Historic Day: Democracy in Arabia

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For the first time in a millenium, a Arabian people actually voted for their leader.

Abbas claims Palestinian poll win

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40705000/jpg/_40705213_getty.jpg Mahmoud Abbas needed a strong mandate, analysts said

**Mahmoud Abbas has claimed victory in the Palestinian presidential election and dedicated his win to late leader Yasser Arafat. **

Exit polls suggest Mr Abbas won around two-thirds of the vote but an official result is not likely until Monday.

The Central Elections Commission said turnout was at least 66%.

Analysts said Mr Abbas needed a wide margin of victory and high turnout to push his agenda of peace talks and an end to the armed Palestinian uprising.

Polling closed at 1900 GMT on Sunday, two hours later than scheduled after voting difficulties forced an extension.

This man has blood of innocent Israeli’s on his hands . . .

Democracy? yea right!
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