How clean do you keep your house?

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  1. Presidential visit ready.
  2. Clean but not perfect.
  3. Okay, but wouldn’t want visitors to see it.
  4. Messy, enter at your own risk.
I have to admit to being a #3 most of the time. :o
Definitely 2 - I don’t desire to be 1 and I fear being 3 or 4 when I have more kids.
Della said:
1. Presidential visit ready.
2. Clean but not perfect.
3. Okay, but wouldn’t want visitors to see it.
4. Messy, enter at your own risk.

I have to admit to being a #3 most of the time. :o

I believe my house is number 2 but I have this horrible feeling that it is really OK…see, because my niece and nephews are in my home most of the time, and I have pets (still have the two cats), my home is decorated in early kids and is pet friendly…so to MY eyes it is clean but not perfect but I’ll bet I have had some visitors that have just shaken their heads and thought :eek: .
Well if I know that you’re coming, it will be very clean and neat. If you just happen to drop by unannounced, it might be messy :rolleyes:
OOOHHHHH! You got me! But you missed a crucial point. It isn’t usually the whole house. The main floor is usually presentable (aside from dog-hair tumble weeds), but if you go in the basement you are in very real danger from possible avalanche.
It is definitely a 3 most of the time, but lately it’s been spending more time in the 2 category. However, I have an excuse!!! We moved 2 months ago 😛 That’s an excuse, isn’t it? Well… I like to think it is! The problem is that we have decorations everywhere and need to figure out where to put them, and our office is the glorified landing strip for everything without a home yet. But other than that, it’s a 2.
I guess around 2. I really do try to keep it clean, it is much easier and takes less time to do it that way than spend days cleaning up after not cleaning at all for a week or two.
OOOHHHHH! You got me! But you missed a crucial point. It isn’t usually the whole house. The main floor is usually presentable (aside from dog-hair tumble weeds), but if you go in the basement you are in very real danger from possible avalanche.
That is sooo funny!!! Because that is or was our basement until it got flooded about 1 year ago and we were forced to throw just about everything out. Boy did the garbage people have a job on their hands. The flood turned out to be quite a blessing for us, cause now we have a clean basement.
I forgot about out basement, which is a mess, although not as big a mess as it was. We too had a flood, but from a broken water pipe. It’s a raw space with cement floors and block walls. It going to be some time before we do any major redo of it, though because there are other areas that need updating first. All I want is a clean area in which to do laundry. The rest is for my dh to do his projects and storage. Anyone who owns a house knows that there are always things that need to be repaired or redone. It’s neverending, really. :eek:
Anyone who owns a house knows that there are always things that need to be repaired or redone. It’s neverending, really. :eek:
Yes, whenever I need to fill out an application that asks for Hobbies and other interests I put “Home improvements”.
(aside from dog-hair tumble weeds)

Here we call those “dust-buffalos”😃 (way too big to be simple “dust-bunnies”)

To answer the original question, I would have to say our home hovers between 3 and 4, and that is without children! We do have a cat and a dog though.

I do my best to keep a clean kitchen as messy ones drive me nuts. But things like floors and walls tend to get done on a less than regular basis. It also depends on the room. Main floor is kept semi-presentable in case of unexpected vistors, but the computer room and master bedroom are messy.

I just can’t seem to keep up.

I’m a certified clean freak nut. I could never go to bed or leave the house with a dish in the sink and I drive my husband bonkers because if we’re going on a trip and everyone is loaded up & ready in the car, I’ll be inside doing a final vacuum. I don’t care one bit if someone else’s house is clean or messy… I don’t even notice - but my own I’m pretty picky about.
carol marie:
I’m a certified clean freak nut. I could never go to bed or leave the house with a dish in the sink and I drive my husband bonkers because if we’re going on a trip and everyone is loaded up & ready in the car, I’ll be inside doing a final vacuum. I don’t care one bit if someone else’s house is clean or messy… I don’t even notice - but my own I’m pretty picky about.
Uh…how do you feel about helping out a sister-in-Christ…you know, nothing heavy duty…maybe come on over for lunch some time and bring the vacum???
Sometimes 2, most times closer to 3. When my health got worse (I have fibromyalgia and other things) my standards went downhill. I like to keep the clean-up areas clean, so try to keep up with the bathrooms and kitchen. I scoop the kitty litter a couple of times per day. I ask the grandkids to put their toys away before they leave, so that means they are piled on shelves instead of littering the floor.

My problems are clutter–the incoming mail, magazines and newspaper. Last but not least the laundry, I wash it but I haven’t trained it to fold itself and jump back into the drawers and closets yet. 😃

This past year for Valentine’s day we were moving into our house so my husband had a cleaning service clean the kitchen and bathrooms. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated that. 🙂
Della, I fluctuate between 2 and 3 and every now and then dive down to four .
Between #1 and #2 only because I have a cleaning lady now! Just too much for myself while my hubby is away. In reality, I’m a #4 and just get overwhelmed by the cleaning.
Another thing is decor and furniture placement. Our house is quite tiny–it’s under 1000 sq. feet. So, every inch is important. One little thing out of place and it looks bad. I can’t keep up with everything all the time, especially when my dh just leaves things wherever he happens to put them down and would never think of putting the thing away even if he continually trips over it. (Our home office is messy beyond belief, although it is a bit better than it used to me due to me making an issue of it.) I think most men were spoiled by mothers who picked up after them and never expected them to lift a finger. He will help with the dishes and vacuum (I have FMS which makes it hard for me to do the heavier tasks), so he’s good that way, bless him. But, like a good many men he would never initiate any kind of clean up if I didn’t nag him about it. Is this typical for you gals, too?
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