Maybe that’s what you have in Pentecostal theology, but that is not true in Catholic teaching.The word “angel” means “messenger”. Not all of these beings are messengers. The cherubim are the highest and most intelligent. They remain at the thrown of God to give Him worship. When Isaiah saw the thrown of God, he saw the Cherubim and described them for us.
Michael is the head of the waring class of angels. They are God’s army and are responsible for the protection of Israel. These are not called angels, but rather the “Host” of heaven. Their powerful presence has been seen at pentacostal worship services .
Michael is an Archangel. They deliver messages of GLOBAL significance to the people of God. That is why they are named in Scripture.
Michael: Who is like God? He took on Lucifer who would not serve Jesus because he said they themselves were like gods. The universal truth: there is only ONE God. We are all to serve Him.
Gabriel: Delivered the message of the coming of the Messiah. Pretty important for everyone.
Rafael: His message to Tobit was "do not despair. You are not alone. God is with you in everything in your life, no matter how hard it seems. HOPE.