How can homosexuality be immoral or contrary to natural ends if there is a genetic/evolutionary/biological reason for it?

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Give me a break, Rau. How many times have you seen people bringing up what they consider to be comparative cases and raising incest and bestiality as part of an ‘argument’.
I’ve never drawn that comparison. And as I said, those engaged in the discussion here have not done that - I don’t know why you raise it.
Imagine you’re in a bar and some guy mentions that his niece is gay. What do you think the probable outcome would be if someone started telling him that’s she’s perverted and bringing up incest and bestiality to prove their ‘point’.

Is that the way people should conduct themselves? Honestly?
Who has suggested any of this? Are you just creating a strawman?
And it’s such a risibly nonsensical viewpoint that responding to it only grants it some faux credibility.
Your assertions have somewhat less credibility.
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They don’t have deep intellectual thoughts about “incongruity” when they’re looking at another gay man they find sexually attractive.
I don’t think it’s either deep or intellectual to see what is plain. But I also think it may be less than entirely honest to insist “nothing to see here”. Perhaps after a while though, what was plain to see no longer is. 🤷‍♂️
But I think it does switch the onus on who must now make the case of morality.
The “benefits” suggested to arise from homosexuality do not as far as I can tell rely on same sex sexual relationships. At most, they may rely on an absence of opposite sex interest, where no question of morality arises.
Give me a break, Rau. How many times have you seen people bringing up what they consider to be comparative cases and raising incest and bestiality as part of an ‘argument’.
Me, never. And as I said, those engaged in the discussion here have not done that - I don’t know why you raise it.
Wha…? Just scroll up a few posts Rau. I mean, for heaven’s sake. I don’t think I have ever taken part in a discussion about ssm or gays in general on this forum without someone bringing up bestiality or incest.

And I am the one suggesting that conversations in this forum should be nothing less than a discussion that you would be prepared to have face to face in a social setting. That is not happening. At least in the social circles in which I get involved.

I actually have a neice who is gay. And I do not agree with all the choices she has made because of that. But I am quite prepared to listen to reasoned and reasonable arguments about the situation. As I have with family and friends’ discussions about the matter. But I am not prepared to have anyone at all insinuate that the choices she has made are in any way comparable to that which I have just mentioned.
But I am not prepared to have anyone at all insinuate that the choices she has made are in any way comparable to that which I have just mentioned.
Understandable. Perhaps take that up with those having raised the things you mentioned.
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But I am not prepared to have anyone at all insinuate that the choices she has made are in any way comparable to that which I have just mentioned.
Understandable. Perhaps take that up with those having raised the things you mentioned.
If I thought it would it would do the slightest bit of good, Rau…then I would. Many years of experience has taught me not to waste my time.
Does homosexual behavior (as opposed to sexual apathy for females) in such a context reduce, increase, or have no affect on stability? I would think it reasonable to say it increases stability.
Why would it increase stability? Some approaches may be sharply rebuked. Others would seem to be of no consequence to the population as a whole.
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… it would be better to admit that all arguments against gay sex are ultimately based on religious beliefs and then take it from there.
Not all arguments against gay sex are religious. The perversion of the bodily parts in the act itself creates a health danger to those bodily parts and the elevated promiscuous behavior of MSM relative to non-MSM increases the spread of the associated diseases.
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent an incredibly diverse community. However, these men are disproportionately impacted by syphilis, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
While your post demonstrates your aversion to the perversion of bestiality and incest, you reject the same sentiment in other’s aversion to homosexual acts as perverse. Again, I ask on what principles (or teaching, if you like) do you argue in support of your position.
Is that your point: those who engage in homosexual acts do so because they follow a different teaching? If so, what is the teaching? Or are they simply antinomian?
Rather than nonsensical arguments that suggest that it’s not a great idea just to ‘do what you want’ or that this piece of bodily architecture must only be used in certain prescribed ways, it would be better to admit that all arguments against gay sex are ultimately based on religious beliefs and then take it from there.
Upstream I repeatedly posted non-religious foundational observations for sexual morality. It wasn’t really even an argument as such, it was a set of observations.
Yet, when you and others are asked to respond, you reflex to “religion!”.

Why do you stand on a religious soapbox when someone wants to have a reasoned discussion?
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… it would be better to admit that all arguments against gay sex are ultimately based on religious beliefs and then take it from there.
Not all arguments against gay sex are religious. The perversion of the bodily parts in the act itself creates a health danger to those bodily parts and the elevated promiscuous behavior of MSM relative to non-MSM increases the spread of the associated diseases.
There is no more “health danger” associated with gay sex in itself than what there is with straight sex. If two gay men are in a lifelong monogamous relationship, there is almost zero chance that either one will get an STD or spread one. It is promiscuous behavior and unprotected sex that increase the risks of STDs, not “perversion of bodily parts in the act itself.” Straight people are also quite capable of getting and spreading STDs when they are promiscuous and practice unprotected sex.
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There is no more “health danger” associated with gay sex in itself than what there is with straight sex. If two gay men are in a lifelong monogamous relationship, there is almost zero chance that either one will get an STD or spread one. It is promiscuous behavior and unprotected sex that increase the risks of STDs, not “perversion of bodily parts in the act itself.” Straight people are also quite capable of getting and spreading STDs when they are promiscuous and practice unprotected sex.
Please read the articles as the conclusions drawn from both studies disagree with your opinions.
There is no more “health danger” associated with gay sex in itself than what there is with straight sex. If two gay men are in a lifelong monogamous relationship, there is almost zero chance that either one will get an STD or spread one. It is promiscuous behavior and unprotected sex that increase the risks of STDs, not “perversion of bodily parts in the act itself.” Straight people are also quite capable of getting and spreading STDs when they are promiscuous and practice unprotected sex.
Please read the articles as the conclusions drawn from both studies disagree with your opinions.
How does the study you posted disagree with what I said? It doesn’t have anything to say about the health consequences of being in a lifelong monogamous gay relationship. If gay men had lifelong partners and no sex outside that one relationship like some devout Christians, there would not be any risks of STDs.
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They don’t have deep intellectual thoughts about “incongruity” when they’re looking at another gay man they find sexually attractive.
I don’t think it’s either deep or intellectual to see what is plain. But I also think it may be less than entirely honest to insist “nothing to see here”. Perhaps after a while though, what was plain to see no longer is. 🤷‍♂️
Most gay men haven’t been hanging around CAF and learning about the Catholic perspective on sexuality, so what might seem plain to you is not necessarily plain to others. When the feelings someone has feel as natural and normal to them as breathing, they’re probably not going to notice the “incongruity” you speak of.
They don’t have deep intellectual thoughts about “incongruity” when they’re looking at another gay man they find sexually attractive.
I don’t think it’s either deep or intellectual to see what is plain. But I also think it may be less than entirely honest to insist “nothing to see here”. Perhaps after a while though, what was plain to see no longer is. 🤷‍♂️
Most gay men haven’t been hanging around CAF and learning about the Catholic perspective on sexuality, so what might seem plain to you is not necessarily plain to others. When the feelings someone has feel as natural and normal to them as breathing, they’re probably not going to notice the “incongruity” you speak of.
Perfectly understandable. Two things would be helpful for this issue in our culture, one from each “side”:

1 acknowledge that relationships of all kinds can have good things about them, even life-long committed goods, even when they are not fully unitive and procreative. If my gay neighbors love one another and are committed to live their lives this way, I have to respect them as persons.

2 acknowledge that the marriage of man and woman is unique, complementary, and essentially human in a unique way that no other relationship can ever be. This requires abandoning the pretense that gay relationships are “just like” the marriage of a man and woman. They simply are not, and pretending otherwise is counterproductive for everyone. This does not have to detract from respect for gay couples.
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How does the study you posted disagree with what I said? It doesn’t have anything to say about the health consequences of being in a lifelong monogamous gay relationship.
The above is not what you posted.

You claimed:
There is no more “health danger” associated with gay sex in itself than what there is with straight sex.
The study showed the opposite.
Results—Sexual debut occurred earlier among MSM than heterosexuals. MSM reported longer cumulative lifetime periods of new partner acquisition than heterosexuals, and a more gradual decline in new partnership formation with age. Among MSM, 86% of 18–24 year olds and 72% of35–39 year olds formed a new partnership during the prior year, compared to 56% of heterosexual men and 34% of women at ages 18–24, and 21% and 10%, respectively, at ages 35–39. MSM were also more likely to choose partners >5 years older and were 2–3 times as likely as heterosexuals to report recent concurrent partnerships. MSM reported more consistent condom useduring anal sex than heterosexuals reported during vaginal sex.

Conclusions—MSM have longer periods of partnership acquisition, a higher prevalence of partnership concurrency, and more age-disassortative mixing than heterosexuals. These factors likely help explain higher HIV/STI rates among MSM, despite higher levels of condom use.
Also, you claimed:
If two gay men [or heterosexual man/woman] are in a lifelong monogamous relationship, there is almost zero chance that either one will get an STD or spread one.
The assertion is meaningless for two reasons. First, it equally applies to both heterosexual and homosexual active individuals – the study does not address what is axiomatically true. And second, the study shows that gay lifelong monogamous relationships are not the norm but rare.
It is promiscuous behavior and unprotected sex that increase the risks of STDs, not “perversion of bodily parts in the act itself.”
Two separate claims above. The first, again, is not instructive as promiscuity and unprotected sex in both heterosexual and homosexual individuals increase risk of disease. As to the second, the CDC in the study does report that the incidence of disease in the body parts misused by homosexuals increases:
New CDC analysis suggests gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are at increased risk for extragenital STDs [i.e., chlamydia or gonorrhea in the throat or rectum] (April 11, 2019)
How does the study you posted disagree with what I said? It doesn’t have anything to say about the health consequences of being in a lifelong monogamous gay relationship.
The above is not what you posted.

You claimed:
There is no more “health danger” associated with gay sex in itself than what there is with straight sex.
You didn’t read what I wrote. I very purposely added the words “in itself.” That is to say, there is no STD risk associated, for example, with anal or oral sex by themselves. The risk comes from having sex with someone who has an STD and there are ways to avoid having sex with someone who has an STD. One way is to be in a monogamous relationship with someone who doesn’t have an STD. And it doesn’t matter how rare this kind of relationship is in practice in the gay community (and it’s not as rare as you might suppose). The fact is that anal and oral sex does not cause STDs and many straight couples also have this kind of sex. Those sex practices are hardly exclusive to gay men. The STD is caused by a virus or bacteria that is transmitted from someone who has that STD and it can also be transmitted during regular heterosexual intercourse. The virus or bacteria doesn’t care whether it’s infecting a throat or a woman’s private parts. I’ve been in a monogamous relationship with my partner for more than 20 years and have never gotten an STD from him.

In my opinion, the homosexuality = disease argument is in the same category as the arguments that Freddy brought up which equate it with bestiality and incest. All of them are used to bash gay people.
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… it would be better to admit that all arguments against gay sex are ultimately based on religious beliefs and then take it from there.
Not all arguments against gay sex are religious. The perversion of the bodily parts in the act itself creates a health danger to those bodily parts and the elevated promiscuous behavior of MSM relative to non-MSM increases the spread of the associated diseases.
And neither are you reading what I am writing. I said that the arguments are based on religious beliefs. Meaning that if your specific religion did not teach that gay sex was immoral you wouldn’t need any arguments at all against it.

And trolling the internet to find what you consider to be damning evidence against gay men having sex (again, nobody seems to bother about the women) is a complete waste of time for you as it doesn’t lead to the point you then make and nobody reads them anyway for the same reason.

You seem to think that showing that some men having sex (again, no women - but feel free to waste some more time finding some comparable information on them) leads to stds. It seems to me that the church has decided that gay sex is immoral in itself and doesn’t depend on the relative risks in that act. But let’s continue and take this particular argument to its logical conclusion. Which is 'gay sex is wrong IF it results in an std. Else why post the link that tells us just that?

So the blazingly obvious, undeniable and irrefutable conclusion from that is that gay sex which cannot cause an std is not wrong. Except you want to skip that as it counters your religious beliefs. So you take the huge leap away from any logical position whatsoever and declare that if some men (still no women) get stds then all men must be prevented from having gay sex.

I could spend a few minutes while my coffee is brewing digging up some links that show that some women are bad drivers and cause a greater proportion of accidents than men. So taking a leaf from from your playbook I could then suggest that all women must be prevented from driving. I could but I’d be leaving myself open to ridicule.
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They don’t have deep intellectual thoughts about “incongruity” when they’re looking at another gay man they find sexually attractive.
I don’t think it’s either deep or intellectual to see what is plain. But I also think it may be less than entirely honest to insist “nothing to see here”. Perhaps after a while though, what was plain to see no longer is. 🤷‍♂️
Most gay men haven’t been hanging around CAF and learning about the Catholic perspective on sexuality, so what might seem plain to you is not necessarily plain to others. When the feelings someone has feel as natural and normal to them as breathing, they’re probably not going to notice the “incongruity” you speak of.
Perfectly understandable. Two things would be helpful for this issue in our culture, one from each “side”:

1 acknowledge that relationships of all kinds can have good things about them, even life-long committed goods, even when they are not fully unitive and procreative. If my gay neighbors love one another and are committed to live their lives this way, I have to respect them as persons.

2 acknowledge that the marriage of man and woman is unique, complementary, and essentially human in a unique way that no other relationship can ever be. This requires abandoning the pretense that gay relationships are “just like” the marriage of a man and woman. They simply are not, and pretending otherwise is counterproductive for everyone. This does not have to detract from respect for gay couples.
Well put. Who is going to deny either point?
Why do you stand on a religious soapbox when someone wants to have a reasoned discussion?
Because all the arguments against gay sex are based on the religious teachings of your church. It says that God doesn’t want it to happen. Let’s face it, if there was zero mention of homosexuality in the bible or if it was entirely indifferent to it then arguments about disease or the natural compatability of various body parts wouldn’t be needed.
Why do you stand on a religious soapbox when someone wants to have a reasoned discussion?
Because all the arguments against gay sex are based on the religious teachings of your church.
Well, no they are not.
It says that God doesn’t want it to happen. Let’s face it, if there was zero mention of homosexuality in the bible or if it was entirely indifferent to it then arguments about disease or the natural compatability of various body parts wouldn’t be needed.
Not so.
Been so many threads I can’t remember where I made the case from common sense, or natural law, or sane observation (pick whichever language you find easiest to parse…). I think it was upstream here.

“Hey look, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west”

"Religious pre-supposition ! Bible ! "
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