How are Anglicans (and other protestants) forgiven of sins?

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Yeah, we generally don’t mess around with a dead language. I mean, Latin is, for all intensive purposes, a dead langauge unless you’re a historian or in the science/medical field.
Latina non est lingua mortua. Latina est lingua viva.
Yeah, we generally don’t mess around with a dead language. I mean, Latin is, for all intensive purposes, a dead langauge unless you’re a historian or in the science/medical field.
That’s the advantage of Latin. That’s why it is still the official language of the Catholic Church. And that’s why it is used in law and medicine and in other scholarly pursuits. A “dead” language is a stable language. The meaning of Latin words does not change. Meanings of English words and the words of other “living” languages are always evolving and changing. Anything expressed is Latin will convey the same meaning centuries later.

I was raised Lutheran, the first five minutes or so is the Confession and Absolution portion, where the Pastor reads some prayers, the congregation does some in response, there is a silence for “reflection on God’s Word and self-examination” where the people confess on a personal level individually, and then the Pastor says the Absolution. The service then moves on.
The examination of conscience and “confiteor” at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy or Mass (which is imitated to some extent by the Lutherans) is sufficient for the forgiveness of venial (non-deadly) sins – but not for the forgiveness of mortal (deadly) sins, which “kill” the grace of God within the soul. The Divine Life of God (Sanctifying Grace) and mortal (deadly) sin cannot co-exist. Christ established the norm for obtaining forgiveness of sins as sacramental confession to a priest (John 20:19-23).

GKC said:
Latina non est lingua mortua. Latina est lingua viva.

Quare utor a lingua pauci narro? Does is non seperate populus ex Deus?

My translation might be rough, so I apologize ahead of time.
wabrams said:
Quare utor a lingua pauci narro? Does is non seperate populus ex Deus?

My translation might be rough, so I apologize ahead of time.

Noli laborare in mente. Deus omnes linguas intelligit.


Anglicanus Catholicus
Ok, what does omnes mean?

Incidentally, for the past 2 days, I have a very difficult time opening this site, forum, or thread. Takes an hour sometimes, sometimes I can’t open anything at all. I don’t know if it’s my system or something on the board/server, but I will likely not be around until it’s cleared up.



traditional Anglican
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