This is kind of like creating a self-fulling prophecy. If one views that only open gay/ssa people are part of ‘the gay agenda,’ then the person who is struggling with their faith and this issue will feel like they have to suffer in silence and alone otherwise they’d be viewed as some kind of Trojan horse that will ultimately leave anyway. Overtime, the failures to temptations begin to feel inevitable to them and the small successes feel hollow. That inevitable leads to a discussion and crisis of faith which in all honesty is not handled well in a lot of Christian circles, so many lose their faith and leave the church.
I do think there are indeed some in the Church who yearn for the “good old days” when gay people were not so visible. Many seem to expect those who carry the SSA cross to do so in silence, and not even discuss their sexuality with their own family and friends, and think doing that is just as bad as marching in a gay pride parade. As opposed to other sexual sins such as porn and masturbation, where the sinners are often encouraged to find “accountability partners”.
I also think those who advocate that those with SSA stay in the closet, don’t realize how hard that can be. Especially in more conservative evangelical Christian groups, it is expected that everyone marry and have kids at some point, many are pressured to do so as quickly as possible, rather than “burn with passion”.
It’s also the case that some don’t even see children as independent adults until they marry - such as the Duggars, note that none of the “children” living at home have any independent social media presence, it’s only the married ones who do. So, there is a lot of pressure to marry, and not pursuing marriage is going to raise alarms that a person must be gay. Sadly, some would even advocate those who have SSA but not exclusive SSA, and therefore marry, hide their “shame” even from their own spouses.
I’ve seen it a lot. The basic premise is both are considered mortal sins but homosexual acts are crimes against nature and sins called out against Heaven. They often also reference Saint Thomas Aquinas. The inference often made is that you are 1000% worse for being tempted or succumbing to temptation for same sex sexual acts (both lust or physical) thus are worse and more of a bad person than a person succumbing to commit an opposite sex sexual act outside what is considered moral within our faith traditions.
The issue is not that the teaching that yes homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. There just does feel like at best an unintentional at worse intentional effort to put as much shame and self-loathing on a person for having these particular temptations. Words like pervert, sodomite get thrown around a lot with what feels like the sole purposes to divide.
And many who use such words justify it by stating they have a duty to provide “fraternal correction” to male sure gay people have no confusion at all about Church teaching. I especially recall this attitudes when it came to Pope and some Bishops making comments about apologizing to homosexuals.
I do realize, though, that not everyone who posts hostile comments on the Internet when it comes to the gay rights movement as a political opponent, actually treat individual gay people in a cruel way.
Rather, it would be helpful for this particular cross to be treated as what it is: another cross. But in this hyperpolarized world that doesn’t happen.
Another justification I often hear for people treating homosexual acts as an especially bad is “well, unlike gays, we don’t ever see anyone march to express pride in adultery, porn use, etc, people know such acts are wrong even if they’re tempted to that sin”.
Uh, “The People Against Larry Flint”, anyone? That was certainly a movie that portrayed Flint as a hero fighting against hypocritical fundies and was hardly accurate about the kind of filth he was actually publishing. Adultery is constantly romanticized in movies, and fornication is portrayed as a given.
Celebrity interest magazines often portray adulterous relationships as no big deal, when Jerry Seinfeld started dating his now-wife she was still married to her first husband, but this was portrayed not as a scandal, but within the norm for celebrities.
So, I suspect adulterers don’t bother to march because they know most people accept that adultery is a private issue between spouses and not even necessarily “wrong” if the spouse is OK with it. Many think that if a married couple agrees to separate for a few months and date others, even have sex with others, while legally married, that’s perfectly fine, and neither are guilty of any sin.
Same with other sexual sins where the Church has essentially conceded defeat when it comes to having any influence over how secular society views them.
In some Christian circles, not only do you have to resist temptation, it’s implied that you should be making some progress to becoming straight, should do everything in your power to never loud or causes suspicions to your same sex attraction, and never talk about it (because what feels like the inference that ‘good Christians’ don’t deal with that or because it feels like some would rather those people disappear into the back of the pews and we can soley focus on the intellectual debate of labels rather than actually support those with this cross.
Yes, one poster in a recent topic seemed to assume that she could decrease the risk of her children having SSA themselves, by keeping them away from those who are gay or believe “gay is okay”, and that if despite all that they still suffered from SSA, they should stay silent about it. But when I asked her to clarify if that actually meant that she would expect her children to not tell her either, she never answered.