If Hell is, at its heart, the experience of being separated from God’s love, then it is hard to imagine how that will be worse than the life here of those who already feel forsaken or unloved by God. Can we feel more forsaken? How could they feel even less loved by God than they do when confronted by His silence in response to their cries and prayers?
Now you might argue that Hell is the feeling of having turned away from God’s love, but that claim is not built on solid ground. If a person spends his life calling out to God in his words and in each waking hour of his heart, and he hears no clear answer in reply, then how in the world can we say he has turned away?
What is left for him to fear at the moment of his death? The knowledge that he will never be able to turn back toward God’s love? That would necessarily imply that he sees, at that point, God’s love, and realizes he will never be able to turn back toward it. Again that suggests a house built on sand, because why would he be allowed to see God’s love at that moment after being blinded to it during his lifetime of seeking?
Even then, at that moment, would he not be better for knowing that God’s love is real than to go on in a world where he has never seen it at all?
Now you might argue that Hell is the feeling of having turned away from God’s love, but that claim is not built on solid ground. If a person spends his life calling out to God in his words and in each waking hour of his heart, and he hears no clear answer in reply, then how in the world can we say he has turned away?
What is left for him to fear at the moment of his death? The knowledge that he will never be able to turn back toward God’s love? That would necessarily imply that he sees, at that point, God’s love, and realizes he will never be able to turn back toward it. Again that suggests a house built on sand, because why would he be allowed to see God’s love at that moment after being blinded to it during his lifetime of seeking?
Even then, at that moment, would he not be better for knowing that God’s love is real than to go on in a world where he has never seen it at all?