Historical Issue: Was Mary Magdalene an Apostle?

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The following is an excerpt from a liberal priest who makes the point that Mary Magdalene (“Mary Mag”) was an apostle and that women can be ordained priests:

Some details about Mary Mag. Her status was widely, not universally, accepted until the early 600’s. A pope …] delivered himself of the opinion then that Mag was the prostitute in the gospels. That opinion is not scripturally or historically true. But it has been endlessly repeated, until our own day. The long Western tradition, sponsored in large part by the preaching and devotinaol practices of the friars, is of the prostitute turned saint. The Eastern Catholic churches have kept the actual history of Mag from the beginning, mostly because several of them (Syrian especially) regard Mag as their founder. Her apostolic status was simply assumed until confusion about her identity spread. Most Western Catholics don’t know this because they know almost nothing of the history of the Eastern churches. But the Easterns accept Mag not only because of her role in their founding but because of the testimony of our own scriptures. Her status as an apostle rests on exactly the same foundation as Paul’s – that is, Jesus’ appearance to her after the resurrection and his command to her to “go and tell the others.” In every other instance, the combination of these two elements establishes a person in the lifetime of Jesus as an apostle.

Besides the tradition from the Easterns – written and oral – of Mag as a church founder, and our scriptures, the rest of the evidence for Mag doesn’t come from the gnostic gospels, but chiefly from the artwork of the earliest days. In that art, Mag is dressed as a bishop, is depicted as presiding at Eucharist and over the local churches.

The Vatican dismisses all this as evidence. Their conclusion is that all of these pieces CANNOT be evidence of Mary’s status BECAUSE it’s impossible a priori for women to have that status. They read the history, in other words, through their operating assumption. Rather than adjusting their assumption to the facts, the adjust the facts to their assumption.

The other significant pieces of info about this come from local church councils of the 5th and 6th centuries which demand that women not be ordained. Most scholars read these demands as evidence of the fact that women had, in fact, been ordained. It’s a sound method. Trent demanded that priests must be in their parishes at least once a month. The reason is simple: the council was trying to correct a practice – absent priests – considered to be an abuse. Councils don’t make demands unless there’s something going on which they feel warrants them.

The really interesting historical question, then, is NOT: were women ever ordained? The question is: why did the church STOP ordaining them? It would take us very far afield to get into all the reasons. But the conclusion of all this is that it is NOT a correct reading of our tradition that a) the church has never ordained women and/or b) lacks the authority to. Thus, about ordaining women, it is cetainly apporpriate for church leaders to say: “It is inopportune,” or even “We did once but don’t want to now.” Or even “It would cause too much chaos.” What is NOT appropriate is that leaders say: “We can’t.”

Hmmm, don’t you think you ought to give us more information on who this person was? Was he a Catholic priest? How about a name? This strikes me as inflammatory and from a heretic. We need a lot more information to put this quote in context.
And he probably was a contributor to the DaVinci Code too.

Come on…get real, huh.

Please read the excellent book The Di Vinci Hoax by Sandra Meisel and Carl Olson that rebuts Dan Browne’s ridiculous novel, The Di Vinci Code . It goes into detail about the real Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Jesus and the apostles. The modern day gnostic writers and radical feminists try to paint Mary Magdalene as some sort of goddess who symbolizes the “sacred feminine”. It’s about as far away from reality as you can get, yet shockingly, alot of gullible people are buying into it. Go figure. I guess alot of people are bored and need a quick fix of fantasy.
alot of gullible people are buying into it. Go figure. I guess alot of people are bored and need a quick fix of fantasy.
This would also apply to the misconceptions bought into by the Kerry supporters.

Catholics on the Road to Heaven KNOW Mary Magdalene was a beloved DISCIPLE of the Lords…and thats all

Catholics on the Road to PERDITION claim and/or teach she was an Apostle.

Its that simple, its that clear, and its that easy…

Sometimes those with too much education allow their minds to become clouded… a mystery for sure.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Catholics on the Road to Heaven KNOW Mary Magdalene was a beloved DISCIPLE of the Lords…and thats all

Catholics on the Road to PERDITION claim and/or teach she was an Apostle.

Its that simple, its that clear, and its that easy…

Sometimes those with too much education allow their minds to become clouded… a mystery for sure.
Why does it matter?
There’s a post at the top of the forum that directs participants to stick to issues and not to give personal information. I assume that applies to the identity of this priest.

I found similar information with a Google search and so it’s not really essential to identify this priest who is the source of the information. I could not easily verify all that he said by looking through about 20 pages of hits.

I’m delighted when anyone, even such a priest, focuses people’s attention on the Bible, even for support for these far out ideas.

As he suggested, western Catholics usually don’t know much about the eastern churches, Catholic or otherwise. I think the argument for ordaining women as priests would be supported or weakened, depending on whether an active female priesthood could be found out there in those churches. I’m skeptical, but open-minded. I think we all would have heard of such, if it were so.
I guess that Magisterium is suppressing the TRUTH to hide the fact that Mary Mag was an apostle. those men!

They’ve been pulling the robe over our eyes for 2000 years.
they just want the ladies to get married and have 20 kids.:rolleyes:

Sorry, of course I’m being sarcastic. I need a Forums break this junk is getting old.
The Eastern Catholic churches have kept the actual history of Mag from the beginning, mostly because several of them (Syrian especially) regard Mag as their founder. Her apostolic status was simply assumed until confusion about her identity spread. Most Western Catholics don’t know this because they know almost nothing of the history of the Eastern churches. But the Easterns accept Mag not only because of her role in their founding but because of the testimony of our own scriptures. Her status as an apostle rests on exactly the same foundation as Paul’s – that is, Jesus’ appearance to her after the resurrection and his command to her to “go and tell the others.” In every other instance, the combination of these two elements establishes a person in the lifetime of Jesus as an apostle.

Regarding the status of isapostolos (equal to the Apostles) …

We of the East (Catholic and Orthodox) style Mary Magdalene as “Holy Myrrh-Bearer and Equal to the Apostles”, the latter being an honorific that we accord to certain saints, many - but not all - of whom are so termed because of their activities as missioners, having brought the Gospel to various lands (e.g., St. Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia). On this idea, there are certainly traditions that term Mary Magdalene co-Apostle to the Gauls. However, it (isapostolos) is also used as a term to describe the honor in which some saints are held because of their importance in the history of the Church, for example, The Great and Holy Sovereigns and Equals to the Apostles Constantine and Helen.

I know of no tradition among my Syrian/Syriac Catholic or Orthodox brothers and sisters holding her to be the “founder” of their Church, although there is tardition that, after the crucifixion, she went to Ephesus with John the Beloved Disciple and the Theotokos.

You may want to see:

Our Distorted View of Mary Magdalene - by a Female Theologian

Many years,

This is from the 1913 Catholic Encylopedia - there is no mention of her being an apostle but there is mention of the different view of MM in the Latin Church and by the Greek Fathers.
Mary Magdalen was so called either from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore of Galilee, or possibly from a Talmudic expression meaning “curling women’s hair,” which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress. In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke, viii, 2-3), where it is also said that seven devils had been cast out of her (Mark, xvi, 9). She is next named as standing at the foot of the cross (Mark, xv, 40; Matt., xxvii, 56; John, xix, 25; Luke, xxiii, 49). She saw Christ laid in the tomb, and she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. The Greek Fathers, as a whole, distinguish the three persons:

• the “sinner” of Luke, vii, 36-50;
• the sister of Martha and Lazarus, Luke, x, 38-42, and John, xi; and
• Mary Magdalen.
On the other hand most of the Latins hold that these three were one and the same

for the rest of the article
I find it interesting that those who ardently push the concept of Mary Magdalene as equal to the apostles to the extent of sharing their priestly role, must begin their argument by vigorously denying her identification with the woman taken in adultery or any of the other women delivered from sin and demons by Jesus. They seem to equate prior condition of sinfulness with incapacity or unworthiness for ordination. They also begin by claiming the patriarchal Church hierarchy downgraded and underplayed her role as first witness of the Resurrection. In so doing they ignore the preserved Church tradition that witnesses to her holiness, her status as evangelizer and first of the desert mothers and the hagiography that led the Church to acclaim her as a saint from its earliest days.
I find it interesting that those who ardently push the concept of Mary Magdalene as equal to the apostles to the extent of sharing their priestly role, must begin their argument by vigorously denying her identification with the woman taken in adultery or any of the other women delivered from sin and demons by Jesus. They seem to equate prior condition of sinfulness with incapacity or unworthiness for ordination. They also begin by claiming the patriarchal Church hierarchy downgraded and underplayed her role as first witness of the Resurrection. In so doing they ignore the preserved Church tradition that witnesses to her holiness, her status as evangelizer and first of the desert mothers and the hagiography that led the Church to acclaim her as a saint from its earliest days.
Those who attack the Church are clever, even devious. And most don’t know the faith so they are open to deceptions. Sad.

This would also apply to the misconceptions bought into by the Kerry supporters.

And it would also apply to the misconceptions bought into by the Bush supporters.

Perhaps we should leave politics in the politics section and stick to the topic here - doncha think?
Perhaps the person was using “apostle” with a small “a.”

The word *apostle * means messenger, and Mary Magdalene was most certainly a messenger – she was the first to speak with the Risen Christ, and He told her to go tell others.

\A*pos"tle, n. [OE. apostle, apostel, postle, AS.
apostol, L. apostolus, fr. Gr. ? messenger, one sent forth or
away, fr. ? to send off or away; ? from + ? to send; akin to
G. stellen to set, E. stall: cf. F. ap[^o]tre, Of. apostre,
apostle, apostele, apostole.]
  1. Literally: One sent forth; a messenger. Specifically: One
    of the twelve disciples of Christ, specially chosen as his
    companions and witnesses, and sent forth to preach the
      He called unto him his disciples, and of them he
      chose twelve, whom also he named apostles. --Luke
                                            vi. 13.
Note: The title of apostle is also applied to others, who,
though not of the number of the Twelve, yet were equal
with them in office and dignity; as, ``Paul, called to
be an apostle of Jesus Christ.’’ --1 Cor. i. 1. In
–Heb. iii. 1, the name is given to Christ himself, as
having been sent from heaven to publish the gospel. In
the primitive church, other ministers were called
apostles --(Rom. xvi. 7).

(definition taken from Webster’s 1913 dictionary)

Her status as an apostle rests on exactly the same foundation as Paul’s – that is, Jesus’ appearance to her after the resurrection and his command to her to “go and tell the others.” In every other instance, the combination of these two elements establishes a person in the lifetime of Jesus as an apostle.
Although it is true that the risen Lord Jesus appeared to the Eleven and Paul and to Mary Magdalene and commissioned them, the commission of the Eleven and Paul and the commission of Mary Magdalene were quite different in scope and nature.

When Jesus commissioned the Eleven, he said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matt 28:16-20) Similarly, when Jesus commissioned St. Paul, he said, “…rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you from the people and from the Gentiles–to whom I send you to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:15-18)

The scope of the commission of the Eleven was to “all nations” and the commission of Paul was to “the [Jewish] people” and to “the Gentiles” to whom Jesus was sending him. Elsewhere, the Lord said of Paul, “…he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel.” (Acts 9:15) The nature of the commission of the Eleven was “to make disciples…baptizing them…teaching them” and the commission of Paul was “to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in” Jesus. Because of the much larger scope and nature of their commissions, the Eleven and Paul are considered Apostles, with a big “A”.

When Jesus commissioned Mary Magdalene, he said, “… go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (John 20:17) He also said to Mary Magdalene and the other women at the tomb, “…go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” (Matt 28:10) The scope of Mary Magdalene’s commission was to Jesus’ “brethren” (Greek, adelphos) and the nature of her commission was to deliver two brief time-sensative messages. I do not wish to denigrate St. Mary Magdalene in any way but, in my opinion, because of the much narrower scope and nature of Mary Magdalene’s commission, she should be considered an apostle, with a small “a”.
Here’s a paper which argues that Mary Magdalene wrote the fourth gospel and that she was in fact the beloved disciple mentioned in the fourth gospel.


I found the paper to be very interesting though I disagree with the author’s understanding of the inerrancy of the scriptures. The author seems to think that the inerrancy of the scriptures just means that the essential message of salvation is presented without error when in fact it means that everything asserted in the scriptures is without error.
This article is speculative and contrary to Catholic and other Christian teaching. Many of the sources quoted are from gnostic sources and from the same sources that claim there is a Gospel of Thomas. I wouldn’t put any faith in it.
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