HORRIFYING: Cathedral priests reject for confession anyone not-registered, verified by their documented GIVING in the last year!

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If confession is anonymous ,how would they even know who you are?
hmmmm…I’m suspicious. Of the priests I know, none would every turn someone away for a confession.
Well I wouldn’t go that far. While I certainly wasn’t happy about it, they do have limited seats and not everyone was going to get in :(.
I spoke rashly. I should have said, “If this charge is true, it is simony.”
Is there a covid-19 context here with confessions being scheduled?

I would be astounded to hear that the demand for confession exceeds the capacity of the clergy to provide it…
there must be.

The only time I ever heard of something similar is when priest was getting upset because a large number of converts we coming to his church for First Confession instead of going to their own parish for First Confession because the RCIA director apparently recommended to everyone in RCIA to attend their first confession at another parish…
I’d not be surprised if demand for Confession has spiked owing to COVID19.

Then the priests at this Church need to be in the confessional a lot more each week…
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you should speak with a lawyer who would be absolutely delighted to take such a case.
speaking as a lawyer . . . he would be better off with a lawyer that understands the law than one that thinks that the law would force such a thing . . .

If time for hearing confessions is running out, I’d ask for those with genial sins to let those with mortal sins go first!
Your keyboard’s auto-correct has obviously forced a letter change in your post but I quite like the sound of ‘Genial Sins’. Wrong, but friendly and cheerful at the same time! 😉
and where to those with sourpuss sins send in line?


Ahead of maudlin, but behind cranky?

:crazy_face: 🤣
The title of this discussion and the title of “Fr Z’s” blog post is INACCURATE!

The relevant segments of the Cathedral priest’s message are the following:
Our capacity is limited, so our priority is to serve the active, registered parishioners of the Cathedral who have not recently received absolution.

Active parishioners are registered parishioners who have a documented instance of volunteering and/or giving in the past year. If this pertains to you, you will be contacted by a staff member regarding your registration status.

If you have been to confession recently, I ask for your patience… a way that keeps you and our clergy as safe as possible.
If true, this is very sad. Imagine if said penitent wanted to confess not supporting the Church enough recently!
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