How Can We Have Pro Abortion Nuns?

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From Matt Abbot today:

Catholic and pro-life activist Darla Meyers sent me a notice that Sisters Brigid and Jane McDonald, CSJ, will be speaking on “Living Non-Violence in a Violent World” at a conference at St. Patrick Church in Hudson, Wis. (a parish in the Diocese of Superior) on Feb. 19.

On the surface, it looks fine. But these nuns are notoriously left-wing, believing, among other things, that legalized abortion is “crucial,” though they are supposedly “troubled” by abortion itself.

In addition, Sister Jane has been quoted as saying, “Catholicism is oppressive. I’ve become less shackled since I’ve discovered the gift of the Goddess. I’m much closer to earth and animals. My God was too small, microscopic. I feel I’ve gotten reeducated about spirituality.” She also said, “Get rid of the Roman collar, clericalism, the pope. Jesus would be the first one to say so.”

Oh, yes, lest I forget, I should mention the good sisters are very much against war. Imagine that!

Don’t believe me? Take a quick look at the following lengthy 1999 article in City Pages (the above quotes are from this article):
Does Sr. Jean even bother to call herself Catholic? And if so, why hasn’t her superior or bishop done something about this?
More “social justice” from the tired old cadaverous crowd. Again, 1968 has passed and they are still fightin’ “the man”. In the mean time, all the dissent from the moral law has driven our society to worship abortion, contraception, “gay” sex, fornication and intense disobedience to legitimate authority.

Who carries more blame, these tired old women or those in charge of them who never corrected them years ago?
I have a book called UnGodly Rage that deals with this phenomenon.These people are intent on destroying the Church,goddess worship,wiccans welcome to worship in “their” way.I had to take breaks from the book every so often,because of the diabolic nature of it all.This is truly sad.God Bless
HagiaSophia said:
. . . . In addition, Sister Jane has been quoted as saying, "Catholicism is oppressive. I’ve become less shackled since I’ve discovered the gift of the Goddess. I’m much closer to earth and animals. My God was too small, microscopic. I feel I’ve gotten reeducated about spirituality.

It would appear that “the good sister” has become a heretic. I’m not really surprised. The world is awash with casuists busily proving that black is white, and more and more are falling into their trap.

Broad is the path, etc.

But “Give not up thy soul to sadness.” Just keep in mind that “To bear the burden of the world there is the Lord.” Evidently He has some plan.

More “social justice” from the tired old cadaverous crowd. Again, 1968 has passed and they are still fightin’ “the man”. In the mean time, all the dissent from the moral law has driven our society to worship abortion, contraception, “gay” sex, fornication and intense disobedience to legitimate authority.

Who carries more blame, these tired old women or those in charge of them who never corrected them years ago?
That’s the issue. These are women who ‘came of age’ in the 1960s and really never progressed. I think they are well meaning but very misguided, worshipping that old mantra “Question authority” even if that authority is the Pope.

I don’t believe in blind, stupid obedience but clearly these women have really not looked into the violence of abortion. Good grief they are worried about some munitions plant when during an hour long sit there are human lives being destroyed?

Lisa N
To which order did they belong? Perhaps a few written protests are in order…
Lisa N:
Good grief they are worried about some munitions plant when during an hour long sit there are human lives being destroyed? Lisa N
So very true. They may deserve more pity than righteous anger.
More “social justice” from the tired old cadaverous crowd. Again, 1968 has passed and they are still fightin’ “the man”. In the mean time, all the dissent from the moral law has driven our society to worship abortion, contraception, “gay” sex, fornication and intense disobedience to legitimate authority.

Who carries more blame, these tired old women or those in charge of them who never corrected them years ago?
My heart aches at the damage these women do to women and girls with their false ideological promises. Rather than condemn the bad actions of bad men, they condemn God’s Church and the family, which is to model the Holy Trinity.

Young girls in elementary and high school get sucked into their perverse teachings and, if they are not rescued by the grace of God, swiftly are physically, spiritually, and/or mentally scarred for the rest of their lives.
Don’t forget the damage done to men, too, Brad.

How many men are scarred by these teachings as well? How many get defensive, angered, deeply hurt at the emasculation of men and the masculinization of women? How many men and women have bought into the idea that women can “do it all” and then are angered and frustrated when a particular woman, man, or couple find out that she, he, they CAN’T do it all?

It’s a tragedy for all of us, men and women alike, and our children as well.
To which order did they belong? Perhaps a few written protests are in order…
The CSJ would indicate that they are Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. They are “probably” based out of St. Paul where they operate the College of St. Catherine which might be the largest all-woman’s college in the US right now. I don’t believe that Orthodoxy is a strong suit at St. Kate’s.

I just heard last Saturday from somebody who should know that a huge percentage of the Order is over 70 years of age.

For some strange reason, they don’t seem to be attracting any converts. :rolleyes:

Any complaints to the Order would probably just result in more “atta-girls” for these two nuns.

A lot of priests, brothers and nuns believed a lot of rumors that came out of Vatican II. There were going to be wonderful changes!

I wasn’t paying attention at the time, so I can’t vouch for this. But three of my friends from college days did pay a lot of attention. And they feel hurt and betrayed that the changes that they thought were coming out of Vatican II did not happen, and in fact, now the tide seems to be swing back towards a much more orthodox church.

Cardinal Ratzinger was deemed a “progressive” at the time and his “apostasy” back to orthodoxy really upsets them.

My position on a lot of these changes always was a little more pragmatic. When you’re a member of a 2,000 year old organization, you don’t just change direction just because a bunch of people think it’s a good idea.

The Church has survived, by the grace of God, and by going slow when society has changed. It has not jumped on the bandwagons of every movement to come down the pike.
This is what I found in the bulletin. Is anyone familiar with this keynote speaker and is the same conference the Sisters are speaking at?
…for February 19th. The Social Concerns Committee is sponsoring a workshop on LIVING NON-VIOLENTLY IN A VIOLENT WORLD.
**Date: **Saturday, February 19th.
**Time: **8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
**Keynote Speaker: **Tom Thibodeau Viterbo University, LaCrosse, WI.

**Breakout Sessions:
  • **Peace-Making & Political Power
  • Civility in Our Society
  • Creative Peace-Making
  • Violence of Poverty in St. Croix County
Tantum ergo:
Don’t forget the damage done to men, too, Brad.

How many men are scarred by these teachings as well? How many get defensive, angered, deeply hurt at the emasculation of men and the masculinization of women? How many men and women have bought into the idea that women can “do it all” and then are angered and frustrated when a particular woman, man, or couple find out that she, he, they CAN’T do it all?

It’s a tragedy for all of us, men and women alike, and our children as well.
As a man, perhaps I’m a little harder on myself and have less sympathy. It does do serious damage to both genders but I hold men accountable to lead when it gets tough and, generally, they have failed.
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