
AB…Island Oak, will you please tell us what your religious faith is? you haven’t specified one in your profile.
if you want to prove my topic isn’t fit in a Catholic forum, you have to prove you’re Catholic or at least you’re familiar with Catholic. sarcastic smiley doesn’t help
Your attempts to exlain your inquiry or focus this issue in any logical fashion is akin to an intellectual train wreck. The thread you posted appears within the topic area of “Moral Theology.” Are you capable of explaining how your inquiry is more than prurient speculation about homosexuality or has some relevant bearing upon morality? If so, please enlighten us.
…and “proving” myself to be a Catholic, a silly and adolescent challenge, has no bearing on the questionable relevance of your post. I never suggested your topic isn’t “fit” for a Catholic forum–I don’t even know what your topic is and THAT was the focus of my question. However, if it somehow helps you, I am and always have been Catholic.