If we have free will, how can God tell the future? For that to be the case, it would have to be predestined. Even if God exists outside of time, it would mean our choices to be obsolete. This would mean no matter what I do I’ll have the same fate. How can that be free will?
I highly recommend you look into St Thomas Aquinas’s 8 Attributes of God. They will help you understand this, which is rooted in Philosophy.
St Thomas Aquinas, in the first part of his Summa Theologica, after having enumerated five proofs for the existence of God, proceeds to outline and explicate his attributes, of which Thomas says He has eight: 1) Simplicity, 2) perfection, 3) goodness, 4) infinity, 5) ubiquity, 6) immutability...
You should read the above link and listen to the audio it has.
But essentially, God is outside time.
Have you even seen any movie with time travel? Well, when time traveling, the person goes outside of time and then re-enters time at different moment.
Or better yet, have you ever seen a show or movie where the time travelers can sit outside time for a while?
Legends of Tomorrow (note: I don’t recommend the show, it’s pretty bad) does this a lot, where they sit outside time to hide or reset the changes they made.
Now when time travelers time travel, they are biased. They want their time line to continue and sometimes, they want to travel back in time to make changes to their timeline or restore their timeline. Therefore, human time travelers would have the temptation to predestined or modify things and take away free will to insure the future they want.
However, God doesn’t do this. Why? Because God is outside time to begin with. He doesn’t have a bias and He is happy with the way it ends. So there is no reason for God to tinker with things which will alter the perfection of Creation and the way the world ends.
Btw - going back to the time travelers - just because someone travels to the future doesn’t mean they are automatically predestinating that future.
Finally, in regards to predestination: God DOES predestine some people to Heaven, like Mary. But he’s doesn’t take their free will away. St Thomas Aquinas has some very complex teachings regarding this, but that a different topic.
Any way free will is what we have. And God knows what we would do with any extra graces we might be given. For example, someone like Gov Andrew Cuomo has been given many Graces that have obviously been wasted. But others, like the Blessed Mother, The Apostles, and the Saints have used their Graces well. Therefore, sometimes God gives some extra Graces to those who ask for them. And God grants them if it fits into his design.
But God didn’t prompt us to ask for those extra Graces. He just knew we would ask.