How are you doing on your Lenten Promises

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Just wondering about how people are doing with their Lenten Promises. For me here were mine:

  1. *]Giving up chocholate except for meal bars which I sometime eat for lunch.
    *]Get back to doing the Liturgy of the Hours.
    *]Start doing some more spititual and theological reading. I just bought and received a copy of Summa Theologica. I will probably do a couple of questions a day.
    *]Expand my Scripture reading beyond the daily Mass readings. I think I may start with either the Gospel of John or St. Paul’s letter to the Romans since I have the Ignatius Study Bible for both. I might even include an Old Testament book if I find the time.
    *]Obtain a Spritual Director. I have been meaning to do this,but since I knew I was moving, I was putting it off until I moved. Since I have moved, I need to get working on it. I have been going to a parish ran by the Passionists. Hopefully, I will be able to get one there.

    Results so far for me:

    1. *]Failed on that one the first day:whistle:
      *]Have tried, but only have done some of the Office readings.
      *]Slow, but improving.
      *]A little, but not as much as I wanted to.
      *]Doing a little better on this. Joined the parish mention and have gotten the number of a Spiritual Director at the monistary there. Will try to call next week.

      So, how are you doing:ehh:
I am73 years old so am exempt from fasting but decided to fast 3 days a week. i am doing it one day a week.

go to mass and communion every day
I am not getting there only 3 or 4 times.

not to put sugar or cream into my coffee except for Sundays, i am doing pretty good on this one i forgot i was doing it one day other than that i have done it.

turning off the tv and computer between 11 pm and 7 am. i have actually done that.
Actually a lot better than last year!! The Lord is giving me the grace and I am choosing to stick with them!! My Lenten promises: 1. No meat except on Sunday. 2. No liquor (I drink a little wine)except on Sunday. 3. Pray the rosary or the Divine Mercy chaplet once a week. 4. Stations of the Cross on Friday night 5. Choosing to keep my mouth shut instead of saying an unkind word or complaint. 😉 Praise be to God!!
I’m doing ok…not nearly as well as I would like…I have been sick and it has slowed my progess, but I am getting better and looking forward to hitting the ground running from hear on out.
I managed to (barely) keep to the prayer schedule I set.
I’m a bit behind on my Bible reading…
And I haven’t caved and had a soda yet… 😃
I have not been able to attend stations yet…I mean’t to go every weeek, but things keep popping up…
Well, I gave up all caffinated goods (decaf coffee only on Sundays, I slipped up because I flew on Monday, and mistook it for Sunday). Every time I want coffee, chocolate, coffee, Diet Sunkist, coffee, Starbucks, or coffee, I say a prayer instead. And, I read something about religion every day. So yeah, I’m making it this year. WOOHOO

Well, I thought I was doing good until I read this thread. Maybe I didn’t set the bar high enough.
  1. Join prayer group that prays outside abortion clinic on Saturdays.
  2. Stations of the Cross on Fridays.
    Well, I had the flu on week one, so I didn’t make it, but went yesterday, and plan on continuing.
  3. Abstaining from meat on Wednesdays as well as Friday.
  4. Review material on The Passion movie. Break open my copy of The Passion and watch it on Good Friday.
    Check on reading, and I know I will watch it.
Gave up Pizza and Peanut M&M’s = doing good on this!
Gave up Shopping (no material things) food or meds only= slipped up one time.😦
Took up reading the Catechism every Friday= doing good with this!
Attending Stations of the Cross on Friday= missed due to the flu.😦
oh yeah…and meal prayers more often…I just forget, any suggestions???
tried to follow the traditional pre-V2 fast and abstinence rules, could not regulate my blood sugar adequately so am back on the Zone diet, 3 meals 2 snacks with precise amounts of protein, carb & fat for each. It is enough of a pain in the neck that I feel like I am doing penance.
Wow, compared to what some people here are doing I am a bit timid to state my promises.

Actually it is only one promise.

Fasting on Wednesdays - defined as no solid food. Yet I can drink. I just put away a milk shake. That’ll be about it though plus a few cups of coffee.

Since lent I have gone to Mass every Wednesday as well. I’ve said the rosary on Wednesdays after Mass. Now that I have made it this far I think I’ll continue with attempting to get to Mass every Wed and say the rosary.

So far, so good.
I am doing well with my Promises to increase prayer, Charity, and giving up certain things such as alcohol and tobacco…but I am having a hard time following my eating guidelines (self imposed eating restrictions I must add…I am still following the Ash Wed, Fridays, and Good Friday guidlines) and exercise guidelines…and I am guilty of using work as an excuse, which it is partly to blame…but if I really, really gave 150% I could make the time to prepare my lenten meals in advance…I have vowed to eliminate all junk foods and desserts every day except on Sundays when I usually have dessert. Why is it so hard for me to follow this without deviation? I thought it would be harder for me to cut out the alcohol and tobacco…but that is a breeze and I don’t ever plan on using those types of products again…but it seems like I am spending so much time either working or praying…that I lack the motivation to stay in the gym and prepare healthy meals to eat during Lent…WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? I need help…any advice would be well appreciated…I also want to eliminate all meats, including Fish on Fridays…but this has been difficult as well…I feel I letting Christ down. 😦
I just want to say that I am very impressed with all of your Lenten Promises. I guess I’m a little lazier than the rest of you or something.

Go to Mass 1 extra day per week-so far so good

Say 1 decade of the rosary with kids on the way to school-2-3 times per week average so far.

Meditate on 1 Station of the Cross each night with the entire family-only missed 2 times!!!

Attend Stations of the Cross–haven’t made it yet

Family Lenten Retreat-this Sunday

No inbetween snacks, chocolate, or evening cup of hot cocoa, nothing to drink except water----good on the water and hot cocoa about 50% on everything else.

Daily gospel reflection—100%!

God Bless
I am have to tell ya’ll that I am SO IMPRESSED with your promises! This is my first lent and I thought giving up chocolate was such a big deal on my part (I was feeling oh so holy because I had only slipped up once)… (Ok, twice)

But now that I’ve read some of yours I am so totally humbled. All I can say is Good Job! I am sure God is pleased by your devotion. 🙂
God Bless,
How DID people used to be able to fast everyday during Lent? and eat meat only once a day? And if I remember correctly, it was commonplace to go to daily Mass pre-Vatican II also and refrain from sweets, etc. I am humbled by the thought!
For the past 2 Fridays I completely forgot to abstain from meat! :confused: --with a family it’s hard-----but I have tried to give up a couple things or at least cut down on them, instead, offering up my prayers and thankfulness during Lent while abstaining from certain activities.
Gave up Pizza and Peanut M&M’s = doing good on this!
Gave up Shopping (no material things) food or meds only= slipped up one time.😦
Took up reading the Catechism every Friday= doing good with this!
Attending Stations of the Cross on Friday= missed due to the flu.😦
oh yeah…and meal prayers more often…I just forget, any suggestions???
Love the “gave up shopping”–this is one thing I’m giving up as well—instead of weekly browsing in shops–I read the Bible instead --and/or my devotionals.
Gave up Pizza and Peanut M&M’s = doing good on this!
Gave up Shopping (no material things) food or meds only= slipped up one time.😦
Took up reading the Catechism every Friday= doing good with this!
Attending Stations of the Cross on Friday= missed due to the flu.😦
oh yeah…and meal prayers more often…I just forget, any suggestions???
Love the “gave up shopping”–this is one thing I’m giving up as well—instead of weekly browsing in shops–I read the Bible instead --and/or my devotionals. It’s simply amazing how much “material stuff” we can really do without!!! And even do without being around!!! you know?
During this time of Lent I always come face to face with my nemesis.
It is such a time of highs and lows. I am just coming out from another dry period due completely to my own weakness and selfishness.
Let us pray for one another.
I mother two toddlers and an infant. I don’t have much to “give up.”

I decided to step up my housekeeping and be more diligent about cooking decent meals on time, which I had grown lax on, and dedicating all that work to God. Less computer. Give up computer on Fridays. More Bible reading and perhaps a Rosary if I can squeeze it in before I drop into bed at night.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

This is how I am doing…thank God for confession…
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