National Geographic is not biased? Are you kidding?
By the way - the truth is not biased.
“The truth” - that is, the objective reality of the world apart from human interpretation - certainly does exist a certain way (that is, there is such a thing as objective truth). But getting at the
nature of that objective reality is very difficult. Human beings are restricted at a very fundamental level from being able to understand that reality - namely, because we are intelligent animals. We interpret a wide, impassible collection of matter in one’s home as “a wall,” for example. But the
reality is that the wall is really a quivering mass of energy. And even that isn’t a very adequate explanation of the object reality of matter.
And that’s just one small example about how it’s really hard to get at the true nature of the universe we live in.
That being said, the nature of sexuality is extremely complex. It might be easy to make big statements like “Homosexuality is unnatural” or (for social darwinists) “Homosexuality does not propagate the species.” It’s easy to say something like that, sure, but it’s *far *from the whole story. I worry when individuals believe they are privy to the absolute truth. I find they are typically very closed to evidence to the contrary, or only open inasmuch as they can refute it (i.e., apologetics). I also find that they are very unwilling to admit that their understanding of the issue is something that can change. I, for example, acknowledge that my understanding of the word is constantly changing, and I’m certainly open to changing my mind about a ton of issues. Anyway, the *reality *is that all these issues are extremely complex and our understanding of them grows all the time.
Regarding that particular website (, there’s definitely some truth there. I know lots of people who once called themselves gay and now call themselves bisexual or heterosexual - and I don’t doubt their claims at all. However, I’ve never met anyone who has claimed they changed by any amount of effort. It seems to just happen naturally for them.
That being said, what do these studies that actually *say? *The vast majority of them demonstrate that people who normally experience homosexual attraction can experience some attraction to women, after a certain degree of effort (usually some type of therapy). How much of a change that actually is isn’t really clear. I also wonder about the religious positions and motivations of the people seeking change - can a nontheist experience this change or is belief in God a necessity? Also, I wonder about the long term effects (including, is the change these studies cite actually something that lasts?)
But if it is real, and if some people can really change from one sexual orientation to another, I don’t think I can tell them that they shouldn’t. I wonder about *why *they’re doing it and I wonder about if the change will last - but that doesn’t mean I have the right to tell them they shouldn’t. And if it makes them happier or more fulfilled - well, that’s great.
However, I don’t think that the same is afforded to people who are homosexual and find change either undesirable, impossible for them, or both. There’s certainly something to be said for becoming accepting and becoming comfortable with your identity - and for many people (myself included) that includes being gay. That’s something that ought to be respected.