Bible about him.
Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated!
with lovingkindness
I think the problem most people have with it is that he is going to speak at their place of worship. Catholics are beginning to be very “watchdoggish” and protective of the sanctitiy of the Mass. We are concerned about liturgical abuse. Sometimes people in charge allow liturgical abuse… such as too many people on the altar or people other than the priest putting their hands over the Eucharist during consecration… Speakers taking over the homily which the priest or deacon is suppossed to do. This names just a few. I think people are concerned that this speaker might give his speech in
place of the Homily, or that he might promote reading material that is
against Catholic doctrine. People may have less of a problem if he is going to speak at a parish center and they are sure that, even if he is going to discuss Hinduism, he is not going to try to *promote *Hinduism, over Catholocism (which would be fine in a secular location, we have religious freedom in America) I have nothing personal against Hindu people or the culture of India… Ghandi has always been a hero of mine.

… History shows Hindu people treating Christians with much more love and respect compared to, say, Christian England. Ghandi said he had not problem with Christianity, he had a problem with Christians…because the ones he encountered, failed to practice what they preach… unlike Mother Teresa…
The biggest problem here is the controversy of whether Hindus were permitted to worship at the altar in Fatima. The problem with this is, if they were** worshiping** Mary as a goddess, or anyone other than the one true God, then this would be considered a desecration… people are more angry at the
man in charge in this situation than the Hindu people who allegedly did this. I think this is causing more Catholics to be on the lookout for this alleged event repeating itself. I think yoga should be considered one of the great aspects of this culture and should be considered compatable with Christianity if it is done for exercise and not a part of worship, or philosophy that is contradictory to Christianity. My daughter takes Karate, her sensi and his wife are Catholic…I could see yoga being similar to Karate…if we take the part that is “Compatible to Christianity”
Sorry if some of the posts were offensive to you, I didn’t write any of them, but I offer my apology just the same… I am really glad you are here:thumbsup: I would never want to insult Hindu people, even though I believe Christ is the way, the truth and the light!
Peace Be With You!