HORRIFYING: Cathedral priests reject for confession anyone not-registered, verified by their documented GIVING in the last year!

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Is there a covid-19 context here with confessions being scheduled?

I would be astounded to hear that the demand for confession exceeds the capacity of the clergy to provide it…
While it’s horrifying if this happened, not everything we read on the internet is true or correct. I pray that there is some misunderstanding here, or more information of which we are not aware.
We don’t know the context for the letter the priest wrote to the person.

It may be that the person requested confession outside of the scheduled time for that Cathedral Parish, which is what it is.
“Documented occurrence of volunteering/giving in the last year”.

So if you have been unable to volunteer in this past year for whatever reason, but give in cash every week when the plate comes round - thereby making your giving undocumented - makes one ineligible for the Sacrament of Confession?

🤔 I’d be looking for another parish to attend and support.
“Documented occurrence of volunteering/giving in the last year”.
I have heard (on CAF) of parish schools using that in their criteria for rationing places at school.

If the present story is to be believed, there must be a need to ration places in a confessional booking system, and someone has decided that a documented giving record is a reasonable means to ration those places.
Posted on Twitter a letter received from a friend’s sister? Isn’t there enough real news that needs addressing without running the rumor mill in overdrive with this fifth hand accusation?
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Not a fan of FR Z’s blog in general but, to be fair, his outrage over this is warranted. Surely if anything, the priority should given to be the inactive and unregistered - those who haven’t darkened the door of the confessional in so long they can’t remmebr how long!
I have heard (on CAF) of parish schools using that in their criteria for rationing places at school.
The problem with that sort of criteria is that it tends to favour those who have the time to volunteer and / or commit to a regular automatic payment plan. Admittedly, they could just make a one-of donation of $5 (or a similarly small amount every month or even less) which renders the whole giving criteria completely pointless - unless of course it’s based on the amount given which it should never be.
I’d not be surprised if demand for Confession has spiked owing to COVID19.

kind of sounds like they are making regular, committed church members their main priority, the rest just have to wait till next month to make an appointment. I’m sure its because of the Corvid 19 thing.

Just pray there’s more then one church in the neighborhood.
So the source is that some guy on Twitter says that a relative received an e-mail. Personally, I would prefer to have stronger confirmation than that before I take this particularly seriously.
It doesn’t matter. A priest is not allowed even to ask for a donation or accept one freely offered for hearing a Confession. This is simony regardless of circumstances.
It doesn’t matter. A priest is not allowed even to ask for a donation or accept one freely offered for hearing a Confession.
And he didn’t request a donation. He said their first priority is their own parishioners, and this person can make an appointment for next month.
Falsehoods or distortions or fragments or cases out of a million, and absence of verification: this is the way in which the online community of the Italian faithful has been ruined, becoming a courtyard of madmen.

Don’t follow this path, please.
Yes, I learned this the hard way. I would tend to “save up” my offerings and write a larger cheque every once in a while, rather than dropping an envelope in the collection basked every week… it never occurred to me that counting the number of envelopes (not total amount) would be a criteria for Catholic school admission. Sadly, as a result, my son didn’t make the cut. I spoke with the pastor, who knows me and knows I both regularly attend and volunteer at the parish… but never got a call from the school. My plan was to make a point of dropping an envelope in every week this year in hopes that my son could transfer in the following year, but then Covid hit. I get it- too many applicants, not enough spots, so you need some sort of criteria… But still frustrating. Infinitely worse when this sort of criteria is applied to confession…
Sadly, as a result, my son didn’t make the cut. I spoke with the pastor
Well you spoke to the wrong one. Since you know your child was disqualified as the result of “envelope counting” you should speak with a lawyer who would be absolutely delighted to take such a case.
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