( continued )
Our Religion: It is absolutely not ours. In practice, our ancestors incorporated many primal elements (pagan) into Christianity. But the essential structure of Christianity was unchanged: that people are servants of God, and that the fate of a person directly depends on God’s will, and the person has no effect on all of this. This religion has destroyed and is continuing to destroy our national soul, which was always freedom loving. Even from ancient times, they have described Ukrainians as not being able to tolerate captivity. What has happened in the past millennium? The answer is simple – we changed our religion, and therefore our worldview, we betrayed ourselves… This religion declares that all authority comes from God, and so each Christian should in sufferance, accept the invader. Surely this cannot be right? It seems that religion firstly was invented by the strong to enslave those spiritually weaker than themselves; and secondly, almost effortlessly, these very same people they physically enslaved. Can such a religion be of any use to Ukrainians?
In 1775, the Cossacks were convinced by the clergy, not to take arms up against their brothers, only to be later slaughtered by these same Russian Christian brothers, having put faith in the words of the priests (this was a large part of the Sich Cossacks). And the peasants also, believed the clergy, who dictated that they should not rise up against the oppressor, they should not make their own, just court here on earth, but wait for God’s great judgement day, some day, in an undefinable future. It was this Church that wooed Ukrainians to sleep. Considering that the Church in Russian-controlled Ukraine, was always subject to the policies and practices of the Russian government, it was always an enemy of the Ukrainian nation. The peasants’ mentality is one of honesty, even naive. Walking through any village, you might hear quite often: “God is good, god will provide.” No doubt, seventy years ago, many peasants would have believed in this wholeheartedly. But it was a futile and dangerous hope in a particular moment, to believe that everything will be all right, that God will protect them. And, as you know, it didn’t happen that way….
They were terror-filled times, when innocent people lay dying, when churches were being demolished, when evil was circling above our world. And it is not surprising that many of these victims, who managed to survive, later became sceptics as far as religion was concerned. It seemed then that God had left his devotees alone to face their fate, abandoned them to their dreadful suffering and inevitable deaths. Only the hope remained, that in the next world, everyone “who had suffered, would be saved”. Naturally, nobody can say where the souls of those martyrs had gone, and the fact remains, that after that evil that was played out on Ukrainian terrain, the morale of our population strongly declined. The only positive, universal elements of Christianity are those general ideals and principles that highlight the role of humanity. But largely, the dogmas of this international religion strive towards teaching people to tolerate their suffering and oppression in any given situation.
Ukrainians have a saying: A person creates (by smithing) his own good luck. It is likely, that this saying originated in the time of blacksmithing, where practically every nation had its own religion. That short sentence, reveals the deep meaning of how Ukrainian society used to be. And why was it necessary to change it?
I consider that the reasons behind the famine were not only external, but also internal. And it is in this internal situation, that we should change something…
We are strong enough, we can do it!
Boris Iskra
Our Religion: It is absolutely not ours. In practice, our ancestors incorporated many primal elements (pagan) into Christianity. But the essential structure of Christianity was unchanged: that people are servants of God, and that the fate of a person directly depends on God’s will, and the person has no effect on all of this. This religion has destroyed and is continuing to destroy our national soul, which was always freedom loving. Even from ancient times, they have described Ukrainians as not being able to tolerate captivity. What has happened in the past millennium? The answer is simple – we changed our religion, and therefore our worldview, we betrayed ourselves… This religion declares that all authority comes from God, and so each Christian should in sufferance, accept the invader. Surely this cannot be right? It seems that religion firstly was invented by the strong to enslave those spiritually weaker than themselves; and secondly, almost effortlessly, these very same people they physically enslaved. Can such a religion be of any use to Ukrainians?
In 1775, the Cossacks were convinced by the clergy, not to take arms up against their brothers, only to be later slaughtered by these same Russian Christian brothers, having put faith in the words of the priests (this was a large part of the Sich Cossacks). And the peasants also, believed the clergy, who dictated that they should not rise up against the oppressor, they should not make their own, just court here on earth, but wait for God’s great judgement day, some day, in an undefinable future. It was this Church that wooed Ukrainians to sleep. Considering that the Church in Russian-controlled Ukraine, was always subject to the policies and practices of the Russian government, it was always an enemy of the Ukrainian nation. The peasants’ mentality is one of honesty, even naive. Walking through any village, you might hear quite often: “God is good, god will provide.” No doubt, seventy years ago, many peasants would have believed in this wholeheartedly. But it was a futile and dangerous hope in a particular moment, to believe that everything will be all right, that God will protect them. And, as you know, it didn’t happen that way….
They were terror-filled times, when innocent people lay dying, when churches were being demolished, when evil was circling above our world. And it is not surprising that many of these victims, who managed to survive, later became sceptics as far as religion was concerned. It seemed then that God had left his devotees alone to face their fate, abandoned them to their dreadful suffering and inevitable deaths. Only the hope remained, that in the next world, everyone “who had suffered, would be saved”. Naturally, nobody can say where the souls of those martyrs had gone, and the fact remains, that after that evil that was played out on Ukrainian terrain, the morale of our population strongly declined. The only positive, universal elements of Christianity are those general ideals and principles that highlight the role of humanity. But largely, the dogmas of this international religion strive towards teaching people to tolerate their suffering and oppression in any given situation.
Ukrainians have a saying: A person creates (by smithing) his own good luck. It is likely, that this saying originated in the time of blacksmithing, where practically every nation had its own religion. That short sentence, reveals the deep meaning of how Ukrainian society used to be. And why was it necessary to change it?
I consider that the reasons behind the famine were not only external, but also internal. And it is in this internal situation, that we should change something…
We are strong enough, we can do it!
Boris Iskra