What do you think of Horror movies? What is your favorite one. When it comes to certain films that can be troublesome I really like thrillers.
Which movies are inappropriate and for whom? I think everyone recommending movies is doing so with the caveat that they’re not for kids. Kinda goes without saying.I’m really surprised, on a Catholic forum, to see not only very few warnings against horror movies, but recommendations for some quite inappropriate movies.
I love them but have seen very few good ones. Top on my list would be George C Scott’s The Changeling followed by the Frank Langella Dracula, both from the late 70’s. I’ve seen many others up to and including a number of very recent films but am almost always left disappointed. The special effects no longer impress me, the story lines are too dependent on them, and are left weak as a result.What do you think of Horror movies?
What constitutes “inappropriate”? A well formed, mature adult should easily be able to see a movie with disturbing imagery and remember it’s just a movie.Catholic adults shouldn’t feel free just to watch any movies if they’re inappropriate.