Homosexual Marriage and Interracial Marriage

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The comparison of interracial marriage to same sex marriage is ridiculous. Even if discouraged or illegal the folks against interracial marriage still recognized that these were in fact marriages. It’s the same as with consanguinity laws. They were prohibiting a particular marriage but if entered into it would be a marriage. For same sex marriage almost no one imagined such a thing could exist.
If it were as simple as that, no one would ever have forbidden interracial marriage. In fact it’s ironic that you should bring it back to the original thread topic, as that same verse is used by proponents of same sex marriage.
The error of racism and the error of homosexualism are both powerful and demonic in origin. Many Biblical truths are “as simple as that” and yet get denied, trampled and ignored.
My mom is having a discussion with a gay friend on facebook…
Gay sophists have been trying to compare interracial marriage with same sex unions for the purpose of making gay unions a civil right.

But that argument is utterly flawed. First, the analogy is false because there is no difference between people of different races while there are enormous differences between males and females.

In an enlightened society there can be no rational basis for discrimination on criteria such as race, skin color or ethnicity. However, with same sex relations, the introduction of morally significant criteria changes the analysis of discrimination.

**Discrimination against harmful conduct is entirely rational, and in many cases necessary.
My mom is having a discussion with a gay friend on facebook who makes the claim that interracial marriage was ONCE condemned by the catholic church, called inherently evil, just as homosexual marriage is condemned as inherently evil.

I have looked and looked, but can find no evidence of church dogma either supporting or denying his claim. Is there any evidence out there to disregard his claim that the catholic church once opposed interracial marriage. I am suspecting that this friend of my mom’s got his information from a biased source.

So does anyone know where I might find unbiased evidence that the Church at no time supported interracial marriage? I also suspect that this friend of mom misunderstands the difference between dogma and opinion.
I believe her friend may be confusing the Catholic Church with the broader “Church” in America. I am sure that there were many American Catholic priests who refused to marry interracial couples at various points in history, but I don’t think it was ever the “official” teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.

On the other hand, most white American protestant churches did teach that interracial marriage was sinful and against God. In fact, the principle argument against interracial marriage was a religious (and supposedly biblical) argument. Interracial marriage remained illegal in most of America until the 1960s.
Even today, many congregations are essentially segregated. Sunday is considered the “most segregated day of the week”. Remember, though - even in the North, Catholic parishes were de facto segregated on ethnic lines. Part of the reason for this is that parishes have defined geographical borders. Until recently, one was expected to be a parishioner at his/her local parish. Unfortunately, if neighborhoods were segregated along racial or ethnic lines, the parishes also would be.
The Catholic Church never, AFAIK, condemned interracial marriage or integration. There was an incident decades ago in Louisiana where the Catholic bishop excommunicated a man who was advocating for the segregation of Catholic schools and agitating against desegregation.

But to compare interracial marriage with same sex marriage is a non-starter.
Opposite sex interracial couples are capable of conjugal relations. Same sex couples are not.
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