How are spirits seen?

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In scripture there are many examples of angels interacting with people. Moses and the Prophets saw God. And many Saints have interacted with spirits. So the question is … How do we see spirits; which are immaterial?:hypno:
In scripture there are many examples of angels interacting with people. Moses and the Prophets saw God. And many Saints have interacted with spirits. So the question is … How do we see spirits; which are immaterial?:hypno:
You see them with your mind; not with the eyes in your head.

Most of the seeing process takes place in your mind, anyhow.

In scripture there are many examples of angels interacting with people. Moses and the Prophets saw God. And many Saints have interacted with spirits. So the question is … How do we see spirits; which are immaterial?:hypno:
We primarily experience them while in the hypnagogic state.
This may sound like a cop out but, we see them by the grace of God. If He wants us to have a physical perception than that’s what we will have. If He wills it to be a spiritual vision that happens in the mind then so be it. We spend a lot of time trying to but God into terms we can grab onto and understand and explain when we need to accept that this is not something we can put into words.
This is my opinion and is not based on anything other than that.
In scripture there are many examples of angels interacting with people. Moses and the Prophets saw God. And many Saints have interacted with spirits. So the question is … How do we see spirits; which are immaterial?:hypno:
No one saw God…at least not directly. Moses saw his “back” but it is clear he did not see God directly.

As for Angels and demons, they can present many ways. However God chooses. I have no doubt that they are often very physical looking.
When they take on some kind of physical form. Other than that I thought the seeing was more like a sensing and not actually seeing with your eyes. Like sensing an evil presence etc. Also seeing the results like if objects move by themselves etc. But I don’t think people see spirits with their physical eyes but with their spiritual eyes and sense them. Like how you can sense when someone is looking at you and you turn and look at them because you can sense eyes on you. Kind of like that. If you look at any person who doesn’t see you, their eyes will find you and make eye contact even a stranger because people can sense eyes on them. Christians will sense evil spirits but not see them in a physical form unless the evil spirit takes on a physical form. Even though no one is there it will feel like someone is there, people will sense a presence.
I think that’s also how people see angels and God, they sense them with their spiritual eyes. You don’t actually see them unless angels take on a physical form and you sense God without actually seeing Him with your eyes.
Okay, most of the responses went for seeing with the mind or sensing with the same. I would agree that the mind may perceive spirits, by some part of the brain; or perhaps by the soul. But, if you place it all within the confines of the mind, it can be said it 's just a hallucination. What’s the difference between a hallucination and a real spiritual experience? Also what do you do with a situation were there are multiple witnesses to the same spiritual experience? Do they all see the same thing within their minds?:whacky:
Okay, most of the responses went for seeing with the mind or sensing with the same. I would agree that the mind may perceive spirits, by some part of the brain; or perhaps by the soul. But, if you place it all within the confines of the mind, it can be said it 's just a hallucination. What’s the difference between a hallucination and a real spiritual experience? Also what do you do with a situation were there are multiple witnesses to the same spiritual experience? Do they all see the same thing within their minds?:whacky:
Many mystical traditions hold that it is all illusory (“maya”).
Okay, most of the responses went for seeing with the mind or sensing with the same. I would agree that the mind may perceive spirits, by some part of the brain; or perhaps by the soul. But, if you place it all within the confines of the mind, it can be said it 's just a hallucination. What’s the difference between a hallucination and a real spiritual experience? Also what do you do with a situation were there are multiple witnesses to the same spiritual experience? Do they all see the same thing within their minds?:whacky:
The fact that we all agree that there is a objective reality outside our mind does not prove that the world cannot be an illusion. It is just a common sense that we agree upon based on our common experience.
It is just a common sense that we agree upon based on our common experience.
Dimension, the past and present and future all exist? What we are able to understand of that, doesn’t change it.
… How do we see spirits; which are immaterial?
‘material’ ???

That is such an outdated concept in this age of quantum physics and dark energy and virtual particles, and holographic universes, and uncertainty principles and…
Dimension, the past and present and future all exist?
The soul reality we can agree upon is the experiencing events on spot. The past is dead and future does not exist.
What we are able to understand of that, doesn’t change it.
I am not 100% sure that this argument holds. I have been thinking about this subject for a while and I think what mind as the whole understands of subject matter can in fact change the essence of reality since our understanding and the reality correlate with each other.
The soul reality we can agree upon is the experiencing events on spot. The past is dead and future does not exist.

I am not 100% sure that this argument holds. I have been thinking about this subject for a while and I think what mind as the whole that understands of subject matter can in fact change the essence of reality since our understanding and the reality correlate with each other.
You could (in theory) have a black hole with a wormhole connecting it to another point in space. The fact that we can’t access this doesn’t exclude its possibility. That be the case than the sole reality that the past -future do not exist would be false. Point being that be the case than something seen in a spiritual sense or physical for than matter may indeed be possible.
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