The two examples aren’t comparable.
In the case of the couple engaging in the Homosexual Act - Scripture and the Teaching of the Church are clear that the act, by its very nature is disordered (against our original unfallen nature), seperating those who engage in it from God and making them unable to receive HIs Mercy, Grace and Love unless they repent of the act. This is and has been the clear teaching of the Church for the last 1970 years and was the teaching of the Jews for over a millenium before that.
In the second case, we aren’t even allowed to speculate about the intent of two people who are married where one has turned out to have been unfertile let alone form any judgments.
We can only conclude that God has called them to adopt unwanted children, or take care of foster children and to advise them that they might wish to begin the procedures for doing on of those.
It is often these people wo feel compelled to use the various means of artificial fertilization in their attempt to “bring their own children into the world”. That means, in spite of the fact they are using sinful means, they are trying to have children.
Your point is simply invalid - Most couples who are cursed with infertility would give anything to be able to have children and to be able to do so without using artificial means which are prohibited by the Church and by God.
We simply aren’t allowed to speculate or to allow our peculation on their motives to enter a conversation on a topic where Scripture is clear about the effects on one’s actions on one’s soul.
In Christ, Michael