Hindu's at Fatima

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I would like an opinon on the May 5th Hindu ceremony at Fatima. I can understand being kind and understanding and peace ful to people of other faith’s. But is the spirit of ecumenism being taken into outer space?
I would like an opinon on the May 5th Hindu ceremony at Fatima. I can understand being kind and understanding and peace ful to people of other faith’s. But is the spirit of ecumenism being taken into outer space?
i don’t know about the outter space thing, but maybe it’s a way to start a dialog… that’s not a bad thing is it?
space ghost:
i don’t know about the outter space thing, but maybe it’s a way to start a dialog… that’s not a bad thing is it?
Dialog is one thing, but permitting the altar to be used in what we believe is a pagan ceremony is heretical, not in the spirit of true ecumenism.
Whether this supposed desecration ever really happened is still in question as far as I know. Every single internet article I have looked at–both Christian and Hindu–cites the same single source: the SIC television broadcast. Until I see it confirmed from an independent source, I am going to continue to assume that such an outrageous and unlikely thing has not happened. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The Hindus Worship at Fatima Altar thread has gone over much of this question in detail.
Racer X:
Whether this supposed desecration ever really happened is still in question as far as I know. Every single internet article I have looked at–both Christian and Hindu–cites the same single source: the SIC television broadcast. Until I see it confirmed from an independent source, I am going to continue to assume that such an outrageous and unlikely thing has not happened. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The Hindus Worship at Fatima Altar thread has gone over much of this question in detail.
desacrating religious sites of other faiths is not a signature of any Hindu tradition i know of… not that I know of that many, but I have never seen Hindu’s knowingly or flagrantly attempt to cause hurt to anyone of different faith… i vote to get the rest of the story before jump too high and too fast… 👍
I emailed the Blue Army in NJ for an answer and they emailed back that they are in the process of contacting the Fatima Shrine in Porgual and I’m to email them in a few weeks when they should have the info.

The bottom line, let’s just all take a deep breath and wait and see. 🙂
I’ll share any info they give me with everyone.
Super Mom:
I emailed the Blue Army in NJ for an answer and they emailed back that they are in the process of contacting the Fatima Shrine in Porgual and I’m to email them in a few weeks when they should have the info.

The bottom line, let’s just all take a deep breath and wait and see. 🙂
I’ll share any info they give me with everyone.
agreed… 1, 2, 3, … now breath… 👍

I will put your mind at rest. I have visited Fatima each year since 1992.
It is Fatima.
It is the little chapel of the Apparitions
It is a Hindu priest standing at a Catholic Altar.
The site of the Apparitions was to his right and the Blessed Sacrament was to his left.
That is a picture of the rector Mons. Guerra smiling after the event
That is Bishop of Leiria-Fatima Bshp Seraphim being clothed in a sarong type vestment with verses from the Baghvad Gita.
Indeed it did happen.

They came, however, respectfully and prayed for peace. Isn’t that what Our Lady expressly wished for us to do? We are all her children. Just because we are Catholics we do not have a monopoly on the call of our Blessed Lady. All humanity was entrusted to Our Lady at the foot of the Cross.

They were invited and did not rush the ‘Caphelina’ unlike a rather dubious silenced Catholic Priest we all know!! What about the infamous Fr. Gruner going there with confusion in his heart and trying to spread it amoungst the faithful there? Or what about the priest who tried to stab the Holy Father on the High Altar in Fatima in 1982??? No peace there. We see a fraction of events. God sees the whole picture. We see externals God sees hearts.
Let God judge. He alone knows the full story.

The Hindus can do their ceremony infront, behind or beside the church. BUT FOR THEM TO USE OUR ALTER IS AN OUTRAGE. If such a thing were to happen, then HEADS SHOULD ROLL.
The Barrister:
Dialog is one thing, but permitting the altar to be used in what we believe is a pagan ceremony is heretical, not in the spirit of true ecumenism.
Hindus believe in God. Why would they be pagans? What is a pagan?
They were invited and did not rush the ‘Caphelina’ unlike a rather dubious silenced Catholic Priest we all know!!
Has the Bishop of Fatima ever allowed a Tridentine Mass at this Chapel? Has he ever invited any Latin Mass priest to say mass at this chapel? My guess is he hasn’t, but I honestly don’t know.

I will put your mind at rest. I have visited Fatima each year since 1992.
It is Fatima.
It is the little chapel of the Apparitions
It is a Hindu priest standing at a Catholic Altar.
The site of the Apparitions was to his right and the Blessed Sacrament was to his left.
That is a picture of the rector Mons. Guerra smiling after the event
That is Bishop of Leiria-Fatima Bshp Seraphim being clothed in a sarong type vestment with verses from the Baghvad Gita.
Indeed it did happen.
I saw the same pictures. I didnt see a Hindu Priest. I saw an Indian dresses in traditional Indian Clothing. I wuldnt know a Hindu Priest if he jumped at me. I saw the picture of the Bishop being wrapped in a large cloth that looked like a shawl and covered with writting. Since I dont read hindi or sanscrit so I have no idea if they verses from the Baghvad Gita. Can you read sanscrit? Do you KNOW he was a Pagan Priest?

Is there any sources besides the one single news agancy who has given any info?
Hindus believe in God. Why would they be pagans? What is a pagan?
Actually, Hindu’s believe in a multiplicity of gods (they are polytheistic). They do not believe in the same God we do.

space ghost:
i don’t know about the outter space thing, but maybe it’s a way to start a dialog… that’s not a bad thing is it?
If you attempt to " dialoge " with the devil… bring lots of help from the Saints and Holy angels of God…or you will be " unarmed " and you will loose. And NEVER dialog in a Holy Shrine. It shows lack of respect for Him. { God ) Heaven is God’s Home, and He didn’t " dialog " with Satan… He booted him out!!!
Actually, Hindu’s believe in a multiplicity of gods (they are polytheistic). They do not believe in the same God we do.

Hindu’s believe in One God, one without a second. It is the oldest continuing religion in the world and their theology is highly developed, but little appreciated in the West.
Hi all;

Firgal got it right. If you go to Fr. Fox’s site www.fatimafamily.org and click on the top word articles you will get to a page. Click on “The Hindus in Fatima” and read the article. It basically says that the Hindu priest prayed a prayer for peace. Only he approached the altar and it was done in line with what the church allows for a non-christian to do in a church. The TV program that ran it explained it but it was in porguese(excuse my spelling). The meeting with the Monsg. and the Hindu took place in another room, not in the church and had nothing to do with the prayers the Hindu said. Many, many people got to Fatima to pray for peace. They are from all nations and religions. Our Lady is mother to all mankind not just Christians and Catholics and I’m sure she is pleased that they come to her. We must be very careful when we read info on the internet. We must look at where the info is coming and in this case it was from someone who denies that the consecration of the world and Russia took place in March 1984 as Our Lady asked. Sister Lucia has said it was done as Our Lady asked yet this person doesn’t believe it and looks for things to discredit Fatima. I understand that he didn’t even ask anyone at the Fatima Shrine for an explaintion first just went public with what he thought it was. Surly these people do the devil’s work for him. Go to Fr. Fox’s web site and read the truth.
The Barrister:
Dialog is one thing, but permitting the altar to be used in what we believe is a pagan ceremony is heretical, not in the spirit of true ecumenism.
hindus at fatima.
iam from india , an ardent roman catholic.it was a terrible shock for me to note that the bishop had allowed these pagens in the holy place of most blessed virgin marys apparition site.in idia paganism is rampent.only 2percent of indians are chrisians.98 percent are called hindus , the pagens,these people are very dangerous in spreading heresies not only in fatima, but thoughout the whole world. to prevent this one musy do rosary for this.
dr.m.j.george from maras india
Actually, Hindu’s believe in a multiplicity of gods (they are polytheistic). They do not believe in the same God we do.

yes. u are right. hindus are from india and since iam also from india i know them well.they worship many gods in different names.they worship stones, trees, sun , moon, snake etc.thinking that these must be GODS…THEY ARE IN THE DARK. that is why lord jesus christ send his apostle st. thomas to india…he came to india 2000 years ago and prached the good news …he was killed by a hindu using a lance.even after preaching for these 2000 years, in india there are only less than 3 percent christians[catholics and protestants]
this means that it is very difficult to convert these hindus.in fact the hindu government has passed an anti-conversion bill.
the aim of these hindus in fatima is to convert the cathiolis in to PAGANS .if possible or to build a temple near by.
i have spoken to many hindus about christ and they are not ready to accept christ or virgin mary.they listen our preaching but they will not practice. they say their religion is ancient and christianity is only 2000 years old!!..god only can save these people. u must do rosary for their conversion. may jesus bless these hindus and open their minds. dr.m.j. george madras india
Hindu’s believe in One God, one without a second. It is the oldest continuing religion in the world and their theology is highly developed, but little appreciated in the West.
hindus worship many gods. these are fallen angels the demons.they think these must be gods but actually they are worshipping demons.they fail to understand the real truth that jesus came to the world as a saviour.dark india belives jesus as one another god like theirs.hindus are totally wrong.they have false devotion.but they think that is correct.god only can correct them . please pray for their conversion. george…india
hindus worship many gods. these are fallen angels the demons.they think these must be gods but actually they are worshipping demons.they fail to understand the real truth that jesus came to the world as a saviour.dark india belives jesus as one another god like theirs.hindus are totally wrong.they have false devotion.but they think that is correct.god only can correct them . please pray for their conversion. george…india
George where did you get this from? It seems to be very much in the tone of the Baptist campaign against the Hindus. The religion of India is Dharma - Righteousness. It is a revealed religion and more than eight thousand years older than Christianity.

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