it seems there are many people who go there, or may go there, who are really not all that bad. They just organized their lives, and chose behaviors that they didn’t want to give up,
Yes, you know that, and I know that, but what of, for instance, the young person who goes off to college, or goes off to the big city and has some “freedom” for the first time in their life? They’re not bad people. They love their mom and dad, they do nice things for people, they do 5K runs for charity, they give blood, they have a good heart. They just want to party, and stay out late, and do a little sexual experimenting when the opportunity arises, maybe move in with their lover, and just “have a good time”. They’ve always been taught right from wrong, but darn it, they’re too busy having fun. You’re only young once. They love God and all that, but they “need their space”, they “need their freedom”. They’ll settle down one day, just not yet.
And then they’re killed instantly in a car wreck one night. No chance to repent. No chance to receive the sacraments.
Not my idea of a hardened sinner, just a kid enjoying the “party life” as so many millions do…
…but what then?