frankly i find children with mom’s who stay at home are pretty dependent on mom for everything. they don’t know how to do laundry and make a meal for themselves.
as for dr. laura i find her to be a mean hearted hypocrite like most ulter conservative people.
I know that you have a different experience that I do, but let me explain to you the things that my children, and I as the daughter of a SAHM learned that the children in Daycare may not learn.
My children (7&5), know how to call the cable company and get results without being rude. They hear their mother deal with people on the phone politely and see those workers come into our house. They see the workers treated well, offered Coffee and the work completed, with a happy smile on all sides.
My children know how to load and unload the dishwasher, with supervision always so the knives point down, every time. They know how to seperate clothes and put them in the washer with supervision from their mother BEFORE a red sock goes in with Daddy’s underwear and it all turns pink.
They know that an adult will always pay attention to them and that they don’t have to compete with 5 other children their ages to get that attention. Therefore they are not “look at me” children when adults are around.
They know how to pick the right bag of grapes at the grocery store. They know that sometimes it is kind to let the lady with two screaming kids and a cart full of groceries go before you in the line. They know that they don’t always get a treat at the store and having “things” is not as important as having attention. They know that although they love looking at the Lobsters in the tank, we can’t afford to buy one (even for a pet!).
They know that it isn’t important that a child likes them because Mommy and Daddy do. They know that the first time they saw snow, Mommy cried at the wonder in their eyes. They know that if they get hurt, Mommy will always find them a hug and a band-aid FIRST and they don’t have to wait in line.
They know how to sweep a floor and watch Mommy clean toilets, not at home but as a volunteer at church. They feel the pride of knowing that they are helping in a way that Father Ben needs. They know how to fold papers and stuff them into envelopes to invite other families to the Ice Cream social at the same church. They love that they are known by their own deeds and not just that they are the kids of someone who volunteers.
They know how to amuse themselves and do not have to have other children around to be entertained. They know that the tv is only on for a short time and always educational shows. They know that if they can’t find something to do, they can always clean their rooms. They know that if they want to buzz out instead, Mommy’s lap is available. They know that Daddy uses weird voices when he reads a book and Mommy makes you sound out words.
They know that Mommy can pick out a kid in Daycare easily. They are annoyed by little “Caillou” children who must always be the center of attention. They don’t like mean kids who dislike them just because they are there and quietly well behaved.
They know how to play with children who are not their age. They know that spiders are not pets and do not belong in the house. They know that if you mix baking soda with vinegar, it propells a rocket, not because they saw someone do it or read about it, but because they both did it last week. They found out that the mix doesn’t taste good. They found out that even film canisters can be rockets.
You may think that the children of SAHMs can’t make it in the real world but I am proof that you are looking through narrow eyes.
I got my own house at 27, was an office manager for 2 Psychiatrists and 5 Therapists. I did it well.