So currently I’m working on my homestead. I’ve gained some inspiration from some catholic honesteaders, permaculturalists, Pope Pius, and the catholic land movement. My house is going to be made out of about 3 shipping containers, one will be the kitchen, second will be my room/living room, third will be divided into sections for kids rooms. Electricity will come from about six solar panels, water will come from a well, and the majority of the food will come from my permaculture and animals. I’ll set up a horse boarding station and run that business as my main source of income. My money will go into the food my land cannot currently produce, gas, insurance, and emergency savings. Any extra money will go into an emergency savings or charity. I don’t feel any need to focus my money on “upgrading” my lifestyle into one that makes less self sufficient, I don’t have any desire to be separated from the land. People look at me like I’m crazy for not wanting more than I need and willing to sacrifice some modern conveniences for a more free lifestyle.