I believe to simply look at the problem as dealing with the body and soul is to leave out the most important part, namely the Spirit. In First Thesalonians 5,23 the prayer is that the very God of peace will sanctify you Holy, that He presurve your whole Spirit. soul and body blamless unto the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A Christian who looks at him or herself as only body and soul is like Martha and Mary after Lazarus laid down for 4 days. Marha and Mary are symbols and types of bodily and soulical nature, but Lazarus is a symbol of the Spiritual life in what Jesus came to restore after four thousand years of mankind living in darkness and dead to the things of the Spirit. Jesus came to give us a portion of God’s Holy Spirit to be married to our souls that our souls may know the resurection power of God’s Spirit dwelling in us. Jesus comand, to the Lazarus nature, he gives us at baptism is to come forth and be lossed and let go. In contrast much of the so called Christian living is no different than the superficial religion of the pharisees who Jesus condemned as the worse of the worse sinners. Jesus said to Nicodemus “You being a teacher in Israel and you do not understand when is say you must be born again”, The Apostle Paul said"Eye has not seen and ear has not heard". Paul made the comparison of those who walk in the natural and those who walk in the Spirit.
Those who walk in the Spirit see the natural order but more importantly see the things of the Spirit.
When Adam and Eve ate of the forbiden fruit of the Knowledge of good and evil, it was the natural eye that was opened but what is not said hear, because the natural mind would not get it, is this, that the Spiritual eye became closed at the same time.
Before they saw the Glory of God in themselves and every living thing but after they only saw it in a dim image in the natural.
I had a near death experiance at age 7 and the first thing I noticed as my soul temperarily left my body was the Glory that was in and arounded everthing. The eyes of the flesh can not see what only the Spirit can. That is why sciptures says that flesh and blood can not see God.
After The Blessed Virgin Mary recieved the Holy Spirit into her womb and the Body of Jesus began to form, it is interesting that the first two people she meet where filled with the Holy Spirit. The baby in Elizabeths womb lept for Joy having been filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb as it was prophecied he would be and Elizbeth filled with the Holy Spirit said “Blessed are you among women and Blessed is the fruit of your womb.” The first Eve gave us the fruit of war “Cain” and rebellion against God but this New Eve gave us Peace on earth and good will toward men by restoring our relationship with God through His Holy Spirit.
Before this time prophets and Kings would have the Holy Spirit rest on them and this would accomplish God’s will for the time but after Mary said " I am a servant of the Lord let it be done unto me according to thy will" everything changed. No longer was God to come and leave us but He was here to stay and not only in a superficial way but to live in the very hearts of men and women who believe in the Savior.
Sometimes I wonder if we had our left side sexual organs removed before we try to have children, if our offspring we be Republicans?
Sorry bad joke! God Bless