How can explain to parents that they go to church withoud forcing?

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Yeah i am really bothered by this because i am not shure how should i approach i tryed and tryed but just it doesnt end well it ends in arguing

But i whould like to learn your approach can you give me ideas how to approach about why we should go to church when they dont belive

second is how to tell them about communion

but of course that we dont force them but with gentless do everything how can we tell them to not force them should we use questions always because i learned questions are the key not going straight to the point

is it better i sit with my family or with one at time in private
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You can’t tell your parents to go to church. That is not your place as their child. But you can go and be a wordless example to them. They may be interested someday because you have not nagged them about going, but because they see the positive influence it has brought into your own life.

You cannot change others, you can only change your self and your reaction to others.
Allright can you explain what do you mean by that because i am confused?

plus going to church doesnt help at all as example when nobody belives it should go that s the problem

another thing is for not being answered how should approach with quesitons withoud forcing
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I guess we have a misunderstanding here

I am not telling them to go i explain to them whould they go
Your parents don’t have to believe the same things you believe. Quit fighting with them over this. Live your best life and serve as an example to them. That doesn’t include causing upset by insisting they go to church.
what about then what i saw in other post on this site where we should explain to family about such issues? that s also wrong if you dont belive me you can broswer here and read i mean

i learned that it can be a sin of omission to fail not saying enything and be quiet about everything
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If you and your parents are all interested in each other, then I think it is fine for YOU to share how YOUR religion positively impacts YOUR life. I do not think it is fine for you to tell your parents they should believe what you believe and practice what you practice. They are allowed to believe and practice whatever they want. They don’t need the aggravation of someone, especially their child, hounding them to jump on board with something they don’t agree with.
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Oh no that s not what i want to do
that s why i asked can you please teach me how to talk to my parents to explain to them why its important to go to church and why its not good to take communion
that everything is clean and done with gentless that s my question but sadly misunderstanded again

of course i cant make them to do i want or force but i explain my idea
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You are a good person, who wants your parents to go to Mass, but you don’t know how to explain that to them.

I could say, ask your priest what he advises, but you already said in a post that this is hard for you.

I know that in past posts, you say that you find social interactions difficult. You also said you have learning difficulties. I have a grandson who has learning difficulties.

I might tell my grandson to say what he feels about things.
Your feelings about your parents not going to Mass, are hurting you.
Parents don’t like to make their children feel bad.

Perhaps the strongest thing you could say to them could be,

“Mum/Dad, it makes me feel sad that you don’t go to Mass.”
Just leave them to think about that for a while perhaps.
Perhaps say that to them separately, so they can talk about it between themselves. That might be the best way.

There are other things you could also say but see how they respond to that before you say anything else.

Please don’t worry.
Continue praying for them, continue talking to God and trusting in Him

God bless you, and God bless your parents.
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My dear freind right afther i readed your post made me cry right now because its so beautifull explained thank you so much i aprishiate this god bless you that was great it helps i never tough about this
Oh no that s not what i want to do
that s why i asked can you please teach me how to talk to my parents to explain to them why its important to go to church and why its not good to take communion
that everything is clean and done with gentless that s my question but sadly misunderstanded again

of course i cant make them to do i want or force but i explain my idea
Oh I see.

In that case, I would suggest talking to them about your religious preference in the same manner you discuss anything with them that is important to you. Maybe you could invite them to go to Mass with you and explain why.

If they don’t know much about the Catholic church you could get them a small book to read and tell them you thought they might be interested in the things you believe and why.

As a parent of an adult child, I am always interested in what she is up to. The things she is engaged in, what is important in her life, how she lives, etc. If she was active in a different church or religion, I would want to know all about it, for no reason other than I am interested in the things that have meaning in her life. I don’t think I am much different from most parents. Present it to them as it being an important part of who YOU are, and they may be interested to know more.
i learned that it can be a sin of omission to fail not saying enything and be quiet about everything
I think there’s a little misunderstanding here (and I saw someone else shared this misunderstanding on another thread). A sin of omission would be failing to proactively do something good for another. For an extreme example, let’s say I see a man take a woman’s wallet while she has her back turned in a public place. If I say/do nothing, that is my sin of omission.

In your case, I know it might seem like you’re doing nothing, but living a quiet life of example is sometimes the best preaching opportunity you have. That’s not to say you should go for many years and never speak of your faith with those closest to you, but it gives them an opportunity to come to you with questions.

My wife was not of the same faith when we met. She came from a very different background and had been exposed to much anti catholic teaching. I simply lived out my faith anyway and gave her room to express opinions; I then shared mine and answered her questions as they arose. She’s Catholic now, and we attend Mass together raising our children in the faith.
Sorry for late reply what do you mean by religius preference explain?

plus my whole family is catholic and hey this you just said about sharing belief that s what i wanted to mention this is how we can explain withoud forcing right

i can tell to my parent what i think in my belief but that i dont force them
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Ok. Well in that case, my original advice stands. Discuss with them why it is meaningful to you.

The impression I get from your previous posts is that your parents are not practicing Catholics? Is that correct?
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sadly i consantly get asked why do you go to church when i invite whould you go with me to church

and its really hard to share my belief because heart is to closed for the word but i learned my self i shouldnt force them but instead i can share opinion sometimes my opinion is like dont share nothing with me keep it for yourself i get told
OK. So it sounds like they aren’t practicing Catholics and they probably don’t believe the same things you do.

If that is the case, and you know it, then I wouldn’t discuss it further with them unless they desire to. As I said, each person is entitled to their own beliefs and values, and you should respect that.

It is rarely fruitful to argue with family. I would keep them in your prayers when you go to church and set the best example you can for them.
I understand now thanks for the explanation this helped me understand things better now

so basically when we also people whu consantly dont do enything about people whu are attacked on the news they cause this to correcT?
Thanks alot for the advice also what should i tell them when i get aked why do you go to church why every sunday should i tell something?

tell me testimony?
dont share nothing with me keep it for yourself i get told
That’s what I’ve gotten from my non - practicing Catholic children and in direct speech from daughter in law. Nothing I can do except live and practice my Faith and pray daily for their conversion.
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