How can explain to parents that they go to church withoud forcing?

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Just tell them you go because you like to go because you are a practicing catholic.
I understand and i am sorry to hear that can you help me with prayer because i dont have right words because of my disablity i am stuck and ocd make me repeat words i just whould ask do you have advice what i can pray?
I pray the rosary everyday for them. You could pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for their conversion too. Before I start the prayer I say to God "I offer this Rosary for the conversion of… (named or a general for all my lapsed and non-Catholic family members)
Edited to add that you could say to God as above before any prayer that you know - the Our Father, a Hail Mary, Glory Be or other prayers you may have.
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I understand sadly i do not know to pray rosary i never did this i just repented from my previus sinfull ways of life you know this year is like one of first of new me
Thanks be to God for your repentance. There are websites online that explain hoe to pray the rosary and the divine mercy Chaplet - and some have audio so you can pray along with them. If you don’t have a rosary beads you can just use your fingers for the 10 Hail Mary’s in each decade.
I’m on my phone with low battery so I can’t post links to some for you.
Hopefully someone else will post links.
I understand and thank you hope i can find Croatian version if not i ask my grandma for this when come visit us
It’s good to speak to God in your own thoughts and words too.
Sometimes this is easy way.
God is your loving Father.
Jesus tells us that the Father loves us.

Jesus loves us and understands us.

Mary, Mother of Jesus is your heavenly mother.

You can speak to them as freely and honestly as you wish you could speak to your earthly parents.
Sorry for late reply and thank you

but my prayer goes something like this

Dear lord please help my parents stop thinking now what words next to use i am lost and confused i go further saying stop what to say next? and then i again repeat i really cant stand this loss of words what i am doing wrong can you help me how to start here

i complicate in prayer alot just need some advice i whould aprishiate

also i repeat alot bring them to faith not shure if this is good and one i readed in article asking our lord please bring them back to our heavenly church again stop thinking ocd is so annoying its making me you know but ok i guess our lord knows i have hard time should i rather stay quiet our lord can from silence see i mean to ask?

And whould you like to pray for me? for this problem
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Here is a link in Croatian: The Rosary in Croatian - Prayers - Catholic Online

I do not know Croatian, so I have to assume they explain how to pray it, but I include this link in English to help: how to pray the Rosary — Turning to God's Word

The English version has a picture to explain how to pray the Rosary using the Rosary beads. You can use your fingers to count out the Hail Mary’s if you do not have a Rosary.

Do not worry about making mistakes. Just pray the Rosary as well as you can until your grandmother or someone else can help you, and even then, do not worry about making mistakes. I prayed the Rosary many times with the second or third mystery last because I was still learning to pray and made that mistake frequently.
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You explain an issue when you are asked a question.

You apparently are not being asked a question. At that point, you are either trying to tell them what they either don’t want to hear or are not interested in, or if you keep pursuing it, you are arguing with them.

They are adults. They already have an opinion on the matter.

You are not an adult.

And by continuing to pursue this issue, you most likely will make them mad - which is not going to accomplish anything positive.

If your whole family is Catholic, then that should mean your parents are Catholic. If they don’t go to Mass, then there is a reason; and if they have not told you, it is likely they will not tell you no matter what anyone here says. They have made their choice; now you need to let it alone. they have not asked you a question about going to Mass, so it is farily clear they are not going to go.

You need to go to Mass, and leave the issue alone. They can see what you are doing, and that is far more likely to get them to start thinking in that direction, than anything you could tell them.
Just tell them you go because you love Jesus.

Then stop talking about it.
I am just glad that the OP’s parents still let him or her go to Mass. Nice thread here! I wish they all worked out well like this!🙂
I understand thanks for explaining and i am aware of this now yet i feel a bit unconfortable because some information here are false

(you are not adult part) and i say i am adult and 30 years old even so that s yong still

other thing is i have ocd so that s why sometimes i go overboard and cant control my self so how about we use this basic idea?

-Think twice before saying enything-
i mean i dont mean enything bad of course i wish you best but lets work together withoud using you and use i feel instead its better and more effective

and i aprishiate that what you told me just sometimes using you as first setence doesnt feel right

plus i forgot to tell that i already heared to serval reasons why not go to church
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Well esiffe i feel weird when i get asked why do you go to church when i go

the reason i go to church now is because i repented from my ways i realised i sometimes have to risk my time to give time for our lord with others brother and sister

and you know what s sad? the more i go to church i noticed i consantly get asked why do you want to go to church you dont need to go to church what s the point?

see how satan is using people whu arent practicing their faith to try to get you back into old ways but i know i must be strong and resist this i know what s going on but i am not having little weak strong faith in the middle

I answer when i get asked i tell them i go to church because we are all brother and sister
because our lord is there with us
but i then get counter how can he be there i explain to them communion but i guess its not worth it if nobody listen
The best way we can educate others about the church is through providing a good example or role model for them.
Sorry for late reply could you pleae tell me what does it mean providing a good example or role model?

good example please detailed

role model?
Stick with it sebo3e! I waited decades before I came to the church and repented. Most of my life to date was spent in sin. A soul weighted down in sin is a miserable thing. It’s ok though, better late than never, that’s a real thing.

You are absolutely right, the enemy will most certainly do what he can to get you to stop going to church. You will save yourself all kinds of misery by embracing God and his Mother.
i understand and that s great i am happy to hear that i get laughted alot because i repented and came to our lord now when i try live in faith something really strange started to start in my family

is that satan trying trough them attack me?
Okay I misread you as a teenager.

If you are 30 and going to Mass regularly, you are on the track you need to be.

However, I will still say you do not need to tell you parents anything. They are adults and have made their decision. They do not need to justify that decision to you.

Your actions speak louder than words. If they choose to not listen to your actions, why do you think there is some special way to use words? There isn’t.

For whatever reason your parents choose not to go to Mass, that is their decision. Instead of trying to tell they they are wrong (which is most likely how they will view what you say), continue to go to Mass, continue to pray for them, and let the Holy Spirit deal with it.

I appreciate your concern, but it is very likely they will not appreciate your concern if you start talking to them. and any conversation is far more likely to get into an argument than the “conversation” you have as an adult by your actions.

God bless. There is no magic formula. Just keep praying, and going to Mass.
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