humble spirit:
i like what bertrand russel says that jesus was morally corrupt since he said that there was ahell,no good person would say such a yhing.and everlasting hell torment.i arecommend free thinkersd every where to read bertrand rusels book why i am not a christian.he makes alot of sence christianity is for weak minded people.people who r very ignorant.we owe it to humanity to search deeply for the right answers, and not rely on fables and myths.
God is infinitely good and merciful - therefore, there is a Hell for the impenitent. We are not forced to love God - but if we reject God, we have only ourselves. Forever. Without love - we will have rejected God, and where God is rejected, love is rejected. To force us to love God, would be cruel, and God is not cruel. Besides, love cannot be forced - love is either freely given, or not goven at all. Eternal lovelessness and loneliness and self-hatred is all that will remain to us - that is Hell. “Hell is the enjoyment of your own way for ever” - not even God will interfere to stop us doing our own will. We will be left alone - just as we insisted And that too is Hell.
Of course we are weak-minded
. We are think, like Russell, that the human condition is wretched and doomed to futility. We know that (see Romans 8.19 onwards). But we also know that there is a way off the “rock of unyielding despair”, to use Rusell’s words. Because despair is not what we are made for - God in Christ has given us hope in Him instead; we would be fools not to escape when escape is offered. So we are not left stranded, or despairing.
Our faith may be a myth - but it is far more heartening, far more fruitful in goodness, far profounder and rich in ideas, than despair is. Despair is a very great evil - goodness is not evil
And goodness points back beyond itself, to God the supremely Real and supremely Good. In fact, strictly speaking, God alone is
really Real,
really Good. Our myth is not a myth - it is a true myth, the Myth that actually happened. It is the only thing that has happened, really. We are mere fables in comparison with the solidity of Christ. He is the story-teller - we are characters in search of our Author.
Russell’s philosophy has produced no wars of religion, true; but neither has it produced any Saints. And the Saints in Catholicism are a rebuke to the evil done as a result of Catholicism: our sins are condemned by the very religion that is blamed for them.
BTW: God can’t be proved - God can be known only by faith and hope and love. We swim, only by swimming; not by reading books about water and the physics of water. So with God; we must love God, in order to be able to love God, and so as to find out Who God is. And that we learn from Jesus Christ, Who shows what God really is. He shows us God’s Life in action; because He knows it from His own experience. So He shares it. But we won’t receive it, if we insist on refusing it. We can blind ourselves to God if we really insist. But we must take the consequences of doing so, and not be “weak-minded”. ##