From a realist perspective, a false sense perception is corrected with another more accurate sense perception. This is because as humans we are part of and directed toward understanding reality. All things tend towards their nature and that includes human nature, which, among other things, consists of sense perception.
I like the way Dr. Mortimer Adler explains this:
“Except for the mental act of perception, all other acts of the mind, such as imagination, memory, and conception, present us with objects concerning which we must ask whether, in addition to being objects of the mind, they also exist in reality. But in the one case of [sense] perception, we cannot separate our having the perceptual object before our minds from asserting that it also really exists.
If that were not the case, there would be no distinction between hallucinating and perceiving. Hallucination is pathological. Normal perception is always the perception of something that has existence in reality.” (Adler’s Philosophical Dictionary)
With hallucinations, there is no object present at all, or objects that are present are embellished in way that do no correspond to any of their attributes in reality. Hallucinations, then, are not perceptions, and there is no apparent reason to think they will tell us anything about how sense perception actually works.