Kristina P.:
Casual sex among teenagers is definitely commonplace in some schools and among some groups. In other schools, it’s not nearly as much of a problem. I’ve heard from teachers about kids as young as 12 and 13 casually giving away sexual favors, and I’ve also heard from teachers at other schools about the sensibility of juniors and seniors in high school (not always religious kids) who recognize the value and importance of sex. We should definitely pray for the morality of young people, but don’t allow worry and rumors to get the best of you. Never underestimate a teenager’s rebellious inclination to say that he’s done more than he’s actually done. The bracelet story is an example of an urban legend blown way out of proportion by gossip and irresponsible journalism. Do just a small amount of research, and you’ll find that the whole frenzy is due to a small number of kids trying to make themselves seem like sexual experts.
I agree with you for the most part, except for the last sentence. This is not a small number of kids. Bracelets, tabs, peer pressure, or any other reason, ALOT of teens are sexually active. We cannot just shrug this off as a “few bad kids.” This is the norm, and those who choose abstinance until marriage are in the minority (I was in the majority
But what can we expect from a society that protects child pornography under the first amendment, glorifies sexual sins (adultery, premarital sex), promotes abortion, hands out condoms in schools, have Britney, Paris, and Lindsey as role models for the girls, and eminem, 50 cent and Jayzee as role models for the boys. For the girls, if they want to be in style, there few clothes options for them that do not look like they are “working,” and the boys are encouraged to look slovenly and where too big clothes. This just adds to their poor conception of dignity.
The casual attitude about sex among teens, is not a few kids making bad decisions, but a large number of children growing up and behaving exactly as society has taught them to. In a sense they are obedient.
They are not a cause of the problem, nor are they “bad.” Their attitudes and misconceptions are a fruit of the tree of the contraceptive mentality in a secular world. Just my opinion.