How are Christianity and Islam related?

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People are always saying these three religions are related: Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

So, I get that Christianity fulfills the old law of Judaism, please correct me if I’m wrong but I think the Jewish God is the first person of the Trinity. But Islam just seems like a completely separate thing.
It is a completely different thing. However, it claims Abraham as a forerunner, thus some see it as an Abrahamic faith, like Judaism and Christianity.
I have never succeeded in finding out where and when the term “Abrahamic religions” was first used in print. It can’t be very old, I think. And there are people who don’t accept it, who think it’s a misleading term, such as Aaron Hughes:

In 2012, Aaron W. Hughes published a book about the category Abrahamic religions as an example of “abuses of history.” He said that only recently the category “Abrahamic religions” has come into use and that it is a “vague referent.” It is “largely a theological neologism” and “an artificial and imprecise” term. Combining the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions into this one category might serve the purpose of encouraging “interfaith trialogue”, but it is not true to the “historical record”. Abrahamic religions is “an ahistorical category”. There are “certain family resemblances” among these three religions, but the “amorphous” term Abrahamic religions prevents an understanding of the “complex nature” of the interactions among them. Furthermore, the three religions do not share the same story of Abraham. For these and other reasons, Hughes argued that the term should not be used, at least in academic circles.[22]

Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity whilst in Judaism and Islam they worship only one God. Whether we worship the same Father (God of Abraham) is a good question.
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The first thing I want to mention, is that I really wish people would stop saying that Muslims worship Allah, not God, because that is like a slap in the face to Arabic-speaking Christians. That being said, Islam is very different than Christianity, but has many things in common, honestly it says it’s a continuation of Christianity, but denies things like the crucifixion and the resurrection, which is really bizarre to me because Muslims believe in a physical Resurrection from the dead. They believe Jesus is the Messiah, but they still have compared to Christianity, relatively strict dietary laws , it’s almost like Muhammad was trying to meet the Jewish people and the Christians halfway. I actually do know quite a bit about Islam, and one of my closest friends is Muslim, but I’m by no means an expert, so hopefully someone can fill you in with some of the other stuff. The whole argument that Muslims have about Christians corrupting the Bible, that doesn’t hold any water, because that does not explain extra biblical sources that talk about the crucifixion and the resurrection.
@adamhovey1988, I can’t find it now, but last year there was a thread called something like “I’m a Muslim, ask me anything.” I didn’t follow the thread too closely, but at one point the Muslim poster claimed that Mohammed himself was the Paraclete that Jesus promised in John 15:26. Do you know anything about that?

You weren’t asking me but I wanted to say, I’ve heard that claim before.
People are always saying these three religions are related: Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

So, I get that Christianity fulfills the old law of Judaism, please correct me if I’m wrong but I think the Jewish God is the first person of the Trinity. But Islam just seems like a completely separate thing.
Islam is a separate religion from a Christian standpoint. However, from a Muslim standpoint, Christianity and Judaism are forerunner religions that Islam builds on and “completes.” Muslims believe Muhammad is the last in a line of prophets that stretch back to Abraham and Moses and includes Christian figures like Jesus. The Muslims also respect Jesus’ mother, Mary.
Yeah, even include her in the trinity, if I read correctly.
I think the argument is that Muhammad knew just enough about Christianity to be confused and (given the way Christians venerated Mary) incorrectly thought that Mary was a member of the Trinity. However, I’m not sure if that is an accurate statement.
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If I recall correctly as well, the backwater region of Arabia was a stronghold for Nestorianism? So he, in his limited knowledge of Christianity, likely had a heretical presentation of it as a source.

Been too long.
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Ancient Christians, including St Thomas Aquinus, believed & taught that Islam was a great/major heresy of Christianity.
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Thank you, @StudentMI. It’s not clear to me whether this is something that is in the Quran and that all Muslims are required to believe, or whether it’s something incidental that some Muslims believe and others don’t.
St. John Damascene wrote his book The Fount of Knowledge that Islam is a heresy. Hilaire Belloc in his book The Great Heresies classified Islam as a heresy. He also predicted the rise of Islam in the late 20th century too.

Belloc states that Islam has elements from Judaism, Arianism, Docetism, the other early heresies and paganism in it. Definitely not politically correct but it’s a fascinating book.
The “God of Abraham” IS the Holy Trinity. IIRC, there was an ancient heresy that said that the God of the OT was not the same God as the God of the NT, which is false. There is only one true God in three Divine Persons, i.e. the +Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN.
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