I grew up Protestant.
My mother (who grew up Pentecostal) did not believe in bringing babies and small children to church until they were old enough to understand what was going on.
So she taught us about Jesus and the Bible at home until I was 7 years old. I went to church for the first time then, and I loved it and had no problem behaving because I was mature enough to sit still and be quiet, even during the pastor’s 45 minute sermon.
I realize that the Catholic Church includes even babies in the membership roster, but I know that the Catholic church does not OBLIGATE children to be at Mass until they are 7 years old (how did my mother know the right age?! hmmm).
If I had become Catholic when I was young, I would not have brought my babies and toddlers to Mass. My husband and I would have changed off child-care duties and attended Mass separately. I would not be capable of spending my entire Mass shushing babies who don’t understand why they have to be quiet, and corralling toddlers who don’t understand why they have to sit still for a whole hour. I know many people do it with joy, but that’s not me. I don’t mind if others bring their babies and toddlers to Mass, but I wouldn’t do it. I believe strongly in “child readiness,” and I think that everyone, especially the children, are happier if they are exposed to activities and subjects when their minds and bodies are ready. I think they get more out of it.
What I probably would have done is what I did in the Protestant churches–when they were around 3 years old, I started bringing my daughters into the church service for a few minutes (Welcome, Announcements, Greeting each other, Opening Hymn) and then I took them down to the nursery/children’s church. I gradually increased the time that they were in the church service, and by the time they were around 5-6 years old, they were capable of not only sitting still and being quiet, but they could sing the hymns (which I started teaching them when they were just 3 years old) and participate in the Greetings).
I know many Catholics disagree with me, but I am not likely to change my mind. And I would ask Catholics to consider why so many young families stop attending Mass altogether and then never return even when their children are older. The Protestant churches we attended generally had an attendance/membership roster that was 25% former Catholics. Many of them loved our nurseries and children’s church programs. Could this be one reason why people leave Catholicism–because they are weary of wrestling with their children every Sunday (when Holy Mother Church doesn’t even require it!)?
Yes, I do realize that the Mass imparts graces to all who attend, even babies, but I still think that waiting until they are the age that the church suggests (7 years old) is what I and my husband would have done.