How come religion is always criticized for being "violent" and "oppressive" but atheism is never criticized despite it also being used for violence an

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While most German soldiers (including SS men) were nominally Christians, the “religion” promoted by Himmler was a warped form of German nationalist occultism. He thought that this would awake the " warrior spirit " in his men as they sacked Russia much as the Vikings had done a thousand years earlier.
It should be said though that Hitler found Himmler’s neo-Paganism to be nonsensical, yes?
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It was in the French Revolution. Also, atheistic regimes killed far more people in a century than any theocracy did over the course of a 1000 years.
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It should be said though that Hitler found Himmler’s neo-Paganism to be nonsensical, yes?
No, I don’t think so. Hitler went right along with the Aryan master race idea, especially as represented by those hand picked (at least in the beginning) SS men, those tall, blue eyed, blonde haired German types. Oh, he was always talking about “Divine Providence”, but that’s all it was - just talk.
No, I don’t think so. Hitler went right along with the Aryan master race idea, especially as represented by those hand picked (at least in the beginning) SS men, those tall, blue eyed, blonde haired German types. Oh, he was always talking about “Divine Providence”, but that’s all it was - just talk.
I’m not referring to the SS Aryan racial ideals, I mean the marriage ceremony you described, Himmler’s replacement for baptism, the occult elements he tried to add, etc.
When a religion says it has the fullness of truth, it’s adherents come under scrutiny.
I’m not referring to the SS Aryan racial ideals, I mean the marriage ceremony you described, Himmler’s replacement for baptism, the occult elements he tried to add, etc.
Well, since the all powerful “Fuhrer” never put a stop to such things, he must have been just fine with them all.
Soviet Union, China, and North Korea, and, depending on how you look at it, Nazi Germany as well.
Sorry, but I can list history book after history book to refute this statement.

As for the history of leftists and terror. During the French revolution thousands upon thousands of nuns and priests were slaughtered, entire monasteries made rubble, great art smashed, books burned. Some priests were imprisoned in ships where they were starved to death or died of lack of water; some were stripped naked, tied to a naked nun, and then forced to drown in a river.

In the 1910s the leftist Mexican government shot to death priests and lay Catholics. Look up the Cristero war.

In Spain, the leftists began by attacking statues. Sound familiar? Then during the 1930s leftists crucified one priest, murdered thousands, raped and murdered nuns and Catholic civilians. It was called the Red Terror.

But of course all this pales in comparison to the horror of what the leftists did under Communism to the religious. Here’s a brief collection of books on the subject:
The Plot to Kill God
The Forgotten Catholics of the Soviet Empire from Lenin through Stalin
Night of Stone: Death and Memory in Twentieth-Century Russia
Voices of the Dead: Stalin’s Great Terror in the 1930s
And God Created Lenin: Marxism vs Religion In Russia, 1917-1929
The Devil and Karl Marx
For information on the 150 million slaughtered under Communism - the greatest and bloodiest and worst abattoir in history - see the books Mao’s Great Famine and The Black Book of Communism.
Sorry forgot to add a book on the French revolution and their horrifying attack on Catholicism. Start with The Guillotine & The Cross by Warren H. Carroll
That’s beyond my thought process. I am a non philosopher.

From experience, I’d suggest that honours here at CAF in the ‘understatement/exaggeration’ of both sides in the ‘Red Terror’ v’s ‘White Terror’ debate are about even.
Because the microphones and printing presses are mostly owned by atheists.
Because secular/atheist criticism of religion fits a simplistic and prejudicial narrative that needs to cast people of faith as backward, ignorant, intellectually inferior people.

Atheism needs this narrative to have a sounding board. Granted, no belief system helps it’s own image when it behaves badly or stupidly, whether it be mainstream religion or atheism.
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