Racial tension is a result of dividing people into groups and setting them in opposition to each other…
Okay, but what if what is dividing them is bias and prejudice against marginalized groups?
This is not as much about the election as it is about BLM movement that has targeted police …also near the election …
The BLM movement has a point: POCs are targeted by LE. That is a fact and it’s often fatal. And those who aren’t affected by this are often dismissive of this; it’s minimized. When Trump says Mexicans are rapists and says we need to build a wall, he’s speaking his mind but also speaking for every bigoted mind out there. Yeah, people liked that he spoke his mind but for the wrong reasons.
It has not helped that there has been do.e very high profile publicized crimes committed by illegal aliens …
When a white person commits a crime it’s just not that interesting or something because it isn’t publicized.
Human nature is what it is …when people are oppressed and demonixed due to race or other differences people will push back along those same identification themes …
Thus I think it is not unthinkable that Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are acting out …and they are …
so true.
But let’s not place all the blame on Trump or his supporters …it was the Democrats that discussed taco bowl strategies and using Latinos …needy Latinos to boot …the left has wondered and insulted the African American population … basically keeping the on the planation with government welfare and saying they are unable to even show ID at polling places.
Not all the blame, but Trump has made racism much more acceptable.
Democrats are closet racists and bigots …
And they are just as clueless about this as anyone. They either lack self-awareness or their racism is more subtle and they think it’s nuanced. Democrats and liberals have a reputation for being less so but I think that is misplaced.
Blacks, Asians and Hispanics also have racist members…
But a major difference is that those groups as a whole are marginalized. I might harbor a prejudice against rich people, for example, but they have power and influence that I do not. I might be able to change my stars but a brown person can’t change their skin.
Let’s stop categorizing people by ethnicity, race and creed …I do not categorize my friends as my Hispanic friends (I have many) nor African American (again I have many) nor Irish, Indian, Tanzanian, South African, Taiwanese, Native American …and more …they are just my friends …
Sure, but do you get that you have privilege? You don’t have to concern yourself if you are white, it’s a very cushy position to be in and is only starting to become uncomfortable. Which is good. And that their race or ethnicity does not have the the same representation and visibility in certain professions or on television and other media. It might be a good idea to see your friends as African American or Taiwanese, etc. There isn’t anything wrong with seeing race or ethnicity, just making judgments based on them.
When I get upset with a person …I am upset with them …their color is not the reason …
That’s great. But many people do which is the point.