How "bad" do you think it is to be a Protestant, especially an Anglican or Baptist?

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The Cardinals and Bishops are just as fallible as any other humans, whether it be one person or a council.
Would Council of Jerusalem held in Acts of Apostles happen to be equally fallible?

If not, it can’t be “because it’s in the Bible”. We can’t authentically determine what is or isn’t in the Bible because everyone is fallible, correct?
I’ll tell you, I will miss AINg’s anti-Catholic strawmen that get disproven every time but he never stops trying same ones over and over.
Unfortunately, this is an issue with many Orthodox Christians and they don’t think it is a strawman although many Roman Catholics believe it to be such.
I agree. But theologians and people educated on the matter such as Metropolitan Kallistos Ware know better.
Scripture. However, the Catholic Church also teaches things which, according to my understanding, are not to be found in Scripture and may even be contrary to what is in Scripture.
Two points I want to quickly make here.
  1. “Not found in scripture.” I have to ask… What scripture are you talking about? If you are talking about the Protestant Bible which is a butchered version of the True Holy Bible. Then you haven’t been reading the full and complete scripture my friend. Martin Luther insisted on removing some books from the Bible because they were used against him in a debate with a Priest which disproved his opinions such as the books of Maccabees.
  2. The Bible itself says that not everything Jesus taught and said has been written down. Paul wrote letters to the Churches inquiring about the oral traditions and teachings he taught them. Remember that not everything is in the Bible. Jesus taught things to the disciples that was passed down as tradition from generation to generation. Not necessarily written down.
I don’t think it’s “bad” to be a Protestant, as I’ve been one all my life. The faith I was taught as a child is a solid one based on fundamental Christian principles, such as loving and serving God, spending time in Bible study and prayer, love and kindness to one’s neighbors, and being a good community citizen.

The question that is more relevant to me and one of the main reasons I joined CAF to find out
is: Would Catholicism enhance my existing faith or is it just a choice between “apples and oranges”. I’m still kind of sorting that out, with God’s help.
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