Homosexuality and Natural Law -- A Concern

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Why do you have to go to Africa to get your proof for what is happening in America?

That’s where there are by far the most deaths. The US has less than 5% of the global population. You are the very definition of a moral relativist, not to mention imperialist, if you’re saying your feelings about your backyard should dictate the morality of the other 95% of us on the planet.
That’s where there are by far the most deaths. The US has less than 5% of the global population. You are the very definition of a moral relativist, not to mention** imperialist**, if you’re saying your feelings about your backyard should dictate the morality of the other 95% of us on the planet.
But name-calling has become in your mind your strongest suit?

You did not reply to the information included in the website I gave you, information that shows sodomy is death oriented, and therefore hardly to be so cavalierly treated as by the motto “Live and let live.” Those who advocate “Live and let live” for sodomites are really advocating “Die and let die.”

Ever heard of AIDS among sodomites? You really should read up on it, not to mention illness and death by wounds to the anal passage in both men and women.

Is it really asking so much that you stop using the ad hominems?

Do you know what an ad hominem is?

It’s name-calling … used most often when all other arguments have failed. As your arguments certainly have. 😉
My browser blocked the site that you linked, and it turned out to be because a number of users have complained about its AIDS denial, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_denialism

I referred to the Sub-Sahara, which is 6,000 km from the Republic of South Africa, where your linked report supposedly originated, if it has any credibility.

Anyone who depends on denying there is AIDS in Africa to make their argument work must be desperate. I’ll stick with figures from UN, UNESCO, universities and so on.
Both of your responses are basically ad hominems. A “number of users” complaining does not make the claims false. A “number of users” question the manner in which the UN and UNESCO impose Western liberal agendas with regard to African countries, and issues have been raised with regard to research departments and their ties to pharmaceuticals who fund them.

Why not address the actual argument that the purported “virus” that apparently causes the AIDS symptoms has not ever been located and no proteins from that retrovirus have been successfully isolated?

The evidence or “lack of it” is explained here…


There are serious scientific objections to the manner in which AIDS is being diagnosed and treated.

I will accept your unwillingness to address the real questions as a concession that you have no answer to offer.
That’s where there are by far the most deaths.
If the means to determine deaths “by AIDS” conflates - by design - deaths by a plethora of other conditions in Africa, the figures will be radically inflated for sure. Not that that matters enough to make it an issue, right?

You do understand that the methods to determine deaths in the US use about a dozen indicators, but in Africa just a few suffice.

Merely the differences in how numbers of AIDS deaths are determined in the US and Africa ought to be sufficient to tell you apples and oranges are being compared when numbers are tossed out, yes?
he purported “virus” that apparently causes the AIDS symptoms has not ever been located
Ah, another brave souls to inject himself repeatedly with a contaminated blood. Or not? Words, just words.
Both of your responses are basically ad hominems. A “number of users” complaining does not make the claims false. A “number of users” question the manner in which the UN and UNESCO impose Western liberal agendas with regard to African countries, and issues have been raised with regard to research departments and their ties to pharmaceuticals who fund them.

Why not address the actual argument that the purported “virus” that apparently causes the AIDS symptoms has not ever been located and no proteins from that retrovirus have been successfully isolated?

The evidence or “lack of it” is explained here…


There are serious scientific objections to the manner in which AIDS is being diagnosed and treated.

I will accept your unwillingness to address the real questions as a concession that you have no answer to offer.
Once again, please look up the definition of ad hominem. It is not ad hominem to question the credibility of a website, and I note you have not provided any credentials, but merely added a far fetched conspiracy theory. Your video has no credentials either.

I’m not medically qualified. If you are, and if you have a peer reviewed paper published in The Lancet or an equivalent trustworthy journal, stating that AIDS in Africa is a myth then link it, otherwise this is a waste of time.

If the only argument you’re got left relies on conspiracy theories and unverified history denial then my work here is done. 👍
But name-calling has become in your mind your strongest suit?

You did not reply to the information included in the website I gave you, information that shows sodomy is death oriented, and therefore hardly to be so cavalierly treated as by the motto “Live and let live.” Those who advocate “Live and let live” for sodomites are really advocating “Die and let die.”

Ever heard of AIDS among sodomites? You really should read up on it, not to mention illness and death by wounds to the anal passage in both men and women.

Is it really asking so much that you stop using the ad hominems?

Do you know what an ad hominem is?

It’s name-calling … used most often when all other arguments have failed. As your arguments certainly have. 😉
Come off it :D. To repeat once again, by far the highest death rate from AIDS in the world is amongst straight men and women in Sub-Saharan Africa, and over 2 million children there are infected. Just because it’s different in your neck of the woods doesn’t make it meaningful to the 95% of us who don’t live in your neck of the woods.

And you’re another person who needs to look up what ad hominem means. To repeat, if you’re saying your feelings about your backyard should dictate the morality of the 95% of us not in your backyard then you are the very definition of a moral relativist, not to mention imperialist.

To put it one more way so as to be crystal clear, if your argument is that your feelings about your backyard should dictate the morality of the 95% of us not in your backyard then your argument is the very definition of moral relativism, not to mention imperialism.

Besides which, there was no AIDS 35 years ago and for all we know it will be cured next year, so even if your argument worked outside your backyard, which it doesn’t, it’s got a sell by date.

Are you serious about this or are you just trying to wind me up, and huffing and puffing because you can’t? 😉
It is interesting to note that both the Ebola viruses and the Aids viruses began to be reported in near time proximity and both are suspected to have originated in monkeys, apes, or bats.

Neither one however has anything to do with the immorality of homosexual practices. If your religion excuses sexual practices which block or prevent or ignore or have nothing to do with human reproduction, you would be adivsed to find a religion which does not deny the truth about man. For a religion which denies the truth about man will not be likely lead you to God.

To put it one more way so as to be crystal clear, if your argument is that your feelings about your backyard should dictate the morality of the 95% of us not in your backyard then your argument is the very definition of moral relativism, not to mention imperialism.
Apparently you know neither the definition of moral relativism nor the definition of imperialism.

Nor are you willing to discuss the fatal flaw in your reasoning, which is that the motto you live by, “Live and let live,” when applied to anal sexuality (sodomy), is really “Die and let die.”

But apparently you are not willing to discuss facts when they get in the way of your name-calling.
Ah, another brave souls to inject himself repeatedly with a contaminated blood. Or not? Words, just words.
There is no doubt that acquired immunodeficiency (AID) is a widespread condition in Africa and that a syndrome (group of symptoms which occur together) is, likewise, prevalent. The question is, however, whether a specific virus (HIV) is the only or even main direct cause of AIDS in Africa.

The contention is that a variety of diseases and conditions together may create the syndrome of symptoms related to the acquired immunodeficiency that causes so many deaths.
AIDS researchers in Africa, including those from the CDC and WHO, admit that immune deficiency in Africa has existed for a considerable time and this has not been due to HIV. “Tuberculosis, protein calorie malnutrition, and various parasitic diseases can all be associated with depression of cellular immunity” (Piot et al., 1984). “A wide range of prevalent [in Africa] protozoal and helminthic infections have been reported to induce immunodeficiency” (Clumeck et al., 1984). “…among healthy Africans resident in a non-AIDS area, the numbers of helper and suppressor lymphocytes were the same in HTLV-III/LAV seropositive and seronegative subjects…” (Biggar, 1986). "Africans are frequently exposed, due to hygenic conditions and other factors, to a wide variety of viruses, including CMV, EBV, hepatitis B virus, and HSV, all of which are known to modulate the immune system…
I have, as yet, to see a direct causal correlation of AIDS in Africa to an identifiable and verifiable HIV virus. If you have peer-reviewed literature, then provide a link to it. If not, silly posturing does not stand as evidence.

The above was published in the World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (1995) 11, 135-143 which is a peer reviewed publication with a large and qualified editorial board. springer.com/chemistry/biotechnology/journal/11274?detailsPage=editorialBoard

The article is found here in the journal…

Anyone who depends on denying there is AIDS in Africa to make their argument work must be desperate. I’ll stick with figures from UN, UNESCO, universities and so on.
Interesting that you accuse me of “denying there is AIDS in Africa,” when that was not at all what I even implied.

It makes me wonder whether you understand the issue at all or whether your standby journaling sequence is:

// go to Wikipedia

if (failed(blame browser security))

HANDLE hQueue = straw man;

if (found(invoke ad hominem))

// close the argument queue
Come off it :D. To repeat once again, by far the highest death rate from AIDS in the world is amongst straight men and women in Sub-Saharan Africa, and over 2 million children there are infected. Just because it’s different in your neck of the woods doesn’t make it meaningful to the 95% of us who don’t live in your neck of the woods.
Well actually it does because AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) may have more than one cause. It is, at this point, entirely speculative to claim a virus that has yet to have been positively identified and tested for is the one and only cause of ALL the acquired immunodeficiency in African heterosexuals.

The testing that is being done in Africa are tests for antibodies that may be caused by HIV but could also be causd by other factors.
“HIV positive” is an abbreviation for “HIV antibody positive”. The test which is universally used to diagnose HIV infection is not culture and detection or isolation of an actual virus or a virus particle from the blood or tissues. Rather it is a test performed on a specimen of the patient’s blood where the test kit registers the presence of antibodies. So the question needs to be rephrased. “Are the antibodies detected in your test caused by infection with HIV?” That is what is meant by the term “HIV antibodies”.
Again the direct link from a virus (HIV) to a syndrome (AIDS) as the cause and the only cause of AIDS in Africa is somewhat of a missing link although that does not mean certain treatment options should all be stopped or nothing done.

Let’s be clear about what is being argued and what is not before we go mashing up facts or ascribing lunacy, if you get my meaning.
Apparently you know neither the definition of moral relativism nor the definition of imperialism.

Nor are you willing to discuss the fatal flaw in your reasoning, which is that the motto you live by, “Live and let live,” when applied to anal sexuality (sodomy), is really “Die and let die.”

But apparently you are not willing to discuss facts when they get in the way of your name-calling.
I’m calling a spade a spade. 🙂

Your argument that morality should be based on evolving vectors of a disease, especially one which has been around for less than 35 years, is meta-ethical relativism (“holds that moral judgments are not true or false in any absolute sense, but only relative to particular standpoints” - iep.utm.edu/moral-re/#SH2e)

Your argument that the vectors should be limited to those which apply only today in the USA, since elsewhere they don’t support your conclusion, is cultural imperialism (“The imposition of a foreign viewpoint or civilization on a people.” - dictionary.reference.com/browse/cultural+imperialism)

You might as well claim that air travel is “die and let die” immoral because it helps to spread ebola.
Interesting that you accuse me of “denying there is AIDS in Africa,” when that was not at all what I even implied.
I said “by far the highest death rate from AIDS is amongst straight men and women in Sub-Saharan Africa, and over 2 million children there are infected” (post #433).

And you responded with “There is sufficient controversy among the medical establishment to question whether your point above holds any water.” (post #434).

So if you were not claiming that the death rate from AIDS amongst straight men and women in Sub-Saharan Africa is insignificant, what were you claiming?

btw claiming there’s controversy amongst professional medicos on that is like claiming there’s controversy amongst professional biologists on the existence of cooties, or controversy amongst Catholics on the existence of God. 😃
It makes me wonder whether you understand the issue at all or whether your standby journaling sequence is:
You attempt to suppress research into your kooky websites is duly noted.

So I looked up your link to the Perth Group:

*"The Perth Group is a group of HIV/AIDS denialists based in Perth, Western Australia who claim, in opposition to the scientific consensus, that the existence of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is not proven, and that AIDS and all the “HIV” phenomena are caused by changes in cellular redox due to the oxidative nature of substances and exposures common to all the AIDS risk groups, and are caused by the cell conditions used in the “culture” and “isolation” of “HIV”.[1]

The group’s activism has negatively affected the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in South Africa due to their influence on the AIDS policies of South African President Thabo Mbeki. The resulting governmental refusal to provide effective anti-HIV treatment in South Africa has been blamed for hundreds of thousands of premature AIDS-related deaths in South Africa.[2]

In 2007 the testimony of several group members was thrown out of court during the trial of an HIV-positive man charged with reckless transmission of HIV. Robert Gallo has stated that he was amazed at the Perth Group’s “mass ignorance coupled with the grandiosity of selling themselves as experts”." - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Perth_Group*
Well actually it does because AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) may have more than one cause. It is, at this point, entirely speculative to claim a virus that has yet to have been positively identified and tested for is the one and only cause of ALL the acquired immunodeficiency in African heterosexuals.

The testing that is being done in Africa are tests for antibodies that may be caused by HIV but could also be causd by other factors.
As I said, this is very technical, I’ve no expertise, and if you are not a qualified doctor or microbiologist then I don’t see that much purpose is served in discussing this. Apart from questioning credibility, the reports you linked seem quite old, I’ve no way of knowing whether the tests in the field have changed since, whether different territories use different tests or protocols, how the results are statistically verified and so on.

Is this relevant to the OP, and if so how?
I’m calling a spade a spade. 🙂

Your argument that morality should be based on evolving vectors of a disease, especially one which has been around for less than 35 years, is meta-ethical relativism (“holds that moral judgments are not true or false in any absolute sense, but only relative to particular standpoints” - iep.utm.edu/moral-re/#SH2e)

Your argument that the vectors should be limited to those which apply only today in the USA, since elsewhere they don’t support your conclusion, is cultural imperialism (“The imposition of a foreign viewpoint or civilization on a people.” - dictionary.reference.com/browse/cultural+imperialism)

You might as well claim that air travel is “die and let die” immoral because it helps to spread ebola.
More name-calling? You can’t get enough of that, can you? 😉

Moral relativism is based on subjective experiences. AIDS in homosexuals (and spread by homosexuals) is not a subjective experience. It is an objective fact, as much an objective fact as that syphillis and other veneral diseases can easily be spread by regular contact with others than your spouse.

Cultural Imperialism can only be asserted when it calls other cultures naturally inferior and to be exploited for their inferiority. I have not asserted either. When I directed the discussion back to the stateside issue, it was because you were not willing to discuss evidence pointed out to you in an American publication about the fatal effects of anal sex between sodomites. How does that amount to cultural imperialism? :confused:

I’m not aware that the ordinary immoral effect of air travel is to spread Ebola. Maybe we should also ban food as immoral because sometimes it causes obesity?

“Die and let die,” rather than “Live and let live,” seems to be the proper catchphrase of all those who excuse or defend perverse sex of every kind.
I’m calling a spade a spade. 🙂

Your argument that morality should be based on evolving vectors of a disease, especially one which has been around for less than 35 years, is meta-ethical relativism (“holds that moral judgments are not true or false in any absolute sense, but only relative to particular standpoints” - iep.utm.edu/moral-re/#SH2e)

Your argument that the vectors should be limited to those which apply only today in the USA, since elsewhere they don’t support your conclusion, is cultural imperialism (“The imposition of a foreign viewpoint or civilization on a people.” - dictionary.reference.com/browse/cultural+imperialism)

You might as well claim that air travel is “die and let die” immoral because it helps to spread ebola.
By the way, this thread is about Homosexuality and the Natural Law, isn’t it?

So what is your obsession with cultural relativism? I would think the natural law advocates, of which I am one, would be about as far removed from cultural relativism as anyone could get. Aren’t YOU the cultural relativist?
More name-calling? You can’t get enough of that, can you? 😉
Not at all, but as you’re calling uncle, I’ll relent. 🙂
*Moral relativism is based on subjective experiences. AIDS in homosexuals (and spread by homosexuals) is not a subjective experience. It is an objective fact, as much an objective fact as that syphillis and other veneral diseases can easily be spread by regular contact with others than your spouse. *
By that criterion it’s immoral to drive cars, as it’s an objective fact they kill people. If you base your morality on such things then it will change all the time according to contemporary society - that’s moral relativism.
Cultural Imperialism can only be asserted when it calls other cultures naturally inferior and to be exploited for their inferiority. I have not asserted either. When I directed the discussion back to the stateside issue, it was because you were not willing to discuss evidence pointed out to you in an American publication about the fatal effects of anal sex between sodomites. How does that amount to cultural imperialism? :confused:
You’ve asked me to ignore the large number of straight people dying from AIDS in North Africa, just across the Med from me, and worry instead about a smaller number of gays in the US. If the positions were reversed then I doubt you’d ask me to ignore a larger number of straight people dying in the US.
I’m not aware that the ordinary immoral effect of air travel is to spread Ebola. Maybe we should also ban food as immoral because sometimes it causes obesity?
Exactly, that’s the absurdity of basing morality on narrow issues, such as, let’s remember, statistics in your locale alone for a disease which has been around for less than 35 years.
“Die and let die,” rather than “Live and let live,” seems to be the proper catchphrase of all those who excuse or defend perverse sex of every kind.
That’s too close to Live And Let Die, Mr Bond. You’re being relativist again, as “perverse” is a matter of opinion.

We’re a long way from the OP now.
By the way, this thread is about Homosexuality and the Natural Law, isn’t it?

So what is your obsession with cultural relativism? I would think the natural law advocates, of which I am one, would be about as far removed from cultural relativism as anyone could get. Aren’t YOU the cultural relativist?
I was talking of meta-ethical moral relativism and cultural imperialism, and it seems you’ve mashed them to get cultural relativism, which is different from either, it’s "the principle that an individual human’s beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual’s own culture. This principle was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: “…civilization is not something absolute, but … is relative, and … our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes.” - princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Cultural_relativism.html

And yes, I’d go along with that, for instance in reading the bible it’s important to understand something of the original audiences and what the writers were saying to them, rather than imagine they were writing in English for contemporary New Yorkers.
By that criterion it’s immoral to drive cars, as it’s an objective fact they kill people. If you base your morality on such things then it will change all the time according to contemporary society - that’s moral relativism.
Yes, more people are killed from accidents than from sodomy.

But how does that play into moral relativism?

The purpose of getting into a car is to get from one place to another.

The purpose (and the disastrous effect) of sodomy is so vile it can hardly be described in vivid detail by civilized people.


Did you read this or didn’t you?
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