My girlfriend and I are both Christian…I, Catholic, her Prestbyterian (mind the spelling).
I love my girlfriend a lot and we have been together a little over 2 years. Yesterday we got into a discussion about 2 things: 1. homosexuality, and 2. abortion.
I’m not sure what to do about this situation…should we end our relationship? she would seek counseling? I’m not quite sure if counseling matters.
In terms of homosexuality, she is an actress and knows many people and has been exposed to many people who are homosexual and finds there to be nothing wrong with it. She says “You can’t deny a person happiness just because of their orientation”. I look at homosexuality as the Catholic (and many other Christian faiths) do…and as we discussed on whether or not we would ever have children, she would want to raise them that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. I have a problem with that. I don’t dislike homosexuals, i believe they live their lives how they want to, if they are curious to my opinion, I tell them what I think. I don’t judge them based off of that…but I don’t want to have my children raised thinking it is okay.
I don’t know what to do…
I love my girlfriend a lot and we have been together a little over 2 years. Yesterday we got into a discussion about 2 things: 1. homosexuality, and 2. abortion.
I’m not sure what to do about this situation…should we end our relationship? she would seek counseling? I’m not quite sure if counseling matters.
In terms of homosexuality, she is an actress and knows many people and has been exposed to many people who are homosexual and finds there to be nothing wrong with it. She says “You can’t deny a person happiness just because of their orientation”. I look at homosexuality as the Catholic (and many other Christian faiths) do…and as we discussed on whether or not we would ever have children, she would want to raise them that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. I have a problem with that. I don’t dislike homosexuals, i believe they live their lives how they want to, if they are curious to my opinion, I tell them what I think. I don’t judge them based off of that…but I don’t want to have my children raised thinking it is okay.
I don’t know what to do…