How do Angels perceive us?

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The word “angel” means “messenger”. Not all of these beings are messengers. The cherubim are the highest and most intelligent. They remain at the thrown of God to give Him worship. When Isaiah saw the thrown of God, he saw the Cherubim and described them for us.

Michael is the head of the waring class of angels. They are God’s army and are responsible for the protection of Israel. These are not called angels, but rather the “Host” of heaven. Their powerful presence has been seen at pentacostal worship services .
Maybe that’s what you have in Pentecostal theology, but that is not true in Catholic teaching.

Michael is an Archangel. They deliver messages of GLOBAL significance to the people of God. That is why they are named in Scripture.

Michael: Who is like God? He took on Lucifer who would not serve Jesus because he said they themselves were like gods. The universal truth: there is only ONE God. We are all to serve Him.
Gabriel: Delivered the message of the coming of the Messiah. Pretty important for everyone.
Rafael: His message to Tobit was "do not despair. You are not alone. God is with you in everything in your life, no matter how hard it seems. HOPE.

There is considerable variety among different angelologists as to the specific ordering of the hierarchy or choirs of Angels. The Old Testament mentions only two orders, angels and archangels. St. Jerome, meanwhile, had seven orders; St. Ambrose had nine. The most influential Christian writer in the early determination of the choirs was Dionysius the Areopagite in the 6th century. In his work, the Celestial Hierarchy, he proposed that there are nine choirs: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels. He was subsequently supported by St. Thomas Aquinas who argued further that not only are there nine choirs of angels but that they are divided into three triads, each possessing three choirs and having specific purposes.

The first triad holds the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones, with the object of contemplating the perfection and glory of God. The second triad is made up of dominations, virtues, and powers, and is concerned with the plurality of universal causes, that is they are concerned with the ordering of the Universe (hence they are termed angels of creation). The third triad holds the principalities, archangels, and angels, with the function of ordering specific causes, meaning that they are taken up with the most minute ordering of the universe. One of their chief functions is to care for the welfare of humanity.

Angels cannot become human because they are purely spiritual beings with intelligence and free will. That means they have no bodies and do not depend upon matter for their existence. Humans, on the other hand, are composed of a material body that dies and a spiritual soul that is immortal. Angels are God’s messengers and servants. Humans were created in the image and likeness of God to praise, reverence, and serve him in this life and attain eternal life. While we are different from angels, that does not mean we cannot remember that angels are our friends, helpers, and supporters, most so the guardian angels.
I would like to share a testimony about angels by Judith MacNutt. She explains that we perceive angels in 3 different forms
If humans are ‘above’ the angels, why would we be given the short end of the stick in so many ways, like intelligence, abilities, etc?
The nature of human beings is not above the nature of the angels, in fact, human beings by nature are inferior to the angels. For the angels are pure spirits and thus they are more like to God who is a pure spirit. The natural intelligence of the angels is superior to human beings also for they do not need to reason from principles to draw conclusions such as the human intellect does which advances from one thing known to another by a kind of movement or reasoning process. But from infused universal principles and truths that God created the angels intellects with they straightway behold at once whatever can be known in such principles sort of like a teacher who has a more universal knowledge of his subject than his student.
Michael is an Archangel. They deliver messages of GLOBAL significance to the people of God. That is why they are named in Scripture.
Well Im sure with the world in the condition it is in right now, they are probably pretty busy sending messages…who on earth receives these messages? What was the most recent one?
Well Im sure with the world in the condition it is in right now, they are probably pretty busy sending messages…who on earth receives these messages? What was the most recent one?
We get messages all the time. Many do not heed.
The Archangels are NAMED in Scripture. That’s who I was referring to.
Do you not feel your guardian angel influences you?
Why not? I’m curious.
Important to remember too, while angels and humans are different, angels CAN take on the form of people and actually function like a human, including eating, drinking, etc. being that Gods angels can do this, Im sure demons and satan can do the same.

It is interesting in how they do this though, Id love to know where the actual body comes from they are using when taking human form…where does it go when they leave this realm and return to heaven? if possible, what would a DNA sample look like taken from one of these angels in human form…‘off the charts’ in every way or just a normal person? I realize no one can really know this, just wondering.
Important to remember too, while angels and humans are different, angels CAN take on the form of people and actually function like a human, including eating, drinking, etc. being that Gods angels can do this, Im sure demons and satan can do the same.

It is interesting in how they do this though, Id love to know where the actual body comes from they are using when taking human form…where does it go when they leave this realm and return to heaven? if possible, what would a DNA sample look like taken from one of these angels in human form…‘off the charts’ in every way or just a normal person? I realize no one can really know this, just wondering.
They don’t have a body…they are non-corporal. They take the appearance of having a body so as not to frighten. Different thing entirely.
Important to remember too, while angels and humans are different, angels CAN take on the form of people and actually function like a human, including eating, drinking, etc. being that Gods angels can do this, Im sure demons and satan can do the same.

It is interesting in how they do this though, Id love to know where the actual body comes from they are using when taking human form…where does it go when they leave this realm and return to heaven? if possible, what would a DNA sample look like taken from one of these angels in human form…‘off the charts’ in every way or just a normal person? I realize no one can really know this, just wondering.
As pianistclare noted, the angels assume not real living human bodies but the appearance of a human body. This is the opinion of St Thomas Aquinas. For if the angels assumed a true living human body we might think that the angelic nature has a body like ours, however, they are incorporeal, pure spirits. The angels are invisible to us so they assume a sensible body on their special missions to us so that we can see them. The body they assume may have the distinct appearance to the beholder as only an appearance of a body so that the beholder knows right away that this is an angel or supernatural being in the appearance of a human body. Such may have been the appearance of the angel Gabriel to our Blessed Lady at the Annunciation. The assumed body may have the appearance that the beholder thinks the angel is a mere human being such as the apparition of the angels to Abraham at Mamre in Genesis 18 where Abraham did not recognize his visitors as angels at first.

Aquinas is of the opinion that the bodies the angels assume is formed by the angels from the condensing of air which when condensed can be shaped and colored as appears in the clouds. And when the angels disappear immediately, the air is rarified in which it becomes invisible to our sight. In Aquinas’ time, only four sublunary elements were recognized, namely, fire, earth, air, and water. Apparently, they thought that clouds were condensed air which changed into water when rain fell. According to our present knowledge of clouds, we would say that clouds are condensed water. Notwithstanding this difference, if we follow Aquinas’ thought, in his opinion, the angels assume real material bodies (but not the nature of a real human body but its appearance) by their manipulation of the elements maybe by condensing both air and water and/or other elements into the shape and color of a human body and its parts which upon the angel’s disappearance, the elements are rarefied. The angels know and understand the structure and natures of the things of the universe and how they work much better than we do and they can manipulate it by divine power according to God’s designs.
If humans are ‘above’ the angels, why would we be given the short end of the stick in so many ways, like intelligence, abilities, etc?
Probably we lost it after original sin, the Angels did not rebel against God, the others unfortunately followed Lucifer, decision made, like hell for us there is not getting out. As for us being above the Angels it’s not like in an earthly way, it’s a bit like mutual respect, they would be offended if they weren’t serving us.
They are servant’s of God, but not in a bad way, they feel joy when they carry out the commands of their Creator. Lucifer decided not too, therefore we know the rest. I heard it said that Angels don’t cry like humans & wish to feel this emotion, anyway if we get to Heaven, we shall be above the Angels.
I don’t think it’s true that we’re in any way above the angels, even in Heaven. They’re of an entirely different hierarchy of Creation. They are far wiser, more intelligent, and more holy than we are, particularly when we are on Earth, but they are of a different nature and purpose than we are entirely.
The word “angel” means “messenger”. Not all of these beings are messengers. The cherubim are the highest and most intelligent. They remain at the thrown of God to give Him worship. When Isaiah saw the thrown of God, he saw the Cherubim and described them for us.

Michael is the head of the waring class of angels. They are God’s army and are responsible for the protection of Israel. These are not called angels, but rather the “Host” of heaven. Their powerful presence has been seen at pentacostal worship services .
This is not in accordance with Catholic teaching. It may be taught by Pentecostals, but Catholicism has different teachings.

The angelic choirs are the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels, in order of rank from highest to lowest. Most sources generally assume that St. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are all Seraphim, of which there are seven total. If you’re referencing the part of Isaiah that I think you’re referencing, I believe Catholic tradition holds that Isaiah saw Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones.

St. Michael has the title of “Prince of the Heavenly Host.” In Catholic tradition, he is the leader of all the Choirs of Angels, including Seraphim. He is also associated with escorting the souls of the deceased to Heaven, and is considered the special patron of the Chosen People, as well as the Catholic Church.
Speaking of Angels perceiving us, here is a little question about how we perceive angels.

I know that the Church only officially recognizes the names of 3 archangels. Is it permissible to think upon the names of the other 4?

This person seems to think so:

Might be a waste of time, but this person is convinced that Popes and councils once recognized the names of them, and there is indeed a Catholic Church in Germany with an alter to each of the seven.

She claims that each archangel is the patron saint of a sacrament, but am not sure her basis for it. It seem quite orthodox and “truly Catholic” far removed from those “books of angels” that new age psychics and diviners are so fond of.
Speaking of Angels perceiving us, here is a little question about how we perceive angels.

I know that the Church only officially recognizes the names of 3 archangels. Is it permissible to think upon the names of the other 4?

This person seems to think so:

Might be a waste of time, but this person is convinced that Popes and councils once recognized the names of them, and there is indeed a Catholic Church in Germany with an alter to each of the seven.

She claims that each archangel is the patron saint of a sacrament, but am not sure her basis for it. It seem quite orthodox and “truly Catholic” far removed from those “books of angels” that new age psychics and diviners are so fond of.
I will speak for myself when I say that the best route to take is to obey the Church and just use the names of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. We already have a treasure box of helps to aid us on the way to salvation!
I will speak for myself when I say that the best route to take is to obey the Church and just use the names of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. We already have a treasure box of helps to aid us on the way to salvation!
Absolutely true!

I just wondered if thoughts about the names undeclared “arch” angels were permissible, just not known enough for the Church to make a declaration on. I see they are unnamed for a reason.

The person who made the site seems quite pious and spiritual, but a bit misguided:blush:.

This is good to know:thumbsup:
Probably we lost it after original sin, the Angels did not rebel against God, the others unfortunately followed Lucifer, decision made, like hell for us there is not getting out. As for us being above the Angels it’s not like in an earthly way, it’s a bit like mutual respect, they would be offended if they weren’t serving us.
By nature the angels are above us (their angelic nature is more exalted that ours, more powerful than ours, their intelligence are far superior to ours etc.)

But in the order of grace, we are higher because we have been redeemed by Christ, God made man. We can received His Body and Blood. “If the Angels could be jealous of men it would be for one reason - Holy Communion.” (A Saint said that, St. Kolbe or St. John Vianney perhaps?)

We are a new creation in Christ. We are “partakers of the Divine nature” as 1Peter says.

So our human nature is lower than the angelic nature in the order of creation.
But in the order of the RECREATION i.e. the order of grace won for us by Christ’s redemption, we are exalted above the Angels.

Speaking of Angels perceiving us, here is a little question about how we perceive angels.

I know that the Church only officially recognizes the names of 3 archangels. Is it permissible to think upon the names of the other 4?

This person seems to think so:

Might be a waste of time, but this person is convinced that Popes and councils once recognized the names of them, and there is indeed a Catholic Church in Germany with an alter to each of the seven.

She claims that each archangel is the patron saint of a sacrament, but am not sure her basis for it. It seem quite orthodox and “truly Catholic” far removed from those “books of angels” that new age psychics and diviners are so fond of.
I would stay clear of that site and any attempt to name the other spirits that stand before the throne of God. A Priest told me that Uriel was thought to be the angel of death.

Don’t invoke the angel of death 🙂

I think it’s safe to follow popular piety but I don’t think the names of other angels are in popular piety. I just would be hesitant to adopt anything that never seemed to make it beyond that particular church in germany… erected only 250 years ago… That’s just me
By nature the angels are above us (their angelic nature is more exalted that ours, more powerful than ours, their intelligence are far superior to ours etc.)

But in the order of grace, we are higher because we have been redeemed by Christ, God made man. We can received His Body and Blood. “If the Angels could be jealous of men it would be for one reason - Holy Communion.” (A Saint said that, St. Kolbe or St. John Vianney perhaps?)

We are a new creation in Christ. We are “partakers of the Divine nature” as 1Peter says.

So our human nature is lower than the angelic nature in the order of creation.
But in the order of the RECREATION i.e. the order of grace won for us by Christ’s redemption, we are exalted above the Angels.

Very clear…thank you!
It’s the funniest thing. In the last few days I have found an archangel who has really struck a chord with me: St. Raphael:

He seems like a very warm and kind being. Based on the account of him in the book of Tobit ( and what he is the patron saint of) he seems like a very approachable entity, the opposite of the cold but courteous beings I thought angels to be. Even by the standards of angels and saints he seems quite friendly and personable!
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