Homosexual Acts are Not Against the Natural Law

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God did not design people to be mentally ill. He did not promise that we would be immune from it. Mental illness is treatable.
Not all mental illness is treatable. Personality Disorders are often very difficult to treat. Even in depression, treatment is not always effective but hit or miss.
Agreed. And the connection of this to the OP? I think I’m losing the thread of this thread!
Your post makes me think that if God was the designer of SSA, then he would also be the designer of mental illnesses and cancer. That isn’t the case. God didn’t do it. This is a fallen world and some people have different crosses to bear, SSA is one of them, just like me with my mental illnesses. It has taken me over a year to realize that God didn’t do this to me. I was very angry at God about it and sometimes I slip back into that thinking.
I advise you to pray a lot about homosexuality. Because that is what I did about my mental illnesses. It totally changed by view. 🙂
I did it. 😊
We are not required to act on every inclination we have. Heterosexual or homosexual.
Not all mental illness is treatable. Personality Disorders are often very difficult to treat. Even in depression, treatment is not always effective but hit or miss.
But we DO try to treat it. We care for those so afflicted.
Incredible. First of all, the OP cannot claim to be Catholic and hold to this view, which is utterly false and a rejection of the natural moral law.

Second, God created nature in a state of perfection and human beings, likewise, in the state of original justice.


Therefore, God did not create the disorders of the flesh, namely lust, regardless of the context in which it occurs (e.g., same-sex attraction or opposite-sex attraction or attraction to children).

It absolutely does not matter whether some people are “wired” for same-sex attraction (though personally I think it’s mostly cultural) because all of humanity is “wired” to sin – it’s called concupiscence. This is Catholic Doctrine 101.
If God created people to be homosexual…then why does he call it an abomination in the Bible? :confused:
If God created people to be homosexual…then why does he call it an abomination in the Bible? :confused:
Well, some people make the claim that Jesus never said anything about it, so it’s fine. Seriously, I saw that on a comment section on a local news Facebook page. :rolleyes:
Incredible. First of all, the OP cannot claim to be Catholic and hold to this view, which is utterly false and a rejection of the natural moral law.
:okpeople: I’d call a foul here if I were a mod.

There are millions of Catholics all over the world who question. IIRC, this is the Catholic **Answers **Forum, not necessarily a place where we all get together and cheer each other for agreeing.

That being said, I can understand the OP’s quandary. If a person is born gay, how can that person be condemned for acting in accordance with his nature?

In some ways, it’s not fair, is it? Mental illness, physical disability, widowhood, homelessness can all be crosses to bear. But we don’t associate those crosses borne as being connected to sin. If I’m asthmatic, and don’t “take up my cross” and don’t use my inhaler, I’ll have trouble breathing. There’s no sin involved. If I’m gay and act on it, I’ve not taken up my cross and I’ve sinned. And I’m condemned for it.

On the other hand, gay sex is sinful.

I don’t have an answer, just more questions.
Well, some people make the claim that Jesus never said anything about it, so it’s fine. Seriously, I saw that on a comment section on a local news Facebook page. :rolleyes:
God said it in Leviticus 18: 22

Also read Rom 1: 24 - 30 & 1Corinth. 6 : 9
:okpeople: I’d call a foul here if I were a mod.

There are millions of Catholics all over the world who question. IIRC, this is the Catholic **Answers **Forum, not necessarily a place where we all get together and cheer each other for agreeing.

That being said, I can understand the OP’s quandary. If a person is born gay, how can that person be condemned for acting in accordance with his nature?

In some ways, it’s not fair, is it? Mental illness, physical disability, widowhood, homelessness can all be crosses to bear. But we don’t associate those crosses borne as being connected to sin. If I’m asthmatic, and don’t “take up my cross” and don’t use my inhaler, I’ll have trouble breathing. There’s no sin involved. If I’m gay and act on it, I’ve not taken up my cross and I’ve sinned. And I’m condemned for it.

On the other hand, gay sex is sinful.

I don’t have an answer, just more questions.
It’s not yet proven people are born gay. :hmmm:
Now why would God design some people for opposite-sex relationships in their exterior body but same-sex relationships in their interior life?
I have no idea. But it doesn’t really matter. If God designed it that way, then who am I to judge?
God gives each of us different crosses to bear. One of the biggest problem is people assume God wants us to cave into they say is His “design”. His design is that we are not all equal with trials in life.
So if we want to respect the Natural Law, then we have to accept same-sex relations because it seems to be the case that God himself designed some people that way on the inside even if not on the outside.
Approving of sin is not acceptable.
To put it crudely, even if the exterior parts don’t fit, the interior ones sure do.
Not good enough. And if it all “fits so well”, homosexual relationships would be more stable and wouldn’t need all of this special attention.
:okpeople: I’d call a foul here if I were a mod.

There are millions of Catholics all over the world who question. IIRC, this is the Catholic **Answers **Forum, not necessarily a place where we all get together and cheer each other for agreeing.

That being said, I can understand the OP’s quandary. If a person is born gay, how can that person be condemned for acting in accordance with his nature?

In some ways, it’s not fair, is it? Mental illness, physical disability, widowhood, homelessness can all be crosses to bear. But we don’t associate those crosses borne as being connected to sin. If I’m asthmatic, and don’t “take up my cross” and don’t use my inhaler, I’ll have trouble breathing. There’s no sin involved. If I’m gay and act on it, I’ve not taken up my cross and I’ve sinned. And I’m condemned for it.

On the other hand, gay sex is sinful.

I don’t have an answer, just more questions.
Life often is fair, and no, the government cannot fix it.
Hey guys. It’s me again. Thanks for all the comments. I’m not actually gay but I’m involved in a Jesuit ministry that reaches out to gay Catholics who have felt alienated by the Church. Many of them have wrestled with the Church’s teaching for years only to fall into depression and abandon the Church. The ones who come back tend to re-embrace the faith while respecting their own conscious on gay relationships.

Anyway I can’t respond to all of your comments but maybe just a few…

A couple of people thought that my logic would also justify incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and the rest. Because maybe God designed some people to be those things on the inside…

It seems clear that nobody is hard wired for incest and bestiality from birth. Therefore the “God designed them that way” argument doesn’t work. Now some people may say that pedophiles are born that way. I don’t think that’s true, but even if it were true pedophilia would still be wrong for other reasons.Pedophilia is obviously not good for the human development of the child, for example.

The point is you’re going to have to show that there’s something actually wrong about gay relationships. And you can’t use the “their parts don’t fit” Natural Law response because, as I’ve explained, their parts do fit on the inside. And for all we know God made them that way on purpose.

To reiterate, even if God did design some people to be pedophiles on the inside (and I doubt it…), the fact is pedophilia is still wrong because of the harm it does to the child. So your job now is to explain the harm that’s done in same-sex relationships. And you can’t use the “they’ll go to hell” response because that’s exactly what’s in question from a Natural Law perspective.

Now, other people compared same sex attraction to mental illness. But the problem with that is similar. The harm caused by mental illness is obvious and needs no explanation. So you’re job is to find the harm caused by living out a consensual, committed, love-based same-sex relationship in a (hopefully) supportive society.

Be careful not to assume your conclusions from the outset please…
:okpeople: I’d call a foul here if I were a mod.

There are millions of Catholics all over the world who question. IIRC, this is the Catholic **Answers **Forum, not necessarily a place where we all get together and cheer each other for agreeing.

That being said, I can understand the OP’s quandary. If a person is born gay, how can that person be condemned for acting in accordance with his nature?

In some ways, it’s not fair, is it? Mental illness, physical disability, widowhood, homelessness can all be crosses to bear. But we don’t associate those crosses borne as being connected to sin. If I’m asthmatic, and don’t “take up my cross” and don’t use my inhaler, I’ll have trouble breathing. There’s no sin involved. If I’m gay and act on it, I’ve not taken up my cross and I’ve sinned. And I’m condemned for it.

On the other hand, gay sex is sinful.

I don’t have an answer, just more questions.
Well, here is another one for you. I’m a man married to a woman (pardon the explanation), I would love to have an affair with a whole bunch of other women, but I’ll be damn if I do it. First, my wife would kill me, then it is prohibited by God. Is God discriminating me or should I do what He asks of me???
It’s not yet proven people are born gay. :hmmm:
I don’t believe that people “choose” to be attracted to the same sex, either.
Life often is fair, and no, the government cannot fix it.
O.k. But this isn’t a question for the government. It’s a question about the Church.
I would love to have an affair with a whole bunch of other women, but I’ll be damn if I do it. First, my wife would kill me, then it is prohibited by God. Is God discriminating me or should I do what He asks of me???
You and me, both.
(On the other hand, I’m working out a new sociological paradigm that would make it work. Give me a few more years to get the bugs worked out.)

I’m not saying God is wrong. What I’m saying is *we *ought to keep other people’s bedroom doors closed.
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