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Prolife Teen, I am not offended, but I think there is way too much homework for elementary children. People wonder why children have so much anxiety now a days and why there has been an increase in the prescription of anti-anxiety medications for little kids.
I think it’s the psychologists who have this idea it’s better to do everything early. No, it’s not. Children are not things you cram information into.​

Don’t tell me I am the only one who had The Letter People?!
Remember Mr.Tallteeth? Mr. Gooey Gum???
That workload sounds fine to me. My son got more homework than that in first grade and there are other schools in our district that give even more. That said, I agree that too much homework at young ages is counter-productive.

My second grade son gets 15 spelling words every week. He must read 15 minutes every day, and he gets math homework twice a week. The math takes him about ten minutes.

What bothers me is that he only gets one recess. We used to get two recesses and a lunch period with a bit of outside play. They just get lunch and then outside play. I think this is too much and they need to let off steam.
I just had a conversation with a parent of a 7th grader yesterday. She was complaining about too much homework. I am always amused by the two perennial parent complaints about the schools–too much homework and too heavy backpacks. I try not to get involved in either. While my husband is an educator (at the college level) and I am educated, we defer to the teachers as much as possible. My feeling is that a teacher who has 25 students, also has 50 adults who have an opinion on what the teacher is doing. So I try to stay out of it and try not to make the teacher’s life difficult. I figure she is doing the best she can. I try to keep my :twocents: to myself!
La Charia, the teacher’s life, HERE, is just fine. They are complaining about giving a child one on one help. What is their job if they complain about giving one on one help?
La Charia, the teacher’s life, HERE, is just fine. They are complaining about giving a child one on one help. What is their job if they complain about giving one on one help?
I don’t understand what you are saying here. The teacher is complaining about giving one on one help? I thought the thread is about too much homework. My point is that as parents we should support the teacher as much as possible. When we parents criticize the teacher over issues like homework, our children see that as license to criticize adults and others over minor disagreements. I cringe when I hear parents criticizing the teachers.

When my daughter was in kindergarten, my husband and I made it clear to her that we would not support her if the teacher complained about her behavior. Rather, our belief is that she only has the right to disobey in school if the teacher is asking her to do something that is morally wrong. I am shocked by how many parents will support their child even when the child is wrong.

I know we are all different and you might do things differently. But I am trying to provide a different perspective here. I for one will stay out of issues like this. When my daughter has a lot of homework, my job is to help her get it done. School is her most important activity and responsibility at this point in time in her life. We are trying to teach her to be a good-nature, responsible person who meets her commitments without complaint. I am happy to say we are hugely successful so far.
Hey! I remember the letter people! Mr S wears “super socks”! And then we learned a song about Mr S and colored Mr S pictures… heehee, what fun.

Anyway, the homework doesn’t sound all that bad to me. The kindergartens in my area have the kids doing phonics and sight words every night as homework, with an occasional “matching, sorting, numbers, etc.” worksheet through in for good measure. At the Catholic school they do all this plus religion “homework”. this week it is “set up a family alter if you don’t already have one” and memorize a certain Bible verse.
My kids homework has averaged about an hour per night since Kindergarten. While that might be ok for the 4th grade, I thought it was too much for the Kindergartener. He is my easily distracted one, so his actual time to complete it was sometimes over 2 hours. The school has an extended day (an hour more of class time compared to the public schools). I just don’t see why they couldn’t teach a 6 year old what he needed to know in 6.5 hours per day.

Of course, I wouldn’t tell the kids that. 😉
I don’t necessarily think my boys have “too much”, some simply get it done quicker, compared to those who procrastinate! My son who is in gr. 2 is quite a perfectionist, he is anxious about making spelling mistakes, therefore takes a very long time to complete small amounts of homework.

They certainly never had one hour per night starting in Kindergarten, however:bigyikes:

I am shocked by how many parents will support their child even when the child is wrong​

My child is not wrong, she simply required extra help to do a paper and the teacher felt put out by it.
What is the teacher there for?
As for the homework for a kindergartener that is pretty silly and outlandish.

I’m picking up on a couple of issues here. The first one is that there is an adjustment from homeschooling to traditional school. The second is in regards to how much homework.

My son has special needs. So homework would take him hours to complete. Most of the time was spent in avoidance behaviors and tears (his and mine). To make it worse, whatever work he did not complete at school was sent home too. So it really added up.

I met with his teacher and established a time policy for homework. He was in 3rd grade at the time. They established 30 minutes. After that was up we stopped. It helped him to reduce his stress. He did less work quantitatively but his quality improved.

I hope this helps.

My son has special needs. So homework would take him hours to complete. Most of the time was spent in avoidance behaviors and tears (his and mine). To make it worse, whatever work he did not complete at school was sent home too. So it really added up.​

That is what happens with my son, the work he did not complete at school is tacked on with his home work. They are testing him for dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
My daughter on the other hand, has the tears. She is adjusting to the pace at school~sometimes, too she can be a pain in the butt about school work so my husband takes over because he can ignore her crying etc.
I have a very hard time doing that.​

I’m picking up on a couple of issues here. The first one is that there is an adjustment from homeschooling to traditional school.

I would state that is 80% of the problem. You are very insightful!
Amber 101, remember Mr. Horrible Hair???
:rotfl: YES! I wonder where I could find a set of the letter people? That would pretty cool! Yup, I am a nerd.🤓
Amber, I need to find them. I think they would help my daughter, plus the nostalgia!
Any amount of homework is too much. Ban homework! :yup:
Now that is really productive. Let’s dumb down our kids. 😦

So no homework? Why? So our kids can spend every minute of every waking moment not in school participating in sports or better yet watching sports on TV? Hmmmm, what does that say about American parents’ emphasis on education!
La Chiara:
Now that is really productive. Let’s dumb down our kids. 😦

So no homework? Why? So our kids can spend every minute of every waking moment not in school participating in sports or better yet watching sports on TV? Hmmmm, what does that say about American parents’ emphasis on education!
:confused: I’m not a parent, I’m a teenager. And kids & teens are already in school so long that with homework, there is hardly any time for sports or relaxation. Especially for teens like me, who are in school eight hours a day & receive so much homework each night, we end up doing homework till around midnight and wake up early in the morning for school! 😦 So we end up falling asleep in class and not learning a thing. :sleep: And especially with catechism on Thursday nights, I have even less time to do my homework and stay up past midnight. Kids & teens are already stressed out enough as it is, and most of us receive an overwhelming amount of homework that it is ridiculous and we all have to resort to copying in order to pass our classes. :crying: No wonder clinical depression and anxiety are on the rise! Homework is evil!
Homework in elementary school!!! :eek: **NONE!! **
Can’t those bonehead teachers get the job done on their own time?
OK - OK,… I have no kids, and if I did I would never send them to the indoctrinal system they call public school.
When kids come home from school they should be DONE with school until they return to school. School, rest, play, dinner, family time. If teachers didn’t waste so much time on trying to socialize and indoctrinate - and spent more time ACTUALLY TEACHING there would be no need for HOMEwork. Shhheeesh.
IMHO - parents have turned over too much to the school.{jumps off soapbox now.}
Homework in elementary school!!! :eek: **NONE!! **
Can’t those bonehead teachers get the job done on their own time?
OK - OK,… I have no kids, and if I did I would never send them to the indoctrinal system they call public school.
When kids come home from school they should be DONE with school until they return to school. School, rest, play, dinner, family time. If teachers didn’t waste so much time on trying to socialize and indoctrinate - and spent more time ACTUALLY TEACHING there would be no need for HOMEwork. Shhheeesh.
IMHO - parents have turned over too much to the school.{jumps off soapbox now.}
I have to agree with you, I hate homework! Why can’t school be done in school??? Instead of doing it at home…what’s the point??? Taking away family/social time???
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