Historical evidence for self-authenticating scripture?

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Yet, some of these who hold to truths of Christ and do works of God may enter heaven, while some Catholics who believe the fullness, yet do not do His works may not.
True. I don’t deny that. I am simply asking a question about theological truth.
Christ promised that the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail over the church and that he would send his spirit to guide them into all truth.
And He has. This is a statement of at least an ongoing process, not a past event. If the Catholic Catechism can claim that Christ’s Spirit uses non-Catholic churches and “communities”, then even from a Catholic perspective, it can be agreed that His Spirit continues to guide all of us into all truth, even if we are not yet there.
For millennia all Christians believed dogmas that Protestants have now declared are at least erroneous and at worst idolatrous.
For example?
All Christians in a given time period are declared to be idolators or erroneous. Christ’s promise was false.
Nonsense. I certainly don’t think they were idolators. And even if they were, that has no impact on Christ’s promise. I am often astonished by this claim. It says that Christ is not strong enough to overcome human error.
Protestantism is ALL, 100% man made.
Understand, just as you understand I must say your statement is 99% man made, not 100 because nothing is perfect yet on this side of eternity, save God Himself.

For clarification,.

We know who started each division within Protestantism.

Since God says, He wants “perfect unity” that means we know God is NOT the author of any division in HIS Church


I stick to my statement. Protestantism is 100% man made
I pray not to hold the CC perception of her perfection against her.

“Perfectly one” Jesus refers to, in that quote, is one’s unity in His Church Jesus established on Peter. And those in union with Peter, and then with all that His Church teaches.

Outside His Church, one can’t do that.
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