If one is interested in knowing the truth, one listens.Do you love your family? Could you be happy knowing that they are being horribly tortured and suffering in ghastly pain? No, I suspect not. Since Christians are told to love their neighbour, then everyone in hell is every Christian’s neighbour. People you love are being tortured. You are forever separated from those people you love as they suffer.
Are you happy?
“where” is a wrongly put question. You are asking for a description of nirvana, and all descriptions of nirvana are incorrect.
Consider the possibility that Buddha caught a glimpse of heaven.
All descriptions of Nirvana are not incorrect; they are descriptions.
As such they signify, they point to the Reality.
Do not pretend to understand heaven.
I must say that you are a poor apologist for Buddhism.
You actually sound like an atheist in Buddhist clothing.