How can people say homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone

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Again, I never called his motives evil, you did. I said what he was doing was wrong. I never went so far as to say it was evil. The fact that you identified it as evil, lets me know that you not only agreed with my assessment of his actions [being wrong] but you identify him as the enemy.

If you’re saying my judgment was rash you’re also guilty of the same? Wouldn’t that make sense.
I may have not been clear about my earlier statement but I made it clear on this one. Although now that I reconsider … I do see anyone who tries twisting the bible or Church teaching, an enemy, of the Church. No I do not see human beings as the enemy. You should ask what I think instead of presenting speculation about me as fact.
Once we start seeing people, human beings, as “the enemy”, we’re on a very dangerous path.

From reading parts of this extremely long, circular thread, I get the impression that you see any and all kinds of disagreement as an attack on the Catholic faith. Think again. Your original post had nothing to do with the Catholic faith, and everything to do with fallacious argumentation often seen from the theoconservative camp.

The arguments against your position have been well phrased, repeatedly, by everything from orthodox Catholics to non-Catholics. I severely doubt that any of them are of ill will, evil intent or anything of the like. It is quite possible to have honest disagreements, especially on subjects such as this, and this does not in itself imply malicious intent.

I would recommend that you stop seeing people as “the enemy”, and instead see them as God’s creation, His children, who are all equally loved by Him.

I also recommend re-reading the Catechism. To several of you. It is worrisome when non-Catholics have a better understanding of what the Church teaches, than some who identify as orthodox Catholics.
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
Once we start seeing people, human beings, as “the enemy”, we’re on a very dangerous path.

From reading parts of this extremely long, circular thread, I get the impression that you see any and all kinds of disagreement as an attack on the Catholic faith. Think again. Your original post had nothing to do with the Catholic faith, and everything to do with fallacious argumentation often seen from the theoconservative camp.

The arguments against your position have been well phrased, repeatedly, by everything from orthodox Catholics to non-Catholics. I severely doubt that any of them are of ill will, evil intent or anything of the like. It is quite possible to have honest disagreements, especially on subjects such as this, and this does not in itself imply malicious intent.

I would recommend that you stop seeing people as “the enemy”, and instead see them as God’s creation, His children, who are all equally loved by Him.

I also recommend re-reading the Catechism. To several of you. It is worrisome when non-Catholics have a better understanding of what the Church teaches, than some who identify as orthodox Catholics.
Wait what part of Church teaching did I not understand? I need to know just for future reference.

I know I said we hate homosexuality (in the Catechism that word meant the act) and some thought I hated the disorder and therefore the people with it
because parents already selectively abort (either through IVF in the West or blatantly in the East [and a small bit in the West]) based on gender and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that abortions based on sexual orientation would be a high proportion of abortions if a gay gene was found.
That is not good news at all. It would be terrible, just terrible to abort someone because of that.

If only people knew how powerful of a sin abortion is…
Here is an excerpt from another post of mine that clearly explains how homosexuality hurts people:

(With the acceptance of homosexuality) traditional forms of affection between the same sexes have to be modified in order to not have the appearance of being sexual.

This is only a logical outcome of course the reason being in traditional societies physical public affection between a man and a women are frowned upon, after all we are sexual beings and we know that men are attracted to women and vice versa and can easily be tempted (in fact the Bible says it is good for a man not to touch a women) so when a new component of sexual desire is added to a society, the natural reaction will be to apply the same standards of acceptable public displays. This of course is to ensure public displays of affection, ranging from interactions between complete strangers to family/friends, are devoid of sexual innuendo.

Furthermore, in the same way an available women could limit displays of public affection between herself and men this has become necessary for men given the probability that they might meet another man who is interested in them sexually. As homosexuality permeates society this becomes more pronounced of course. A perfect example of this phenomenon would look at how an attractive women would act in public with men in which she is not interested. Now men must take the same approach. This will of course completely undermine same displays of sex affection in public because it is no longer safe. This completely undermines the camaraderie that this type of affection builds and is clearly apparent in Western society which has embraced homosexuality, as opposed to more traditional Latin American societies which haven’t reached this level of saturation of homosexuality and as such displays of same sex affection are much more common. I know because I live in a Hispanic country.

The increasing suppression of demonstration of public affection not only undermine camaraderie it also denies society of a very important element of same sex affection that is devoid of a sexual component, as is seen in the Bible and Latin American countries. This may not affect persons of stable mind and adequate formation, on the other hand persons who are socially inept and children who come from broken families are the most affected because this same sex expression of love is essential to their mental well being and for children, development.

In fact, in my research it is common to see young men with low self esteem have conflicting sexual desires and either do not have a father figure or have a cold father who does not give them the very essential emotional affection they needed. In fact in my own case my father was an alcoholic and cold. In other words as these young men grow up without this essential same sex bonding they can become confused as to the reason for this longing and interpret it as something sexual. St. Paul speaks about the fact that a weak persons mind is easily defiled and with so much homosexualization of society many young adults with low self esteem and almost non existent same sex bonding are convinced this essential need for same sex bonding must be sexual.

This is the reason why homosexuality is so treacherous for society and why God has never tolerated it - it completely undermines the important same sex affection that is important for the proper development of children and also acts as a buffer for individuals that are socially needy.
Here is an excerpt from another post of mine that clearly explains how homosexuality hurts people:

(With the acceptance of homosexuality) traditional forms of affection between the same sexes have to be modified in order to not have the appearance of being sexual.

This is only a logical outcome of course the reason being in traditional societies physical public affection between a man and a women are frowned upon, after all we are sexual beings and we know that men are attracted to women and vice versa and can easily be tempted (in fact the Bible says it is good for a man not to touch a women) so when a new component of sexual desire is added to a society, the natural reaction will be to apply the same standards of acceptable public displays. This of course is to ensure public displays of affection, ranging from interactions between complete strangers to family/friends, are devoid of sexual innuendo.

Furthermore, in the same way an available women could limit displays of public affection between herself and men this has become necessary for men given the probability that they might meet another man who is interested in them sexually. As homosexuality permeates society this becomes more pronounced of course. A perfect example of this phenomenon would look at how an attractive women would act in public with men in which she is not interested. Now men must take the same approach. This will of course completely undermine same displays of sex affection in public because it is no longer safe. This completely undermines the camaraderie that this type of affection builds and is clearly apparent in Western society which has embraced homosexuality, as opposed to more traditional Latin American societies which haven’t reached this level of saturation of homosexuality and as such displays of same sex affection are much more common. I know because I live in a Hispanic country.

The increasing suppression of demonstration of public affection not only undermine camaraderie it also denies society of a very important element of same sex affection that is devoid of a sexual component, as is seen in the Bible and Latin American countries. This may not affect persons of stable mind and adequate formation, on the other hand persons who are socially inept and children who come from broken families are the most affected because this same sex expression of love is essential to their mental well being and for children, development.

In fact, in my research it is common to see young men with low self esteem have conflicting sexual desires and either do not have a father figure or have a cold father who does not give them the very essential emotional affection they needed. In fact in my own case my father was an alcoholic and cold. In other words as these young men grow up without this essential same sex bonding they can become confused as to the reason for this longing and interpret it as something sexual. St. Paul speaks about the fact that a weak persons mind is easily defiled and with so much homosexualization of society many young adults with low self esteem and almost non existent same sex bonding are convinced this essential need for same sex bonding must be sexual.

This is the reason why homosexuality is so treacherous for society and why God has never tolerated it - it completely undermines the important same sex affection that is important for the proper development of children and also acts as a buffer for individuals that are socially needy.
I disagree completely.
Here is an excerpt from a post that clearly explains how homosexuality HELPS people:

In fact, in my research, I have met many kind, loving couples, gay and straight who are pillars of their community. They love their neighbor as themselves, they help those in need, and most importantly they love their children and want to make the world a better place for them.

So as mentioned before, it is absolutely a truth that 2 gay people can fall in love and gasp actually want to stay together in sickness and in health, good times and bad. Their being gay is completely **irrelevant **. It doesn’t matter if that couple is in a platonic relationship, sexual relationship, or all of the above, they should absolutely be able to live together, get married, and do everything other couples do. Why is this idea so hard to grasp? To even comprehend?

Now, let me ask you, in a civil way this question: If homosexuality is, and I’m going to quote you right now so that everyone may hear your answer, if homosexuality is so treacherous for society and why God has never tolerated it - it completely undermines the important same sex affection that is important for the proper development of children and also acts as a buffer for individuals that are socially needy. What should we do about it?

If this is the case, do you believe homosexuality should be a crime? After all, you just said God has never tolerated it and it’s treacherous to society? So say you are now President, what do you do? Please, I’m all ears, and I’m sure all of my friends, Gay and Straight are listening to you right now.
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