How did your parents "control" you at church?

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I remember my mom giving me the bulletin so I could draw on the empty advertisment(is that the right word?) boxes on the last page.
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I used to lean my head against my dad’s shoulder and one time he told me if people had actually listened to what the priest had said during the homily that the whole world would be changed.

He always took us out to eat at a nice restaurant after Mass, too. I liked that.

As I got older, I began to resent being herded into the car along with the rest of the family when getting into and out of the pew with the rest of the family.

Love is never about control. It’s more about respect, and children should be treated with respect - they are people, after all.

My two cents.
Love is never about control. It’s more about respect, and children should be treated with respect - they are people, after all.
Agreed. That’s why it’s in silly emphasis quotes. This thread was inspired by all the other threads grumbling about how parishoners need to control thier children.
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You could provide incentive for them to behave.

“If you behave, then after church I’ll take you out for ice cream. But only if you behave!”
Yum. What flavor? I’m partial to Krispy Kreme’s flavors myself. The promise of those would make me do anything I was asked.
Not sure really. When you are a kid, it didn’t matter. Now, I prefer raspberry.
We were give the “Children’s Mass Book” so we could follow along and they gave us the hymnal so we could sing with them. This is how they taught me to read music.
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